Funzine - Patience everyone

Some of you know I have always been near the edge, so my going over should not be
a "big" surprise.
My Outlook Express died on me, and I spent three days doing everything short of
reformatting my computer....Yesterday, I gave up and did it......I, of course, have a
terrible has been 5 years, and I can't find anything.  (Anyone have a crack
for Namo?) The hurricanes and moving 3 times since then has made finding discs, etc
almost impossible.  My son would help, but today is Fantasy Football Draft day......
Like that is important.........shhhh don't tell him I said that.....LOL
So, until I am up and running, smoothly, there will be no issues...........I would say give
me a couple of days.......Since I lost everything, in my files, as you can imagine, I will
have to get all new "content"....I was able to save my Adult Cartoons.....but nothing
Hang in there, Dear Sweet Members, I will be back.
Owner of
BTW, my site is still up there........hooray!

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