
I'm sick and f*cking tired of the Democrats trying to put a positive spin on the election of Donald Trump. Saying he didn't win by a majority, didn't win by that much, pointing to minor victories in Congress and the states... The Democrats got their ass SPANKED! And this spin is just further evidence how out of touch the DNC, elected officials and left wing commentators are. If you can't admit your faults, if you can't analyze your loss, how in the hell are you going to adjust for changing conditions and succeed the next time around?

Yes, when it comes down to the issues, most people are aligned with the left. They want abortion rights. They want the protection of the rights of minorities. But those weren't the foremost issues in the election.

Have you ever been broke? I have, and when that's the case money is all you can think about, 24/7. Anyone who romanticizes the life of a starving artist has never been one. You can't even create, you're so freaked out. And my worst times were when the economy was considered to be raging. But not for me!

So the stock market is up. You can point to the increase in jobs, how America is doing better harnessing inflation than the rest of the world. And that does nothing for me when I go to the market and I see the high prices. And when I mention this, you don't acknowledge my pain, you just tell me I'm wrong and to get over it. That's a winning strategy?

As for the border... It's a problem, we can argue how big a problem it is, but one thing is for sure, Biden was not aggressive in handling it.

And why should we trust these people at all, they're the same ones who told us Old Joe had all his marbles and could sail through a presidency as leader of the free world into his middle eighties. God, my inbox is full of nitwits telling me they had some aunt or uncle who lived to a hundred with all their marbles. And yeah, my father died at 70. And by time she was in her middle eighties, my mother was repeating herself. Talk about a refusal to acknowledge science. The left cherry-picks and is in many ways as bad as the right. And it's the educated left that has contempt for doctors and Big Pharma. Get ill and they'll tell you to employ homeopathic remedies first.

Yes, leaving out personalities, looking at the issues, the Democrats should have easily won the election. But Harris couldn't even bring out as many people to vote for her as they did for Old Joe. And it wasn't even Covid times anymore. People were just not excited, they were disillusioned. But if you dared to say a single negative thing about Harris you were a sexist hater.

Sam Harris did a good podcast on this. It wasn't that America was not ready to elect a woman, they weren't ready to elect THIS woman, and to beware, if we don't get it right Candace Owens could be president in the future.

But those on the left may not even be aware of Owens. Because if it's not in their anointed media, it doesn't exist. But how can you win if you do not know the enemy?

People hate the Democrats. I'M A DEMOCRAT and I hate the Democrats. If Chuck Schumer is your point person... God, you might as well concede before the war begins. He doesn't know how to amp it up, never demonstrates any passion, this is the guy you want to lead the charge?

Give Gavin Newsom credit, he read the tea leaves, he just went to red counties and said he got the message, and will adjust his leadership accordingly. I don't hear Harris giving any mea culpas. Nor anybody who worked with her. No, it's not Harris's fault she lost. That's orthodoxy on the left. And that's positively INSANE! I don't like Trump having access to the nuclear button, but I can't say I was confident that Harris had the chops. Sure, she's smart. But I didn't see a wealth of experience and competence running world affairs, even national affairs. At least Josh Shapiro and Gretchen Whitmer run states, mini national governments.

So Harris was perfect! And therefore the Trump voters must be guilty. Stupid. Ignorant. Can't they see the truth? Maybe it's the Democrats who can't see the truth! For a party that considers itself to be a big tent, it's amazing that most people are not let inside. Man, god forbid you mess up someone's pronouns. Sure, people are entitled to dignity, but is this the main issue in our country?


Wipe out the DNC, get new blood. When a team has a bad year they don't go into the next with the exact same people. They fire the manager/coach. Bring in some ringers. Maybe even hire a new GM with a different philosophy.

But so far in the Democratic party it's been hosannas. It's like nursery school, no one is at fault, no one is to blame, everyone keeps their job.

Did you see Donna Brazile on Bill Maher last night? Listening to her you'd think the Democrats triumphed on Election Day. Don't they get it, spin doctors don't resonate anymore. Yeah, you're on the team, you're dyed-in-the-wool, you're not to be believed.

Just like the celebrities out for Harris. We don't hear the Democrats saying this was a misfire, only independents and the right. Celebrity has changed in America. Jake Paul means more than half of the performers trotted out at Harris events. But he's not in the "Times" so he doesn't count. Because don't you know, social media is the devil!

But social media is where people get their information. Don't decry it, don't you get your info at school or work, it's the same damn thing, and also sometimes wildly inaccurate.

And if Trump could lie constantly and win...

Why is that?

Well, people are voting on emotions. And when it comes to emotions and perceptions facts oftentimes don't matter. People want someone who excites them... Hell, the rock stars of the sixties and seventies built their careers on lying, with publicity stunts, and the music industry is all about proffering false "facts." The show that's sold out is not. The album that had a certain level of success did not. But the rules should be different in politics?

And an outside agitator, Elon Musk, swayed all those voters?

God forbid you show some testosterone on the left. It's all namby pamby, you don't want to hurt anybody's feelings. God, the Democrats are a sexless party. We're all screwing all the time, but it's taboo on the left because the guy isn't doing it right, not asking the right permission. Sure, there are bad actors, and they should be held to account, but not every male in America. Men are the enemy? Where is that a winning strategy?

This election illustrated that conventional wisdom was b.s. The public isn't concerned with DEI. I've got to tell you, it's always white people who reach out and tell me something I'm saying is racist or sexist, doing the work of parties who don't feel offended.

You're offended right now! Don't you see you're helping the enemy Bob? No, I'm just speaking the truth, and you can't handle it.

We don't have a person/candidate on the left who is 3-D like either Trump or Musk, no one to get behind and believe in. We've got some soft intellectuals, but nobody willing to yell and blow the doors off the enemy! And one thing about Trump and Musk, they mix it up constantly. And when you do this sometimes you get it wrong. But the left is in constant referee mode, looking for faux pas, when what happened yesterday isn't even remembered today.

The Democrats LOST! Period. By how much is not even relevant. Think about all those people who voted for Trump, you need a good chunk of them to be on your side to win in the future. How are you going to do that, by continuing to demonize them, telling them they're wrong?

And this left wing circle jerk... It's like a cult, everybody trying to convince themselves things aren't that bad. BUT THEY ARE!

Things change, constantly. The election just brought to the forefront issues that those truly paying attention were aware of. But to know this...you have to interact with the other side, you have to listen to them. You don't have to necessarily agree with them, but if you don't know where they're at, you're never going to win, because you need to capture hearts and minds to win.

Everywhere there are articles. The NYT. The Substackers. As if they can't admit they were wrong. It'd be laughable if there wasn't so much at stake.

How did the Democrats lose the workers, the blue collar? Why don't we start there. The left used to own these people. But now that they're Republicans, the left calls them losers.

And feel that Blacks and Latinos who voted for Trump are traitors, who betrayed their skin color. So I'm my skin color first?

And the left is the party of the pro-Hamas demonstrators on campus? We can argue all day long whether there should be a ceasefire. how the war should be prosecuted, but Hamas is a terrorist organization that does not tolerate gay people and so many more...and we're supposed to respect these protesting lunatics?

I mean sometimes you just have to speak English.

And sure, Trump didn't always do this. But he was a cartoon to begin with. And what worked for Trump doesn't necessarily work for anybody else.

The DNC... It's like bringing the '85 Bears out of retirement, telling Ditka to coach. Hell, even Bill Belichick lost his job. Just because you won in the past does not mean you can win in the future. But Old Joe said he wanted to finish the job. Yeah, and let's bring Jim McMahon, who suffers from brain damage, back to be QB. Even Tom Brady retired. But no, not Old Joe!

So many mistakes were made. And to think it's about running the same playbook and trying to win an extra vote here or there is a flawed strategy. The Democrats need a rewrite. Not only did Trump win, but both houses of Congress are controlled by Republicans.

This is a shellacking, don't claim otherwise.

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More Adolescence

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