
Does the election of Trump mean America is not as antisemitic as the media tells us it is?

Then again, there was that pesky march in Charlottesville, with the perps claiming they didn't want the Jews to replace them. That was news to me, I mean how many Jews are there? If you're thinking about someone replacing you, don't you mention...

You can't mention anyone at all. Because the left wing police will breathe down your neck.

Now if you're of a certain age, you were brought up with tales of concentration camps, you heard "Never Again." But now it's happening again.

It was unfathomable to me as a child. Didn't anybody know, why didn't they do anything?

Well, I was at the Los Angeles Holocaust Museum and they had reprints of newspapers from the war and it was astounding to find so much of the Germans' efforts to first marginalize the Jews, then ship them off and kill them, was in the news.

And still, no one did anything. After all, it's not you, you're not in danger. No one would really do that, right?

And then there was Munich in '72. All those Israeli sportsmen assassinated. Big news back then, but it all seems to have been forgotten today, lost to the sands of time.

Today Jews are seen as they always have moneygrubbers, as the other, troublemakers. They just don't know how to fit in and be like the rest of us.

So Biden and Kamala couldn't formulate a proper Israel/Gaza and now Lebanon policy. Their instincts told them to let the Israelis fight it out, but the Squad was against them, they had to be nice to the Muslims, they didn't want to look like Trump, and on campus, amongst the elite...

There was this concept of oppressed and oppressor. The Palestinians had nothing, the Israelis had tech, even an Iron Dome protecting them from missiles, it was an unfair balance, things needed to be equalized.

But this left out the position of the Palestinians, who have never wanted equalization, but EVERYTHING! All the land, the Jews gone, just like in the rest of history.

I mean the Jews have this one little country, the size of New Jersey, and that's too much. It was desert, they improved it. The land the Palestinians have is not improved. This is not equitable!

And this lens paralyzed those on the left.

And now this pogrom happens in Amsterdam.

At first blush it just appeared to be post football hooliganism. Not uncommon in the U.K. and Europe. After all, a guy supporting the wrong team was nearly beaten to death at Dodger Stadium.

But it turned out there was more to the story. They were chasing these Jews. To the point where some jumped in the canals for safety. The supporters of the Israeli soccer team, unafraid to show their affiliation, were targeted and...

That's the story all over the internet today. How these attacks were PLANNED! And we live in the digital age, there are SCREENSHOTS!

But the major news outlets are still waiting for more information, as a misperception takes hold. This was not a minor scuffle, this was an ATTACK!

But we've got to report with equanimity. Fair and balanced is our motto.

So... There's no outrage, just reporting. This contributed to the election of Trump, the lack of outrage in big media. The newspapers were so busy trying to appear unbiased, that they normalized Trump. I mean how bad can he be if everybody isn't truly freaking out? The press kept itself at a distance. Saying it was not their job.

Then what is their job? To be afraid of retribution like Jeff Bezos, who immediately kissed Trump's ass after his victory was declared?

Bezos sacrificed all his credibility. As did the WaPo. And it's nearly impossible to earn back. One small faux pas, and you're history.

But when it comes to Jews...what does it matter?

Do you think I'm gonna put a Mezuzah on my door? Do you think I'm going to advertise I'm a Jew? As I mentioned previously, after I moved to a house in Santa Monica someone spray-painted "Jew" with a Jewish star underneath on my garage door. As shocking as the image was, what completely confounded me was, HOW DID THEY KNOW?


Is it open season on Jews?

One thing that has come out online, anyway, is that the Mossad warned the Amsterdam authorities, who ended up doing nothing. I don't want to step out on a limb here, but if it had been another minority would there be the same lack of action?

So where does this leave me, my loved ones, my people?

It's been all Trump all the time, People crying in their beer. Prognostications as to his future administration.

Meanwhile the world marches on. Time hasn't stopped. People are still living, news is still being made. But Amsterdam is not the headline on any news app as I write this, not the NYT, WaPo, WSJ or LAT. I mean who cares about the Jews? Once again, if it had been another ethnic group...

I'm afraid. I'm shook. I'm keeping one eye open. Because if they can do it in Amsterdam without serious consequences, they can do it in the States too.

All based on Israel's retaliation to the October 7th Hamas attack. We were the aggressors in the Middle East, we were not defending ourselves, but the Israelis, they're not allowed to fight back? Or only fight a little bit?

Reminds me of when immigrants open a corner store. You like that they sell you pickles. Clothing. These were avenues Jews entered because they were locked out of professions.

Good for the little people.

But then they weren't so little. These tiny shops turned into edifices, and that wasn't fair. Ever notice that the number one pariah on the left is a Jew? That's right, George Soros. Of all the billionaires to attack, isn't it interesting that this one is Jewish? And who's going to come to the rescue of the Jew, who is going to defend the Jew?

Sure, we had Schindler, kudos, but most people shrug, it's not them, they don't want to get involved.

But this is me. And all the b.s. the right has claimed about the left has turned out to be true. The indoctrination on campuses. Did you read the report on the spring protests on Ivy League campuses, the one about UCLA? Positively horrifying. The university brass was so afraid of offending Palestinians and their supporters that...they blinked and didn't do almost anything. They had to appear fair, to the point where Jews could not even make it to class, where Jews on the UCLA campus were interrogated whether they were Zionists.

This all happened here.

So if there's one silver lining of Trump's election it's that at least he's strong on Israel. The left is so afraid of conflagration they abhor all fighting. But sometimes you have to pick up arms. No one wants death.

So most people aren't looking for the news in Amsterdam. They don't have passports, they don't plan on going, it's all happening in a land far, far away.

And the funny thing is after 10/7 immigration to Israel from the U.S. has INCREASED!

You know why?


Israel is the last stop. I don't plan on going, but it's good to know there's somewhere they will take me, where we can all fight back.

Because sometimes you just have to.

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