The Election

It should not be this close.

Not that it's over. We mut remember 2018, when we went to bed and thought the Democrats had done poorly, but in the ensuing days found out the opposite.

But if Harris loses...

We have to blame Joe Biden, and the DNC.

When Joe Biden announced that he was stepping down, I instantly took to my computer and wrote that Kamala Harris should not be the candidate. My inbox went BERSERK! I have never seen so much vitriol in response to any piece I have ever written.

Now when I wrote it, I didn't know that the selection of Kamala Harris was a fait accompli, I held out hope for a runoff process, a shortened campaign, amongst all those who wanted to throw their hat in the ring. As did James Carville and Ezra Klein. I was not out on the precipice alone.

But instantly there was a tsunami of support for Harris. And, once again, I couldn't say a negative thing about her, whether it be in print or conversation. I was taking all the air out of the bubble, I was Debbie Downer, can't we just enjoy it, she's so fabulous, she's going to win.

And if you go back to that July 21st article, and you can right here...

""No to Kamala":

You'll find that I had three main points:

1. How poorly Harris did in 2020.

2. She's cold.

3. She's tarred by Biden's record.

I thought it should be Whitmer or Shapiro. They'd be fresh meat, they wouldn't be blasted on immigration, accused of doing little. There would not be talk of the national economy... It would be a fresh slate.


Everybody on the inside knew better, and their minions agreed with them.

God, it reminds me of nothing so much as Napster. The record industry was disrupted and didn't see it coming and wouldn't admit internet distribution of music was the future. The industry kicked and screamed, sued its own customers, until Spotify came along fifteen years ago to save the industry from a death spiral.

Interesting. Shawn Fanning and Daniel Ek. Both considered pariahs by musicians today.

Let's see... There was a great story in "The New Yorker" a few years back about how ideas are in the air. Darwin had a competitor. And that person could have been the household name. Music was coming to the internet, Napster was just the first step.

But if you listen to the Democrats, the internet is the enemy. You don't hear Donald Trump and Elon Musk telling people to put down their smartphone. And while the Democrats kept saying it was about the ground game, Trump had little and as of this writing he's winning.

Not that the losing team will accept any blame. Will endure a postmortem. I don't expect a Capitol riot by the Democrats, a denial of the results, but I do expect them to blame Trump's voters for their ignorance, exculpating themselves from any and all blame.

When in truth they're the enemy, they're the problem, they're the fault.

Let's be clear, if Trump succeeds, it will not be about his winning strategy, but the Democrats' losing one. They handed it to him on a platter.

They kept on telling struggling Americans that the economy was good. Despite the entire nation being hurt by inflation.

And Trump may lie 24/7, but at least he knows it's all about perception. The truth is secondary.

So what happens now?

I live in the excoriated California. Which most of the nation has been convinced is a hellhole, with swarms of homeless people. Think about that, the homeless people got SMART! They left New York and Chicago and their bitter winters, they escaped the heat and humidity of the south to come to a place where the weather is always good. The fact that all the homeless came to L.A. is an indication of the health, the bona fides, the sheer greatness of the city. Is homelessness a problem, does it need to be addressed? Absolutely! But our nation has flipped. Everybody's out for themselves. And, if you don't obey the orthodoxy of the left, you're done for.

So we can get abortions in California. Unlike in North Carolina, builders didn't lobby elected officials to build on floodplains. We keep hearing about all those damn regulations. Believe me, you want those regs during an earthquake.

The pronouns. The trigger warnings. The pro-Palestinian nonsense.

John Oliver did a whole piece on Sunday trying to convince Muslims to vote for Harris, even though she had a different vision for the Middle East than the one they wanted. How myopic, and how antisemitic. What about speaking to all the Jews who voted for Trump because he was strong on Israel?

Don't go tit for tat, don't tell me about Trump's position on Ukraine.

But if you're working hard to make ends meet do you want to listen to college graduates who make more money telling you how to live your life? Not accepting that things aren't fantastic, despite the market soaring and soaring?

I'm just angering the same people convinced Harris was the one.

As for Walz... Turned out to be the biggest boondoggle of the campaign. Sure, he was warm and fuzzy, but watching the debate you could never say you wanted this guy a heartbeat away from the presidency.

Not that Kamala has shown a ton of leadership experience, which Whitmer and Shapiro have done.

Now in the coming days there's going to be a lot of analysis of Kamala's projected loss. And one thing is for sure, those involved won't accept blame. They just can't believe that they are the problem.

But they are.

We were told we had it in the bag because of women, who would come out in droves because of abortion.

That hasn't happened. Just like no one seems to vote for a Democrat for fear of having a new Republican Supreme Court justice. And now RBG's entire legacy has been tainted, she was selfish. Politics is a team sport. And Biden? He was one step into the grave right in front of our eyes, but he and his team still thought he should continue running. Don't tell me to deny what I see with my own vision.

So what happens now?

I don't want to fathom it.

But I'm angry at the holier-than-thou people who keep shutting me down and who refuse to address the underlying issues. And Joe Rogan agreed to interview Harris, but she couldn't go to Austin to see him, she'd rather spend time in Bucks County. Didn't they realize how many people Rogan speaks to? This again is the fallacy. That it's all about retail politics, one on one, but that went out with the last century. Once again, we live in a digital world, and you exploit online. Hell, X/Twitter has become Trump central. Democrats just complained. Republicans can get their minions not to drink Bud Light, but the left can't even get all their people to go to Threads, or some other social media platform.

The problem is you. Yup, you. You thought you knew better. People can't make it on minimum wage, all the manufacturing jobs were shipped abroad and these workers are now doing service jobs, and I'm not saying Clinton shouldn't have signed NAFTA, but there was no provision for the people who were squeezed by it, no way to bring them back into the economy with good jobs.

The Democrats remind me of all those people who can't stop bitching about Ticketmaster, even though the tickets are expensive because that's how the acts like them, and you're paying the freight. If people can't get it straight about this simple concept, understand where the fees go, what are the odds they can truly understand why Trump can win? No, they'll just assign blame and wash their hands.

The future keeps rolling down the pike. You must adjust for it.

The Democrats are living in a fantasyland, whether Harris wins or not.

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More Adolescence

People want to TALK about it! Now you know what it was like going to the movies in the late sixties and seventies. It was not high concept...