🧡 Spiritual AND practical? 🧡

Hi Friend-

I see that you haven't joined the Hi-Fi course yet, and I get it — it's a big decision!

I've been fielding some questions from other folks just like you, and I wanted to share my answers in case they resonate with you...

Bear in mind: Registration closes at 5pm EST this Friday, January 27th, so there are only 5 days left to book your spot.

Okay, here we go:

Is Hi-Fi too "woo-woo" for me? If you're receiving this email, there's a good chance you're already relatively familiar with my work. And Hi-Fi is exactly as woo-woo as I am, and as the most recent episodes of my Hurry Slowly podcast are. In my opinion, all journeys of self-awareness and conscious-raising are inherently spiritual. I think that what I bring to the table in terms of this course is that it's spiritual and pragmatic at the same time. I want to give you practical ideas, tools, and rituals that you can use to reconnect with your deepest knowing. You could think of Hi-Fi as "out there" meets "actionable." ; )

Can you really help me access my intuition? That seems a bit far-fetched. Fair question. I actually explain the philosophy behind Hi-Fi — and my philosophy behind unlocking your intuition — in this mini-podcast about how being in a constant state of anxiety can suppress your intuition. In it, I share my belief that most of our intuitive blocks are the result of anxiety accrued from years of overwork, self-criticism, and creative misalignment. The tools and techniques I share in Hi-Fi are designed to help you to peel away those old anxieties and bring toxic thought patterns into consciousness, so that you can more easily access your intuition. For a fuller explanation, and more on my own journey, listen to "Anxiety vs Intuition."

What if I can't attend some of the live events? Will it still be worth it? All of the talks and the integration sessions will be recorded and made available for video and audio replay. That means if you miss something, you'll have the option of rewatching it on video or listening to it like a podcast. And those replays will continue to be available to you for three months after the course finishes on March 11th. So you will have lots of options for digesting (or revisiting) all of the Hi-Fi content at your own pace. The curriculum also includes weekly journal prompts and "tune-in rituals," which are a crucial part of the work, and are all self-guided.

What will I walk away from Hi-Fi with? What kind of tangible results can I expect? As I said earlier, Hi-Fi has a strong focus on pragmatic tools. I, myself, am an incredibly practical person — almost to a fault. So I want to offer you real ideas and tools that you can immediately put to use in your life. And I can honestly say: The most common thread across all of the feedback I've gotten from past Hi-Fi participants is about its lasting practical impact on their lives. 

A few of the kind things past participants have said:

"Hi-Fi was a life-changing experience. I walked away with rituals I still hold dear today and I plan on practicing for the rest of my days. Thanks for sharing mindful coping methods that keep us hopeful in an ever-changing and uncertain world." —Timea

"Hi-Fi was an exquisite, wise, life-affirming, and wondrous thing. I can vividly remember how I felt when I first tuned in. How you gathered us all up, took us by the hand — and heart — and led us through such a special, nourishing, uplifting experience." —Alice

"Taking the course was a true gift, both in the grounding community and the tools it provided during a chaotic year, but also in the continuous ways it's stuck with me and inspired some major life shifts. The tools you provided have been a lifeline during the most challenging season of my life thus far, and I'm very grateful for them." —Lucy

I hope this email answers any lingering questions you may have about Hi-Fi. 💓

If you're ready to book your spot, you can register here.

Much love,

Hi, I'm Jocelyn, the human behind this message. I created the Hi-Fi and RESET courses based on my research and personal experience. I also host Hurry Slowly — a podcast about personal and collective transformation. You can contact me at any time by replying to this email. 🤓
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PO Box #832
Woodstock, NY 12498

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