when the twin towers were attacked the left
told us not to judge all Muslims by the actions of
a few ,,,So why are they judging all cops for
the actions of a few

welcome to:

Now a days, the beloved cartoon "Tom and Jerry" will contain
warnings on media platforms like Itunes and Amazon. Said
cartoons will carry a warning that such would be considered
to possibly be racist. The controversy surrounding the reproach is
is the portrayal of the black maid in the cartoons, known as Mammy 
Two Shoes because only her lower half ever appears on the screen. 
Her character, apparently, is nothing more a crude racial stereotype.
'Such depictions were wrong then and are wrong today,' states Amazon.

So there you have it. It was bad enough that you learned you violence
from watching Road Runner cartoons...Now you have discovered where
all your racism comes from....watching Tom and Jerry cartoons!
Y'all baby boomers is just all messed up!

We do hope you enjoy today's issue
Martin aka the postman 

I'm giving up masturbating for an entire month.
Sorry, bad punctuation.
I'm giving up. Masturbating for an entire month.


its hilarious

my name is Harry

the cowboy

the safe

a walk

smart answer

birds sing in the morning

more barbeque sauce

cheer myself up

how do I look

what are you doing

I would do anything

condom commercials

a rough divorce

no rain

Signs That Your Life Is About To Change

10. While watching the news, you spot your
spouse marching in a Gay Pride parade.

9. The bank notifies you that your paycheck has

8. On a densely foggy morning, while driving in
the center lane of a
highway, you suddenly run out of gas.

7. You arrive at your wedding to find, two
ushers, four bridesmaids,
and six pallbearers.

6. You ask your doctor for a physical and he
replies, "I'm sorry, I
don't do autopsies."

5. The IRS invites you to a weenie-roast and the
invitation begins
with "Dear Weenie...".

6. While surfing the internet, you suddenly get
the following
diaglogue box: "ICBM launch successful. Confirm
strike? (Y/N)".

4. You receive an invitation from the Oval Office
to "chew the fat".

3. You hear that your dentist has been arrested
for using radio-active material as tooth-filling.

2. At the vacant house next door, you notice a
U-Haul van and a truck which looks very similiar
to the one on the Beverly Hillbillies.

1. Your twelve-year-old daughter suddenly
develops a craving for
pickles and ice cream.

It was rush hour, and when the bus finally arrived, it was
packed. I tried to force my way on, but no one would budge, although
there was ample room in the back. Then the bus driver took over.
"Excuse me, Ladies and Gentlemen," he shouted. "Will all the
beautiful, smart people please move to the back of the bus, and all the
ugly stupid people stay up front?"

A blind man, deaf man and a lame man went on a pilgrimage to a healing
spring. The blind man washed his eyes with water from the spring and
exclaimed "I can see! I can see!"
The deaf man washed his ears with the spring water and exclaimed
"I can hear! I can hear!"
The lame man drove his wheelchair into the water and out the
other side yelling "I got new tires! I got new tires!"

At a posh Manhattan dinner party, a Latin American visitor was
telling the guests about this home country and himself. As he
concluded, he said, "And I have a charming and understanding wife but,
alas, no children."
As his listeners appeared to be waiting for him to continue, he
said, haltingly, "You see, my wife is unbearable."
Puzzled glances prompted him to try to clarify the matter:
"What I mean is, my wife is inconceivable."
As his companions seemed amused, he floundered
deeper into the intricacies of the English language, explaining
triumphantly, "That is, my wife, she is impregnable!"


bad day at the golf course

got a cook book

childrens books

an emergency call

bored in bed

short adult jokes

company hires a new man

2 bored angels

​Margaret became a nurst
went to the store the other day


Andy Rooney - Bottled Water

​Why Was This Plane Invulnerable: The SR-71

The Pink Panther in "Vitamin Pink"
​Orcas playing with swimmer at Hahei Beach, New Zealand

​U.S. Coast Guard Stops Go-Fast Cocaine Boat (2019)

​Scotland's Islands

Experiment: Giant Mentos Balloon Put In Coca Cola

Prison Gangs- You Have No Choice

Cop Pulls over Judge, Judge uses is position of power to get off quickly.

top 10 machine guns

Gluten Free Sand Castle. Drew Barth

when you are forced

sick and tired

hate yourself

my sex drive


cheer up


dear thief

wish you were here

a good country girl

google now hiring

tell us what happened

your doctor


my best interest

coming for you


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