[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For 9-4-11


Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

Now that we have the extra party days out of the way, let's
see who we know that was born this month.

1. Gloria Estefan, Lily Tomlin
2. Terry Bradshaw, Keanu Reeves, Luis Gonzalez
3. Charlie Sheehan
4. Mike Piazza, Tom Watson
5. Jesse James, Bob Newhart
6. Jane Curtin, Swoozie Kurtz
7. Devon Sawa, Buddy Holly, Sonny Gutin
8. Peter Sellers, Patsy Cline, TC Reno
9. Adam Sandler, Hugh Grant, Michael Keaton
10. Arnold Palmer, Joyce Adams, Pat Kinnan
11. Harry Connick Jr., Brian DePalma
12. Jesse Owens, Maurice Chevalier, Samantha in Boston
13. Jacqueline Bisset, Mel Torme
14. Joey Heatherton
15. Dan Marino, Tommy Lee Jones, Oliver Stone
16. Lauren Bacall, B. B. King
17. Anne Bancroft, John Ritter
18. Scotty Bowman, Ryne Sandberg, Gayle Hangen
19. Joan Lunden, Jim Abbott, Maurice Byers
20. Sophia Loren, Dr. Joyce Brothers
21. Ricki Lake, Stephen King, Larry Hagman
22. Tommy Lasorda, Joan Jett, Ed Halterman
23. Bruce Springsteen, Jason Alexander, Barbara Christjansen
24. F. Scott Fitzgerald, Linda McCartney, Mean Joe Greene
25. Scottie Pippen, Heather Locklear, Will Smith
26. Linda Hamilton, Oliva Newton-John
27. Mike Schmidt, Meat Loaf
28. Janeane Garofalo, Ed Sullivan
29. Bryant Gumbel, Madeline Kahn
30. Truman Capote, Angie Dickinson, Claude Rock

Friday I had to do a little shopping and by the time I finished
at 1100 it was already 81 deg and the humidity was stifling.
Then around 1700 the rains and thunderstorms hit and the temps
dropped to 60 degrees with varying amounts of rain Sat and Sun.
I did see the first yellow leaves swirling around in the gusts of rain
so the trees have agreed it's time to start preparing for winter and
I have a feeling it is going to be a long and hard ones I saw the
local Indians in Wal-mart this weekend buying thermal underwear
and socks and that is never a good sign.

In case I don't publish tomorrow have a great Labor day and I received
a memo the other day that it was also time to switch to the winter
blue uniform, while the Navy still has one heh heh. I find it hard to
imagine the change to a blue toned BDU Camo uniform. How does one
find a man overboard when he is the same color as the water?

Enjoy the chips... buffalo

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Heaven Chips

Tony died and was sent to be judged as to his eternal future. St.
Pete advised Tony that he had committed a sin and could not get into
heaven right away--he had cheated on his income taxes. Tony begged
for St.
Pete to forgive him and was told that the only way he could get into
heaven would be to sleep with a 500-lb, stupid, butt-ugly woman for
the next five years.

Deciding this was a small price to pay for an eternity in heaven,
Tony agreed and went off with this enormous woman. As he was
walking along, he saw his friend Carlos up ahead. Carlos was with
an even bigger, uglier woman. Tony asked Carlos why he was with
such an unlikely companion, and Carlos informed him it was the price
he had to pay for cheating on his wife during all his married years.
Carlos and Tony agreed to hang out together to help pass the
time--which was bound to hang heavy with such unfortunate

As Tony, Carlos, and their two beastly women were walking along,
Tony and Carlos could have sworn that they saw their friend Jon up
ahead--but how could it be?--this man was with an absolutely
drop-dead-gorgeous supermodel, real centerfold material. Stunned,
Tony and Carlos approached the man, and in fact it was their friend
Jon. They asked him how he'd come to get this unbelievable goddess
as a heavenly compaion, while they were stuck with such unfortunate

Jon replied "I have no idea, and I'm definitely not complaining.
This has been absolutely the best time of my life, and I've been
told I have five years to look forward to of the best sex any man
could hope for.
There is only one thing that I can't seem to understand. After
every time we have sex, she rolls over and murmurs to herself, "Why
did I sell those kids those cigarettes?


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait

a blond eats a bannana

prison time

how long


Cowboy Chips

One day, a young cowboy and a cowgirl decided to get hitched.

He was a man of the world and she was an innocent bride with no

On the first night of their honeymoon the couple washed up and
started to get ready for bed.

When they get into bed, they start exploring each other's bodies.

Things are going fine until the bride discovers her husband's penis.

"Oh my", she says, "What is that?"

"Well, darlin", the cowboy says, "That's ma rope."

She slides her hands further down and gasps.

"Oh my goodness. What's them?" she asks.

"Honey, them's my knots", he answers.

Finally, the couple begin to make love.

After several minutes, the bride says, "Stop honey. Wait a minute."

Her husband, panting a little, asks, "What's the matter honey? Am I
hurting you?"

"No," the bride replies. "Just undo them damn knots. I need more


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Tight Chips

This is one of the first" Dirty" Jokes I ever heard. A Canadian girl
named Cindy told it to me .. I wonder...

Bob goes on a blind date with this Canadian chick named Cindy.
Later, after dinner and a movie, Cindy invites Bob up to her
apartment to fool around.

She reclines on the couch, spreads her legs and says, "Stick
a finger in me."

Bob obliges. Then Cindy says, "Stick in the other three."

Once again, Bob obliges. Then Cindy says, "Just go ahead and shove
your whole hand in there."

So Bob eases his hand into Cindy, who then says, "Now shove
in your other hand."

Bob does so, and Cindy says, "Now CLAP!"

Bob tries, but nothing doing. "I can't!" he says.

Cindy looks at him with a smile and says, "Pretty tight, eh?"


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Wanted Chips

I miss my husband. I really do. He's traveling and I'm home all
alone and this weather sucks and I want company. So, I'd like to
propose the

I'm looking for a surrogate husband, just for today. I will cook a
great meal for you and greet you at the door wearing nothing but

You must agree to:

-- come home by 7:00pm, but not actually show up until 8:00pm.
Please don't apologize for being late and don't call to let me know
you are going to be late.

-- walk in the door without actually greeting me.

-- the first words out of your mouth, after you get out of the
bathroom, should be: "What's for dinner?"

-- take your plate from the table and walk into the living room and
sit down in front of the TV, leaving me alone.

-- put your feet up on the coffee table, chew with your mouth open
and ask me to grab you a beer.

-- not compliment me on the fact that the house is clean or that the
food that took me several hours to cook is any good.

-- ignore me for the rest of the night and watch ESPN instead.

-- tell me to stop when I try to cuddle up to you on the couch and
ask me to get you a beer instead.

-- come to bed without showering, even though you've been at work
all day.

-- fart in bed and then fluff the covers.

-- wake me up to ask me for a blow job.

Please, please, please help me out! I miss the asshole.


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Santa Chips

Signs Santa is Sick of Christmas

Now relies on a quick Google image search to see if you've been

Good, bad or on the fence - everyone gets an AOL CD in their
stocking this year.

But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight, "Yadda, yadda,

Sticker on sleigh: "How's my flying? Call 1-800-eat-sugarplums"

Former "Naughty/Nice" databases merged into a single "Whatever"

Turns Ms. Claus out to work the corner next to the Salvation Army
bell ringers.

At midnight on Christmas Eve, gift certificates to Amazon.com
magically appear in the email in boxes of good girls and boys.

New policy this year: Only strippers allowed on his lap.

Hey, kid - them brown lumps in your stocking ain't coal!

On his personal Christmas list: A George Foreman Grill and "The
Ultimate Reindeer Cookbook."

He's assigned numbers to all the countries on Earth and is doing the
odd ones this year and the even ones next year.

This year's #1 stocking stuffers: Elf heads and Rudolph jerky.


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Mac Chips

In case you missed the article, someone found a condom in
a MacDonald's hamburger a couple of years ago.
Here is David Letterman's top ten MacDonald's excuses for
the condom in the Big Mac:

10. We were test marketing the new "McRibbed."
9. Condom, Condiment.....What's the damned difference.
8. It still tastes better than the Arch Deluxe.
7. It was either there, or in the vanilla shake.
6. Turns out the rumors about Grimace and Mayor McCheese
are true.
5. We're experimenting with a new, even happier meal.
4. Employees too embarrassed to ask "Would you like a
condom with that?"
3. So what? A regular Big Mac is 60% latex anyway.
2. Drive-thru speaker broken: "Coke with lots of ice" sounds like
"Prophylactic device."

And the number one MacDonald's Excuse for the Condom in
the Big Mac:

1. When you're serving billions and billions, you can't be too


Toon Chips

Aliens Come In Piece

A Little Bush

All Juice

All Yours


Alls Well


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Limerick Chips

I sat by the Duchess for tea,
And she asked, "Do you fart when you pee?"
I said with some wit,
"Do you belch when you shit?"
And I felt it was one up for me

I wooed a buxom young nude in Bermuda,
I was lewd, but my God! She was lewder.
She said it was crude
To be wooed in the nude --
I pursued her, subdued her, and screwed her!

In the shade of the old apple tree
I got all that was coming to me.
In the soft dewy grass
I had a fine piece of ass
From a maiden that was so fine to see.
<Snagged by>


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Parting Chips

During the wedding reception in the family
mansion, the bride's Grandfather slipped her
five $100 bills which she concealed in her glove,
since he told her to keep it for "mad money."

By tradition, the couple spent their first night
together in the family's historic house. The bride's
Grandmother saw her sneaking down the stairs
later that night, and asked where she was going.

"I left my gloves in the library, Grand-MaMa, and
it's important that I have them."

"Oh you youngsters !" the Grandmother sighed.
"You march yourself right back upstairs and grab
hold of that darn thing with your bare hands just
as I did your Grandfather's!"



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Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn
Vol 2092

Wuv Tru Vuv

Val: I have to ask you guys Sandi, Rudy, how
did you fall in Love?

Rudy: It was a moonlit night. The stars were shining.
I saw her there on a hill top. I gently walked over to her.
She was eating her kill and she had blood all over her face.
It excited me.

Sandi: Yes, and Rudy had just killed a rabbit and had blood
all over his face and I knew, we were made for each other.
We were hunters.

Val: Sounds kind of gruesome.

Rudy: Not when you think about it. We have to eat. Do you
want someone to feed you or do you want to be able to feed

Val: I have never killed anything.

Sandi: There is still time little one, but you are now in a fenced
yard. Maybe father will allow us to teach you in the woods one

Katie: I have wandered through the woods and never killed anything.

Sandi: Gee Katie, but you are scared of your own shadow.

Katie: I am not! I just practice safe fighting.

The herd


Adult Adult


Remember 9/11/01

Regarding any problems unsubscribing from this mailing list

In accordance with the 2004 Can-Spam act you can contact me at:

William Brabant
711 Pine Street Apt.1
Sault Ste Marie Michigan 49783

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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant
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