[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For 9-30-11


Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

I refused to give up on my Vista computer and finally coaxed it
into booting far enough that it could run scan disk and after about
a 15 minute scan it found and corrected two corrupted files. I
figure the corrupt files were caused by the momentary blip in
power. Computers have never loved being shut down by pulling
the plug on them but Microsoft has added diagnostic and repair
capabilities in case that happens and they have improved with
each new version.

It is fall and the houseflies are a pest. It isn't that there are a lot
of them but they do seem to like to bother you more. No swatter
was in sight so I gribbed a brochure on my desk and swatted a half
dozen or so. Eva came out and picked it up and asked what it was
for and I told her I was using it to kill the zombie flies that land
on your head and try to eat your brains. I then told her that if she
listened carefully what sounded like buzzing was them saying brains
over and over again in fly voices. A couple of minutes I hear a couple
of whacks from the area where Buffy was working and then Eva
explaining that zombie flies were trying to eat her brains and Eva
had saved her.

It's been a year now since Nancy passed away and I am afraid I
have done a less than spectacular job at the things she once did
like the Nerdy Buffalo and the website, I miss her as much as the
readers do I wish things had went differently.

Enjoy the chips,,,,, buffalo

Jetts Adult Playground
Hi come and have some fun with us!!
We share hunks babes adult cartoons
Also have question of the day
You must share in the group as you are the life line of the group
See ya in the playground!!


Click link to join:


Jeannettes Adult Playground
Hi come and have some fun with us!!
We share hunks, babes. adult cartoons.
Also have question of the day.
You must share in the group as you are the life line of the group.
See ya in the playground!!
Please read before you join the group.
We are a adult group that likes to have fun.
Yes we even talk in the group.
Please no lurking in the group.
We will share adult cartoons jokes tags hunks and babes.
Please come and Join!!
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Men Chips

hopes you're thinking:
"Oh, I can't resist: I'm powerless before your seductive ways!" What
he's afraid you're thinking: "Garlic breath--ewwww!"

Undressing What he hopes you're thinking: "My God, look at the SIZE
of that!"
What he's afraid you're thinking: "My God, look at the size of

Foreplay/Oral Sex What he hopes you're thinking: "I could worship at
the alter of your impressive manhood for hours."
What he's afraid you're thinking: "If he doesn't warn me before he
cums, I'm going to kill him."

Penetration What he hopes you're thinking: "You stallion, you're
splitting me in half!"
What he's afraid you're thinking: "Is it in yet?"

Your Orgasm What he hopes you're thinking: "Yes, (his name here),
What he's afraid you're thinking: "I deserve an Academy Award for
this performance."
What he's even more afraid you're thinking: "Yes, (other guy's name
here), yes!"

Postcoital Bliss What he hopes you're thinking: "Now I know what an
earthquake feels like."
What he's afraid you're thinking: "Maybe I should let my lesbian
friend Sue take me to that females-only dance club after all."


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait


Little Johnny Chips

There was this 5-year-old boy named Johnny, and he was very wise in
the ways of the world. His problem was that he was a compulsive
gambler and couldn't resist making all these outrageous wagers.

"Hey Dad! Behind that pine tree you'll see two squirrels doing it!"

The father was understandably shocked. "Son, how could you say such
things? There are no squirrels doing anything."

"Hey Dad, I just speak the facts. If I win, you pay me 5 dollars,
if I lose, I pay you 10 dollars. That is a very reasonable offer."

The father agrees to the wager. They walk over to the pine tree,
and sure enough two squirrels are coupling. So the father forks
over the five dollars as he promised.

It so happened that September was just around the corner, and Little
Johnny had to start kindergarten. Needless to say, the father did
not want Johnny making his wagers with other innocent children. So
he calls the kindergarten teacher to warn her of his son.

"Err... Ms. Smith, I want to tell you that my son Johnny is prone
to make explicit sexual remarks and even wager money on such. Could
you please disabuse him of such a filthy habit by any means

The teacher says she will try.

So the first day of class starts. Not even five minutes pass on the
first day when Little Johnny pipes up. "Hey Ms. Smith! I will bet
50 dollars that you have brown pubic hair!"

Obviously the teacher was flabberghasted by Little Johnny's remarks.
She grabs his ear and hauls him to a side room. "I oughta spank you
and wash out your mouth with a bar of Lava soap, you filthy little

Little Johnny took this all in stride. "Hey Ms. Smith, I just
speak the facts. If I win, you don't owe me anything. If you win,
I will pay you fifty dollars." Little Johnny even pulls out the wad
of bills to show the teacher he is not bluffing.

Now Ms. Smith has blonde pubic hair and she is a severely underpaid
kindergarten teacher. Besides, the father did request that she put
an end to his wagers. What more appropriate way to end them than to
prove him wrong for once in his life? So she peeks out the door to
make sure nobody is at the door. She then locks the door and doffs
her drawers in front of Little Johnny. Sure enough he can see that
her pubic hair is blonde. Downcast he begrudgingly forks over the
wad of money he bet.

"Now Johnny, I trust that you will never make any bets ever again."

Now Ms. Smith is quite proud of her little victory (and making a
little change on the side). She calls up the father to tell of her
success. "I am pleased to report that your son will never be
wagering again." The father is quite curious as to how she did it.

"Well, err... You did say use any means necessary. Johnny bet me
that I had brown pubic hair and, well... err... I proved him

"Just how did you prove Johnny wrong?!"

"Well, uhhh... I took Johnny into a side room and I showed him my
genitalia." Ms. Smith was quite nervous at this point.

"That goddamn son-of-a-bitch! He bet me 100 dollars that you'd take
your underwear off on the first day of class....!"


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Father Chips

A man standing in line at a check out counter of a grocery store was
very surprised when a very attractive woman behind him said,
Her face was beaming.

He gave her that "who are you?" look, and couldn't remember ever
having seen her before. Then, noticing his look, she figured she
had made a mistake and apologized. Look," she said, "I'm really
sorry but when I first saw you, I thought you were the father of one
of my children," and walked out of the store. The guy was
dumbfounded and thought to himself, "What the hell is the world
coming to? Here is an attractive woman who can't keep track of who
fathers her children! "

Then he got a little panicky. I don't remember her," he thought
but, MAYBE during one of the wild parties he had been to when he was
in college, perhaps he did father her child!

He ran from the store and caught her in the parking lot and asked,
"Are you the girl I met at a party in college and then we got really
drunk and had wild crazy sex on the pool table in front of

"No", she said with a horrified look on her face. "I'm your son's
second grade teacher!"


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Light Chips

Sandy and John were an extremely liberal, though not especially
bright, white couple.

Wanting to begin a family, they decided they wanted to have a black
baby, and set to work.

Nine months later, the fruits of their labor was born: a lovely
white girl.

Pleased but disappointed, John decided to ask a black man at work
why they hadn't parented a black baby.

Realizing that John was somewhat sluggish, the fellow took him aside
and asked, "Is your wanker at least a foot long?"

John had to admit that it was not. "And is it at least four inches

Once more John replied in the negative. "Well, man, there's your
problem!" the guy slapped him on the back. "You let in too much


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Nude Chips

The young bride's mother had some old-fashioned ideas of marriage,
and passed them on to her daughter.

"Never let your husband see you in the nude," she advised. "You
should always wear something."

"Yes, mother," replied the obedient girl.

Two weeks after the wedding, the girl and her brand-new husband were
preparing to retire when the guy asked, "Dear, has there ever been
any insanity in your family?"

"Not that I know of," she answered. "Why?"

"Well, we've been married for two weeks now and every night you've
worn that silly hat to bed."


Easy Pumpkin Painting
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and photos for painting cute, whimsical faces on pumpkins.



LynnLynn's Links

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carolyn w/ When They Ring Those Golden Bells

Carol w/Let Me Come Inside


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Short Chips

I hear that in the Middle East all a man has to do to
divorce his wife is to say, "I divorce you" three times.

Heck, in the U.S. it's easier. All a man has to say is,
"Yes, that dress does make your butt look big" once.

An older woman walks into a doctors office and says, "Hey Doc, I've got
problem." The doctor answers, "Really? What seems to be the trouble?"
woman says,"Every time I sneeze, I have an orgasm." The doctor
asks,"Well, what have you been taking for it?" The woman says,

The personnel office received an email requesting a listing of
the department staff broken down by age and sex.

The personnel office sent this reply: "Attached is a list of our
staff. We currently have no one broken down by age or sex.
However, we do have a few alcoholics."


Toon Chips



beer goggles

before sex

bitchin head

bite my ass

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Limerick Chips
There once was a young masturbator,
Who bought an electric vibrator.
She put it inside,
But the reason she died,
Was its faulty speed regulator!

There was a young student called Jones,
Who'd reduce any maiden to moans,
By his wonderful knowledge,
Acquired in college,
Of nineteen erogenous zones.

There was a young whore from Kilkenny,
Who charged two fucks for a penny,
For half of that sum,
You could bugger her bum,
An economy practised by many
<Snagged by>


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Parting Chips

I saw a fortune teller the other day. She told me I would come into some
money. Last night I fucked a girl called Penny - is that spooky or what?


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Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

A Clean Slate

Greg loved baseball. He was a decent ballplayer but realized his
potential was maxed as
a lower minor league player so he gave up his dream and settled for a
'normal' life working
in a career in the programming field...where I met him. I was the
systems manager at the
local Blood Institute and he was a shy giant of a man who loved
baseball, KU basketball
(we shared that love). We became quiet friends. He helped me move once
and watched
my pets when I went on vacation. To understand that task, he lived
about twenty-five
miles away, one way. A good friend would do that. We played pranks on
each other.

Time moves on and so do people. My wife passed on from cancer and I
decided to take
an offer from another company that paid more money with less stress.
Greg followed me
to the same company but probably due to his shyness, felt uncomfortable
there. He left for
a company in Missouri and was happy there. A couple of years passed and
at the age of 48
he went to ER and was diagnosed with stomach cancer. As a good friend I
went to visit him
in the hospital in Joplin, Missouri. I got the KU basketball team to
sign something special for
him. I took him some funny items also.

Here is the kicker. Greg never was a church going person, never had
been 'saved'. When
I saw him in the hospital we talked about many things, including God.
Greg knew I was a
Christian, that I had preached at churches and knowing his time was
short, he took my
hand and made a bedside confession of faith. I offered to give him the
cross I wore around
my neck. He refused and said he would get his own. I left my friend
feeling many feelings,
sad, fulfillment, contentment. I knew I would not see him again alive
in this world. Our
circle had been completed. We had traveled in the past to his hometown
in Missouri a few
years earlier and Greg had shown me where he had grown up. He took me
to his mother's
grave and I had helped him deal with his fear of hospitals and of dying.
Later I took him to
my hometown in Kansas and I showed him home. We were friends. That
was our legacy.
I was proud to help him cross over with a clean slate.

BJ Cassady
Caldwell, Kansas
Guthrie, Oklahoma


Adult Adult


Remember 9/11/01

Regarding any problems unsubscribing from this mailing list

In accordance with the 2004 Can-Spam act you can contact me at:

William Brabant
711 Pine Street Apt.1
Sault Ste Marie Michigan 49783

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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant

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