Larry Stessel
I was transferred to KC from buffalo after just 6months ,when Atlantic had cutbacks. I had just arrived and my first show to cover was Blackfoot (on Atco), opening for Molly Hatchet. Just before Blackfoot was to go on Danny Joe was taken away by officers for what we were told was Tax violations. Rather than cancel show the rest of the band joined Blackfoot to open the show as Black Hatchet or Molly Foot. Blackfoot then became headliner. Was a awesome show. Thats when a smartphone would have been nice. Amazing memory from my time in KC and thanks to Sean Coakley for
helping the new guy stay calm and collected
Be Well Bob
Jeff Appleton
I remember being a freshman at Rockhurst Highschool in '78. We had a talent show. I went to watch. It was the first time I had ever seen people playing music on a stage. I was 14 and hadn't been to my first concert, but I loved music. Loved all kinds. Matter of fact, a year later when I moved to Seattle, I got beat up because I liked Earth Wind &. Fire. Anyhow, this band played Dreams. And I mean they played all 7 minutes of it! Fast forward to sophomore year in Seattle and my neighbor and I were waiting on the bus stop by a grocery store that carried records. I remember that album cover and knew I had to have it. Little did I know, he grabbed it and stuffed it in his bag with a half dozen others. Sadly, I sold my collection when I was homeless in LA and needed cash to survive. Oh well…. Rock and roll.
David George
Ditto and kudos for the Molly Hatchet write-up. I used to surprise people as a heavy metal magazine editor when I'd tell people my favorite style of music was Southern Rock when asked.
I loved me some Blackfoot, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Molly Hatchet, and .38 Special (if I had to rank them in order).
Those album covers by Frank Frazetta were SO metal. I also got a huge chuckle, charge, and gasp of respect when seeing the Molly Hatchet and Blackfoot t-shirts on sale in the
Gulf Coast Coliseum in Biloxi, MS, in the summer of '82. On the back of each band's shirt (I think) was emblazoned, 1982-1987 TOUR.
Talk about road dogs.
And I wish I could say thanks to that music buyer/salesman in that mall record store in Montgomery, AL, who introduced me to the Tygers of Pan Tang and other NWOBHM bands back in '81. People who knew their stuff and stayed appraised of multiple rock scenes were invaluable to our lives.
—Doug Van Pelt
Hi Bob. Great article on Molly Hatchet and what a pleasant surprise! Speaking of pleasant surprises, in 1978 I went to see REO with UFO as the opening act in my hometown of Erie PA. Days before the show, they added Molly Hatchet as the opening act. Of course we all groaned since it would lengthen the show. They blew the crowd away! I have seen close to a 1000 concerts in my life and few really leaving a lasting memory but that one did!
Gary Sender
I did national radio promotion for all the Epic Molly releases. One of many highlights was a live national radio broadcast from Louisville. Somewhere in the past I was driving back from Philadelphia to NYC and got detoured thru some back roads and saw a sign on a club that said Molly Hatchet Tonight. I stopped went into the club and found the dressing room-there were a bunch of guys and i asked where Molly Hatchet's dressing room was-they said -you're in it we are Molly Hatchet. Not one original member! Thanks for the thrills and ride Pat Armstrong,Larry Stessel and Tom Werman!
Harvey Leeds
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