Jesse Welles Update

It's not about the album. It's not even about Spotify, et al.

It's about social media. And somehow the algorithm didn't serve it up to me and every story about him didn't mention this.

I've got to give the guy credit. He broke through doing it the newfangled way. Going direct to the customer with a constant slew of new songs. It's closer to being a comedian than a traditional recording artist. He doesn't even need an album, never mind conventional streaming traction. He's the labels' worst nightmare.

Assuming any other acts take notice and repeat the formula.

I'm not on Facebook. I hear from enough people already and I have no desire to interact with everybody I ever knew. But Facebook doesn't work like TikTok and Instagram Reels, in that the users post the info and it ends up being seen by their friends, whereas with the latter it's all about the algorithm.

I don't want to get into a big debate about Facebook. But I will say things can grow there, you can work it in a way you can't on TikTok, but you're mainly reaching an older demo. But Jesse Welles is the kind of act that appeals to old school music fans, those who still believe music counts, that it's more than mindless drivel, the kind who protested back in the day and had friends over the house to turn them on to their favorite records.

And then there's YouTube. I didn't know some people use it like TikTok, just seeing what it serves up, until an alta kacher told me this yesterday. So I tried it out and it works...but if this is your goal, you're much better off on TikTok.

However, I asked a twentysomething if she was a fan of social media yesterday and she hesitated, then reluctantly said TikTok. The younger generation knows the older generation despises TikTok. Only in modern America does someone have a deep opinion on that which they've never used. And what flummoxes me is it's so easy to use!

Just a note here on the YouTube press release. Do not conflate the subscription numbers with those of Spotify, et al. I guarantee you many people are paying the fee just to get rid of ads. Then again, duplicity is Lyor Cohen's strong point.


This is the ultimate creation of niches. If the algorithm doesn't serve it up, you're out of the loop. Everybody gets their own feed. It's one to one. To the point where you may have no idea what your buddy is seeing and never will. Something has to rise above for there to be discussion. And very little does. Jesse Welles a bit, then again did everybody get e-mail about him like me? I doubt it.

So it's impossible to be seen. But if you want to play the game you don't complain, but start. And everything starts slowly. Sure, there are exceptions, but I can't tell you how many e-mails I get where people said they had a big viral moment, that was not worked, was not contemplated, and then crickets. No, you've got to build it in the wilderness, steadily.

I have no idea how Jesse Welles decided to make social commentary music. This was not his focus for years before... But usually an idea like this comes in a bolt of inspiration. But then you must decide whether to do it or not, execution is everything.

So Jesse Welles is channeling the frustration of viewers, oftentimes with a sense of humor. And to my knowledge, he's a party of one. And he has some talent and he's cute and...

Once again, it's got nothing to do with the album, which has no protest music. Which is another reason it doesn't stream.

But streaming music is faceless, whereas TikTok, et al, are the opposite. Video is all about the face, the expression. And when you connect...

Also, unlike the vaunted influencers, Welles is authentic, in a sea of bogosity. And that resonates. I'll tell you, TikTok serves me up these influencers... Usually young women who'd rather try and sell clothing and cosmetics than get a real job. My favorite, facetiously, is the woman who says her videos are only meant for women, who bitches about guys' comments, and then posts a demo video to be in the "Sports Illustrated" Swimsuit Issue. Jesse Welles is the antidote.

So you don't go to the show to hear the album, you go to the show to see the videos live. To see what else Welles has come up with. It's an experience, not just a recitation of what was... The show is alive and breathes.

So, can you do this?

Well, not if you think singing is everything, if you're dreaming of being on "Idol" or "The Voice" to make it. As a matter of fact, your voice is secondary to your intellect.

And you're getting no help. Sure, you can buy boosts on Facebook, but... Really, you're waiting for people to get you to the point the algorithm serves up your videos more.

And you're not in control. TikTok controls the algorithm.

But if you've got something...

I get why people are going to see Jesse Welles.

I understand why conventional media missed the paradigm, it misses everything new, never mind those who write about music being lame, if they have a job at all, the media having downsized most of these people out of a gig.

And when pitched by a PR person...

To be an expert today, to get it, you have to experience it. Here's where you need to do your own research, to quote those looking for stories to back up their already hardened beliefs.

But music is not about hardened beliefs, it's about the new and different. People are hungry for the new and different.

And Jesse Welles presented it, but never forget, distribution is king. Rather than putting his music on streaming services and complaining no one is listening, he bypassed them completely and went straight to the potential fans. He sold them, he didn't wait for them to come to him. This is what players no longer understand. They must do the marketing, and they must be new and different. And this is anathema to most... I learned my instrument, I wrote songs, why isn't anybody listening!

Because you're not doing anything special.

Jesse Welles had no one to complain to. When you're outside the system... Well, what's that Dylan quote..."to live outside the law you must be honest"?

Music today is a sea of dishonesty. Become my fan so I can sell you stuff. Hell, the industry itself is trying to rip off superfans. It's buyer beware.

But not with Jesse Welles, not at this moment.

And if all the money is in touring anyway...he cut out the middleman.

And top-down marketing no longer works. That press he got will just send people to Spotify, et al, where they won't get it.

It happens first on social media. The oldsters won't admit their cheese has moved or will try to game it, which is nearly impossible to do.

But one lone journeyman musician came up with an idea, the idea is the most important thing, and put in the effort and succeeded.

What a world.

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Jesse Welles Update

It's not about the album. It's not even about Spotify, et al. It's about social media. And somehow the algorithm didn't se...