But they can't tell anybody.
This is like Trump and the shooters. All the stories covered in the mainstream. They don't go to the essence of the story, because they're afraid people are going to FREAK OUT!
The backlash has not begun, but it's coming. Those nasty Jews, how could they do this?
Well, in truth the idea is in the latest season of "Trigger Point," the Vicky McClure vehicle created by the same person who's responsible for "Line of Duty," one of the most beloved shows in England, and those who have viewed it worldwide. BENT COPPERS!
So in "Trigger Point" McClure is an EXPO. A bomb expert. She learned her skill in the military, and goes around London defusing bombs. Although unlike in American TV series, people die. Everybody's fair game, like in "The Sopranos." Beloved or not, they may go. Which keeps you on your toes.
So it's a cat and mouse game in the second season. The domestic terrorists, with an anti-capitalist agenda, keep amping up the ante. Sometimes with hoax bombs, that freak people out but will never blow up.
Then there's a tip. There's going to be an explosion in a business area, using drones, which were employed once before. The cops arrive, they're freaking out. They try to get the people off the sidewalks, they debate emptying the buildings, but that's a bridge too far.
And then they start hearing explosions.
Where are they coming from?
Yes, you know, Bird, Lime, available in almost all major cities. The bombs are inside them. And McClure as Lana Washington runs after a woman on a scooter, trying to warn her, but she's wearing headphones and can't hear and...
She's blown up.
So it's kind of like Bush after 9/11. Who could come up with these ideas, who could think of this?
So now we've got the Mossad of the past, back in action.
Yes, the Israelis developed an incredible intelligence and military reputation. They were the envy of the world. America couldn't rescue hostages, but the Israelis could.
And then came 10/7.
But the johnny-come-latelies to the Middle East don't know the history. Israel's existence has been in danger from the moment the country was founded. The Palestinians were offered their own country, but they refused, they wanted all the land, no Israel at all.
So Israel is fighting battles all the time, on high alert. The country can only lose once.
And the mind-set is completely different from the U.S. In the U.S., the war always happens over there. We skated during WWII, other than Pearl Harbor, the end result of which was the dropping of nuclear bombs to finish the war. That's why 9/11 was so unfathomable, it happened HERE! And if it happens once, it could happen again. But it's funny to see people in the hinterlands who are deathly afraid of foreign terrorists. Do you really think they're going to bomb Kansas or Wyoming? They're way down the list.
So the average American does not pay attention to the Mideast conflict. I'm not even sure the average American knows where any of these countries are, never mind that those which surround Israel won't accept Palestinian refugees.
There have been constant battles with Hezbollah. Which we'll just call the Hamas of the north. Sure, the fit isn't perfect, but it's not completely wrong either.
So it turns out the Israelis could monitor cell phones, so Hezbollah decided to go with old school technology, pagers. And...
Notice that Israel has not yet accepted responsibility. Why? What's the advantage? In war it's all about stealth, surprise. Don't take a victory lap until it's all done, if at all.
Does Israel want Lebanon's land? Does it want to own Beirut?
Absolutely not, it just wants to be able to live in peace, which Hezbollah will not allow.
Now modern warfare is confusing. Because everybody refrains from using atomic weapons. Which are truly the final solution, pardon the term. So what are the rules of modern war? I don't know. What can Ukraine do without Russia pushing back. Russia's army may be inept, but Russia's got a much deeper pocket. But if Ukraine gets just a bit more weaponry, they can attack Russia's big cities. What is the population going to say then? Statistically, most Russians support Putin, because they've been the victims of disinformation. They don't know the score. Kinda like so many in America, if you think about it.
So what happens now on the Israel/Lebanon front?
And it's not like the pagers that exploded were only in Lebanon, explosions were in Syria too! The Arabs are organized. The Israelis are fighting on all fronts.
So all the news has been bad. Before the war Netanyahu wanted to neutralize the Supreme Court, and then there's the settlements. It's hard to be a Jew in America and support Israel.
But when the entire country is threatened...
This pager story is too new for the anti-Israel protesters to get organized. But if past is prologue, it's coming. Because the Jews can't be aggressors. Arabs can be terrorists, but not the Jews!
And, once again, Israel is ahead of Hezbollah technologically. In case you didn't know, Israel is a hotbed of technological innovation. Do you use WAZE? That's an Israeli product.
So if you're a Jew...
You're smiling on the inside today. You can't tell anybody. Because then you'll be ostracized, set yourself up for blowback.
But after '67 and Munich and '73... Isn't Israel allowed to take the initiative? It's not like 10/7 where the Israelis were living in peace before Hamas attacked. Hezbollah has been provoking, missiles have been fired.
Never underestimate the power of antisemitism. It's coming re this pager story. And doesn't this fit the stereotype? The advanced, intelligent conniving Jew/Israeli?
This is what Israel is up against. This is what Jews are up against. Play nice all you want, but they don't hate you less.
If you haven't had someone say something antisemitic in front of you, you're probably wearing a kippah.
The Jews aren't able to play offense. Even though one could argue today's pager explosions were actually defense. They've got no right. They should just be happy they can coexist. Then again, this is not what the Arabs in the Middle East want, they want Israel GONE!
So Israel fights back and...
People die. That's the nature of war.
And it's not only Hamas, the active soldiers. Much of the populace is anti-Israel, whether they've been sold a bill of goods or not. Which is why women and children were carrying Hezbollah pagers.
So what does the world say now?
We're waiting to see.
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