That was the problem with Biden before the debate, before everybody realized he was too old, he had a record, and even though those on the left trumpeted it, those on the right have denigrated it and those who've been struggling don't believe they've been saved by Joe.
Yes, a poor case of public relations. Don't forget, Bill Clinton was sold by Hollywood, you remember "The Man From Hope"...where is the equivalent for Biden?
Nonexistent. Once again, Joe was and still is out of touch with the younger generations. The world lives online, it's only the ancient string-pullers who deny this, I'd say if you want to put a new candidate over the top you'd call Monte Lipman, whose Republic has dominated the charts for years and years. One hit is admirable. But to do it over and over again? That shows skill. And it wasn't Taylor Swift who kept her album atop the charts for twelve straight weeks, that was Monte and his team.
Yes, politics is show business. And Kamala Harris has never made a dent.
She ran poorly in 2020, didn't get a delegate. And for months people have been anxious that if Biden died in a second term Kamala would take over. So now they're going to give her the prize?
Shouldn't happen.
Harris's record? Not good. Don't argue with me, she's been painted negatively by the right, and that image has stuck. And it's not like she's warm and folksy like Clinton, or all=embracing like Obama, she's cold. Talk to show business titans... It's very hard to sell a cold talent, the first criterion is that they're warm.
And even the donors are pissed at Kamala, for the phone call at the end of last week. Let's see, you were for Joe before he pulled out, you were for Medicare For All before you changed your mind. The fact that you're Black...
Hasn't the left observed this movie for the past eight years, never mind the past couple? The DEI backlash has been extreme. The president of Harvard stepped down, was she the best person for the job?
We are going through a societal readjustment as I write this, to deny this is to have one's head in the sand. It's not that Kamala is Black that she shouldn't get the role, it's just that she's not that good a candidate. Don't qualifications matter?
As for not having enough time left... Hogwash. In France they turned on a dime. Britain held an election in a tiny period of time.
It's just that the old fogeys want to play by the old rules, which in this case don't even exist. They abhor change. Meanwhile, Silicon Valley has remade the world in the interim. Enough with the old pols. And Musk has an army of bros on his personal site and he has influence. He needs to be stopped. Can the mealy-mouthed Kamala Harris do this?
No way.
We need an attack dog. We need someone who can fight.
We need someone with no track record.
That's one of the main reasons Obama got elected, he had no history.
Quick, tell me about Gretchen Whitmer, or Josh Shapiro, or J.B. Pritzker... The average person has no idea who they are, and that's a GOOD THING!
But I'm fearful the same DNC that closed ranks around Biden, denying reality, is going to rally around Kamala Harris now. She was VP, so what. It's not like Trump feels an obligation to Pence.
Trump broke every rule in the book and still got elected in 2016. And came close in 2020 (not in the popular vote, that doesn't matter, but in the Electoral College, Biden squeaked through). Multiple marriages, infidelity, lying... None of this was terminal for the Trump campaign, and he's now got another bite at the apple. Meanwhile, the Democrats are inured to the past. GET OVER IT!
The best golfer was Black and the best rapper was white. Did they agitate against this? To make this an issue of color is to deny decades of MTV, never mind the ascension of hip-hop to the dominant force in America musically and culturally. Sure, there's a ton of racism in America, sure the evisceration of the Voting Rights Act is a travesty, but not everything can be seen through the lens of race.
This is about winning. Plain and simple. Is Kamala Harris the best candidate to beat Donald Trump?
The only people who believe this are the DNC and insiders paying fealty. The public already rejected Harris in 2020, she came across as phony. What has changed? SHE APPEARS WORSE!
This is all about perception, don't argue facts with me, this is the same reasoning that got Biden anointed for a second term. Perception is Kamala is a loser. This is who you want to go with?
Loyalty? You don't get to keep your job, you get passed over at the company, but your gig isn't the last stand for democracy.
There are no rules. A new candidate can get on all the ballots, get all the money and triumph.
But NO!
Look at Hollywood. The movie studios have been eclipsed by Netflix. Which has made the series the standard. And the Oscar ratings have tanked. It's like the DNC has denied the entire past decade, if not more. This is the gang that can't shoot straight. Take the gun out of their hands!
And enough with the Mafioso techniques. Where no one can break ranks. We want other candidates, we need other candidates, we want to see who can run best, who has charisma.
Crowdstrike brought down the world on Friday. They didn't say to disconnect your computer from the internet, they worked fast for a fix.
Technology moves at the speed of light, politics at the speed of molasses, why?
As for getting a Republican involved...
Sorkin and Romney... Mitt is seventy seven, how does this solve the problem? And how come they never tell Republicans to put Democrats in their administrations, to extend the olive branch, why is it always the Democrats' job?
Now if you get pulled from the game, or don't get to take the field to begin with, and you complain and cry, you're not seen as a team player. And the goal of the team is not harmony, but VICTORY!
Why are we protecting everybody's feelings? If Kamala is the best person for the job, let her be the candidate, but she needs to PROVE IT!
Why is the public always left out. The public has been saying Biden is too old to run again for years. The public got no other choices. And now they're not going to get a choice again, and you expect me to get excited about Kamala? Not going to happen.
Let us in on the process. You depend on us to vote and win. Why aren't we consulted?
We're halfway there. Now is not the time to punt.
Biden had to nominate Kamala, if for no other reason than to double-down on his pick of her for the 2020 ticket. His word ain't worth much. This is the guy who took three weeks to realize no one wanted him to continue to run except himself.
Stop the runaway train.
Only the Democrats would get Biden to pull out without a plan in place.
Imagine a CEO crossing the line, needing to be replaced, and taking three weeks to step down... The board wouldn't breathe a sigh of relief and then ask itself what to do next, it would have prepared for the change.
In other words, no one is in charge in the DNC. They had no plan and now we're going to default to the easiest choice?
Oh, come on. Happens all the time in business. The number two is passed over for the job when the number one retires. The board thinks someone else is better. The fact that the number two worked at the company for years, paid their dues, that doesn't matter!
But in politics, with no money involved, where everybody is worried about saving face...
How about all those elected Democrats who wouldn't come out publicly for Biden to step down. You're breathing a sigh of relief, but we remember, you're a sheep with no backbone.
Ever hear of doing what is right?
Having an open process to determine who is the new Democratic presidential candidate is what's right.
The future starts now.
We need a clean slate. We need hope. We need someone to believe in.
And if you think that's Kamala Harris...
You must owe her money.
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