[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner


The Postman's Corner


The secret of staying young is to live
honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.
Lucille Ball







where you came from

of course



Top 5 stupid answers on Quiz shows

VFW Members Duct Tape Flag Burner to Pole

Three guys are in a bar discussing how much their wives bitch at them.
They decide that when they get home, they'll do everything that the women ask.
The next weekend, they are in the same bar.
The first guy says "Man, I don't think that our idea was  so great!
I was sitting on the couch watching tv, and I dropped my cigarette
on the couch. My wife said why don't  you burn the whole house down?
That place is still smoldering."
The second guy said "That ain't nothing.  I was  orking  on the car,
and dropped my wrench and it nicked the fender. She said why don't
you tear the whole car apart? It took me all night."
The third guy said "You guys don't have nothing on me. When I walked
in the door, my wife was doing the dishes,  and I felt a little romantic.
I reached down, and grabbed her crotch, she said "Cut that out!"
Ever seen one of these real close?

On the last day of his French class, Professor Lint goes over the final exam.
"The exam will test your comprehension. It'll be divided into two parts:
a multiple choice exam, and an oral exam.
Heather realizes that she needs to do well on the final exam, or she won't graduate.
After class, Heather meets Professor Lint in his office.
"Professor Lint," she says in a sexy voice, "I don't think I'm going to
pass the class and I was hoping you could help me out."
Pretty soon, Heather and the professor are making love in his office.
Afterward, Heather asks "How's my comprehension?"
"So far so good," the professors says, "but you need to come back tomorrow at noon."
"What's tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow," Professor Lint says "is the oral part of the exam."

A man walked into a bar, sat down, and ordered a beer. As he sipped the beer,
he heard a voice say, "Nice tie." Looking around, he saw that the bar was
empty except for him and the bartender. A few sips later, another voice said,
"Beautiful shirt." At this, the man calls the bartender over. "Say, I must
be losing my mind," he tells him. "I keep hearing these voices say nice things,
and there is not a soul in here
but us." "It's the peanuts," explains the bartender, indicating
a dish on the bar. "The peanuts?"
"That's right, the peanuts--they're complementary."

That's all folks!
Have a nice day
Martin aka the postman











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