Re-Kid Rock/Joy Behar

I never thought it could happen Bob, but It's official, My parade has been rained on! lol

Remember we started out on the wrong foot years back?

I am sure me and Joy have more in common than not, that is true. Wether I want to spend a morning being grilled by 4 very opinionated women is another story! Maybe if The View makes a donation to one of my favorite charities? I don't know - I have zero interest in TV, interviews, etc, these days. Either way, I understand this is just the news of the hour and in the end, no one really cares! NONE of us are as important as we would like to think.

It does, however, after 30 years, still make me laugh my ass off when people ask for or book Kid Rock…. then he shows up…. and then someones upset!!!

Rock n Roll Never Forgets!!


Robert Ritchie / Kid Rock


Hear hear.

Bob, you and I are on different political spectrums, but I like that you call it no matter what. No censorship bullshit.

I like Kid Rock, more for his persona than his music and I like that he won't go down easy. These left wing media types have the biggest microphones so they think they have the license, literary and artistic, to say whatever the hell they want. And they do, daily and often. So for someone to hit back, well I like that.

The Kid, he's got quite the wit.

Best regards Bob.

Paul Lancia
Turku, Finland


How come no one told me about the White Trash Olympics being held this autumn? Southwest should give her a voucher for an upgrade to a double wide. This is the problem with air travel these days, when you set the prices below a certain point, anyone can fly. And therein lies the problem.

Paul Ciarlo


You know Bob this is why I read your emails, your defending Kid Rock where you know most in your tribe wouldn't.
Today in this crazy fucked up world, that's refreshing.

Doug Gillis


I know off an offspring named Sexual Chocolate.....
(First & middle names)
Just sayin...



Been awhile Bob, but here I am, still reading you after all these years... The Abcde name incident made me think of a Frank Zappa quote. He famously named his kids Moon Unit and Dweezil, followed by Ahmet and Diva. Asked during a radio interview whether that peculiar indulgence might be harmful to his children he replied, "Its not their first names which are going to get them into trouble."

Spoken as the true family man he was beneath the veneer of theatrical vulgarity... he was and continues to be simply irreplaceable and greatly missed. But sometimes I think it was merciful that he didn't live to see this era of political correctness run amok.

Whatever it is you're doing here... I'm grateful, please keep doing it!

Don Rose


You nailed it on the name thing! My wife and I are both 1st generation Canadian children of European immigrants. Me of Portuguese ones and her of Croatian ones. When she was pregnant with our second, a boy, we had a few names we both agreed on and one that she wanted that I was dead set against for the reasons you spelled out.

Now mind you it was a traditional Croatian ethnic boy name, but the spelling vs pronunciation of it would mean my son would be going through life CONSTANTLY correcting people, if not dealing with quizzical looks to smirks all his damn life! The name? Mijo, which I know every damn person from teachers onward would say as "my-joe" until he would have to sigh, then correct then that it's pronounced "me-yo".(Eastern European J's are sounded out as a Y)

In the end the name we both settled on? Hugh. Unique enough that's it's not as common as it used to be, but also not destined to give him a headache constantly correcting people the rest of his life!

Michael Moniz


He wrote "Sweet Home Alabama", right? Of course it's better to pretend you're a neocon if your talent-free. When pandering to ignorant bigots you don't really need your own riff. She was right.

B word? Where were the Brits when those 3 cunts were together?

Daniel Dwyer


Hi Bob!

This is one of your best. And the timing is perfect... I was just having a heated discussion yesterday about "hypocrisy and human nature" with a chap that fits your description of Nugent to a tee!

Thanks for sharing!

Greg Malecki



Tom Abts


My mom had a kid in her class named Shithead. They pronounced it "Sh-theed".

Jeff Sackman



What the hell are you saying? Jeez, take your meds before hitting the iPad.

Kirk Bonin


Trump's actions and rhetoric have made us all numb...

Unless Kid truly wants a hug from Joy, I think him going on the The View would lead only to water cooler talk (brief at that).

Couldn't agree more with ABCDE, Seinfeld and "Seven" episode;

Cya from Snowy Syracuse

Steve Anderko


Well I certainly agree with O'B on the Abcde name -

Ernie Pinder


Well said Bob!

Bill Jackson


Elton. The B is back,
So what!!!!!

Neil Lasher


Kid Rock is a douchenozzle. Who cares what he says, thinks or "sings"? You call that music!?

Harold Love


1. You're kidding aren't you, being sarcastic, when you label "bitch" the "b-word"? I really hope so.

2. As for the name Abcde, you got it right. The mother was all about her own ego and no consideration for her child going forward. I remember WAY back in the day - when Ann Landers wrote a column about names people give their kids.

She singled out a bunch for criticism including "Appendicitis". She called out the parents (nicely). And published her comments in a column that ran nationally in the papers. People talked about it. And no one sided with the parents. They knew it was wrong.

As for the gate agent who put the name Abcde on social media. The agent was as insensitive and egotistical as the mother. Both got their jollies at the expense of the kid.

John Parikhal


All of these stories are centered around relevancy, and that's the American dream, right? To be relevant!

Mother wants her daughter to be relevant, so she gives her a name that stands out.

Joy Behar wants relevance in the ratings so she picks a fight with Kid Rock.

Truth is no one cares. If you can't handle a little name calling, you don't deserve relevance. And 99% of the population doesn't give a shit.

Brian Martin


Hey, Bob,
Your name is your life.
Larry Butler


So, you've got no time for Ms. Palin because she fails at grasping the issues. Please explain the merits of Kid Rock and his ability to grasp the issues. Examples of his depth and insight would be helpful. He does not deserve your coverage.

As for Mr. Nugent. I'm sure you recall his attraction and interaction with underage girls. Write about that as you see him standing in the Oval Office. Does his presence there seem appropriate? Also, take a few minutes to google his remarks regarding race — especially his remarks about a President Obama. And please remember his love of guns and support for the blood soaked hands of the NRA. He is a shameful man.

I enjoy your writing, but be careful how you write about politics. One wrong sentence has ended careers.

Steve Cole


"Life ain't easy for a boy named Sue."

Clyde Bass


Divide and Conquer.
NO humor in politics or racism. NO one singing about how wrong it all is. ( Gotta be a young person now)
Lies are OK. The truth doesn't matter. Which side are YOU on?
You don't have to be smart to be successful. You don't have to have talent to be famous.
Fame is a lie.
New money burns fast.
The wrong people are in charge.
The blame game is not working.
A Trillion dollars is LOT of money! People don't realize how much. How many TRILLIONS of dollars in Debt is the USA now?

How is this all working out so far?

Aint life a bitch !

Steve Lukather


It's simple, Bob
We are all living in the Tower of Babel...




Leave the poor Abcde girl alone. It's a beautiful name and should be celebrated.

Yours truly,

(Doug Epperson)


David Soul! Testing the age range of your audience?
Best Lefsetz Pop Culture Reference of 2018

Ian Lee


I read your latest to my dog, LMNOP, and he thought it was great. Keep it up.

Rik Shafer


Wait, now I can't say bitch anymore?


Michelle Jacobs.


Thanks Bob,another great read.Mtns are getting alot here in CO.Early snow for December.Have a great day,Ted Keane


C'mon Bob Rock got played by Fox's Doocey who primed the pump and then acted surprised when water came out.

David Ray


To quote a prolific blogger, "what kind of fucked up world do we live in" when you can't even call someone a bitch anymore?!?!

And I'm assuming Abcde's parents' names are Dipshit and HeadUpAss. Of course people will make fun of ridiculous names!!! This mom knew that and couldn't wait for some attention as soon as she could pretend to be outraged.

in Calgary


Would you publicly mock a child for the stupid name their ignorant parent gave them, in front of the child and in public? I know you and you're better than that. It's on par with bullying, not to mention posting on social media afterwards.

Someone's gotta be the adult in the room and this poor kid has no defense except to change their name when old enough. Bullying like this leaves lasting scars.

Melissa Ward


Great email.

Adrian Rice


Where's my like button? Tell it like it is!

Chip Lovitt


Re: the kid named "ABCDE".

Immediately, the Seinfeld episode came to mind, where George Costanza thought he'd like to have a son, and, he'd name him "Seven".

(George is planning to name his 1st child "Seven")

Jerry: Hmmm, "Seven Costanza". Yep, I can see it now: Seven periods of school per day, seven beatings a day, seven stitches per beating, followed by seven years to life.


Steve Cossaboom


Right on!

Ron Wilson


Joy Behar is a piece of garbage. Bitch is too kind of a word to describe her. She can trash everyone in Washington who doesn't agree with her but being she's a liberal and a celebrity you can't turn the tables.
This country has become disgusting with the way liberals are allowed to take it over and to hell with anyone who disagrees with them.
She was happy when the White House was burned? I wish the same upon Hollywood.

Peter Boyles


Catch up, Bob! The word Bitch 'belongs' to women just as the 'N' word belongs to blacks. Besides, everyone knows now that the real bitches are all the whiny, entitled, patriarchal males. I love witnessing a female call her male 'friend' a bitch. It cracks me up. I saw this once, and he said to her, "Why do you have to be such a dick?" I laughed out loud right there in front of them, and then pointed out what they had just done. The gender script has been flipped. Chicks are dicks and dudes are bitches!

Like I said, it's their word now! BTW, the real bitches here are Little Lords Fauntleroy aka Kidd Rock, and Nugent (the two least talented rockers in the history of HISTORY! . . . Palin . . . she's just a Dominionist; believes humans and dinosaurs shared caves together. Remember that 1 million years BC movie poster? Now imagine it with Sarah Palin on it. Much more realistic!

Kieron K. McKindle

p.s. To all the politically correct pussies, twats, and cunts out there . . . Suck my dick!!! If we don't stop this soon we're going to have an entire alphabet of words we're not supposed to use. The 'a' word to the 'z' word. Fuck that! Trigger warnings, participation trophies, safe zones . . . I want a pet robot warrior! Preferably the velociraptor version! Here, Fido . . . sick 'em!!!


The first amendment means that people are free to express themselves. But it doesn't mean that they are free from any consequences of that speech. Yes, sometimes I do think political correctness is carried a bit too far. However, as someone who is relatively privileged in our society, perhaps I'm not always the best judge.

Amy Primeaux
Houston, TX


Not cool to laugh at any 5 year old. You'd know if you had kids.
Is Chastity any better?

Stu Cohen


I'm no fan of trump nor Kid Rock or the gratuitous use as an insult of the "b-word" as you say - I think Kid Rock was uncouth for calling Joy that word - but would it have made a difference if it was the reverse and someone called a guy a "prick," or should I say the "p-word"? Or should the only insult allowed be "a-hole" as everyone has one?

Also, the Stones song doesn't refer to a woman as a "bitch." Read the lyrics.

"Yeah, you got to mix it child
You got to fix it must be love
It's a bitch, yeah
You got to mix it child
You got to fix it but love
It's a bitch, alright

Nonetheless, your column is highly engaging!

-- Greg Debonne


I have no interest in these people, but a great commentary overall on the state of modern/stupid society.

Andy Argyrakis


That certainly makes sense. If I gave a rat's ass about either one of them, I might care.

Thanks, Bob. I always enjoy the newsletter.

Al Moss


I'll go Kid Rock one better. I'll call Joy Behar the C-word. She's nothing but a loud-mouthed blowhard who, along with most of her co-hosts, only seems interesting in spewing out her disdain for anything and anyone who doesn't lean left. And if you want to refer to Ted Nugent as "myopic" and being someone "who believes whatever he believes is right, and just can't fathom being uninformed or someone else having another opinion" that's fine too, but please remember to include people like Maxine Waters, Alissa Milano, Joy Behar, Whoopie Goldberg... you know, all of the 'morally superior progressives' who think they are so much smarter and know so much more and that their opinions count more than the rest of us.
You're not an idiot and I'm not hurt, Bob. But these people are. They are still smoldering that their entitled queen is not currently sitting on her throne at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. They are the ones that openly advocate violence against people with other opinions and call for harrassment in public of conservatives who don't share the same values.
I agree - enough with all the political correctness and 'trigger warnings' - you nailed it with the statement that "this is supposed to be the land of the free, and suddenly it's not." An honest assessment will reveal where the real opposition to freedom is coming from, and it's coming from the left.

Happy Holidays

B. C. Celello


When you don't have the balls to say "bitch" then we are all in trouble. Throw away that copy of Sticky Fingers if you are that correct.

Joy Behar has a bully platform and has embarrassed herself eight ways to Shavuous.

Good on Kid Rock.

Jonathan Gross


A win for both Kid Rock and Behar & The View crew. Like you said Bob, TV is about ratings and everyone is paying attention because that's what's for sale this day.....

As far as the mom naming her kid the first 5 letters of the Alphabet, it's another attention grabber and I'm sure she was counting the days before it would pay off and she would get to go viral. I feel sorry for the kid because I'm sure she's already had her share of teasing and her parents should have been a little more sensitive to that becoming the norm for their little sweetheart.

Gen Me and very selfish people have become these days......'Sad'........



ABCDE story. Saw it, Saw it is pronounced abcity. I went down to the comments, which are frequently more interesting than the story. About ten comments in, I read one that said:
ABCDE has a brother. His name is pronounced Hijack and he can't fly anywhere!

D. Mark MacGillvray



So, we're now calling it the "B" word?

Anyone who thinks Kid Rock calling Joy Behar a "B" is "controversial" clearly hasn't spent any time reading his lyrics, specifically from his earlier work.

In one of his biggest hits (Cowboy) Rock boasts that he's going to paint the sheriff's town red and, "Paint his wife white."
Hell, Google the lyrics to that song. This was a major radio hit and was on the tamer side as far has his lyrics were concerned.
I'm a huge fan of Kid Rock. What you see is what you get.

The current liberal mindset is that, "We can say anything we want. We can deride anyone we see fit because our opinions are rooted in 'fact'. But you, sir. You watch your P's and Q's when you talk to me."
They spend their entire day blasting Trump on social media.
I have friends who are (presumably) employed, yet find time to sit on Facebook all day critiquing everything he does and tirelessly making fun of him.
And these are the same people who are STILL shocked at how this country elects a man POTUS who gets involved in Twitter wars and name calling.

I keep waiting for a lightning rod to appear.
A rock star who doesn't give a fuck about political correctness.
An old school delinquent who is so unaware of what's right or wrong and just operates on pure emotion.
And apologizes for none of it.
We need to shaken out of our stupor.

Disclaimer: I am not a sexist or any other ist. I belong to the party of common sense.

Neil Johnson


Bob- You're right about people retreating to their corners. Trump figured out that partisanship sells, and he can drive folks to his corner with nationalism and naked appeals to self interests using his ego to shield racism, sexism and xenophobic nationalism. In Trump, America gets the Ego it sees as power. For all those speaking truth to power, the rest of the folks just want actual power; to feel it, to smell it, and mostly to see it being used on those they deem unworthy (those PC idiots fit that mold, but so what if Ted Nugent calls obama a subhuman mongrel or trump calls the porn lady a horseface or a black female reporter stupid). They want to feel power and revel in signs of being used to show they have it too.

Now Mr Rock plays along with all that, but somehow got sacrificed on the fluffiest show. The oddity is that he got checked on Fox!!! The same network where Ted Nugent called Obama a mongrel and a Fox anchor called the Obamas trash, or nicknamed someone a "creepy porn lawyer". A Fox network anchor turned on Mr. Rock when he thought he was playing their game and they used him to appear fair. He went after a soft target who had taken a jab at him and got called out on it. Huh? Fox can't fact check a politician but can PC check Kid Rock on Joy Behar. C'mon! They used him.

If only Kid Rock had called Nancy Pelosi a bitch or called Elizabeth Warren a name or, called Maxine Waters stupid or demeaned a pornstar Trump had sex with, they would have chuckled and said whoa buddy. But nope, he settled a score with Joy Behar whose show most folks can't remember.
No surprise that Kid Rock folks are standing up to defend him. They know how Fox works and Rock was coloring inside the Fox lines. The surprise is that a soft Fox anchor called him out at the moment. Why would Fox care? Was Joy Behar not on the depth chart of those used to stoke fear and outrage that day? Kid's mistake was missing the fear mongering target of the day.

But don't worry, I fully expect the whataboutism police to exhume some incident where Joy Behar called someone a name or went to far and then excuse Rock and blame the left. Nevermind the Fox apology. Hell I bet someone on Fox will actually say Fox should retract the apology and that Joy had it coming.

Kid got used by Fox and it is still somehow the left's fault.


___________________________________ the spirit of "you can't make this shit up" Kid Rock is replaced as the Grand Marshal in the Nashville Christmas Parade by the Waffle House hero the day after the video Waffle House Christmas starring Kid Rock is released.

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