This will transform your body

Hello Wonderful.

Every now and then we will send you an email devoted to something we love (then chased down the founders to see if we can mutually support each other's brands). We never work with a company or product we don't personally use and believe in. Everything we do at The What is on the level and out in the open. Today we want to tell you about the TONAL, an entire gym and personal trainer in your home. But, first go ahead, give it a supportive click to see what they're all about. 

Partner Support


Getting Fit In The New Year With A Personal Trainer For Life


Currently available in SF Bay Area and Los Angeles. Nationwide coming soon

Use our code: thewhat

for 3 months off membership



Years ago, the two of us used to work out with an amazing personal trainer (we miss you Rach!) and were in the best shape of our lives. But then kids came along, work got busier and our trips to the gym disappeared. We were turned on to TONAL by a savvy friend who told us, back in the day, that Soulcycle would be a big hit. As former DVD exercise fiends, we fell in love with the idea of having access to a bevy of personal trainers on a torso-sized flatscreen that transforms into a gym for a total body workout. We've been working out at TONAL's San Francisco Showroom  and recently had one installed in our home. We will be tracking our progress in a fitness diary so you can see our transformation for yourself. We're obsessed with our new TONAL and have to fight off friends and family members who vie for workout time. Check it out for yourself and be on the lookout for national availability in 2019. 


Love, Amy + Gina

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