Our 10 best stories of 2018

Best of 2018
What a year it's been for marketing. Some variation of this sentiment gets shared every year, but you'd be hard-pressed to find a stretch in recent memory where all players — brands, agencies and platforms — have had to reflect so vigorously on their fundamental values, whether it's Facebook's reckoning with data privacy or marketers becoming energized by the potential to be braver and "Just Do It" like Nike.

Below, we've assembled the 10 most significant stories Marketing Dive covered over the past 12 months. They encapsulate some of the biggest developments, from executive departures to creative innovation, that shaped the year in marketing and will continue to influence high-level decisions in 2019 and beyond.

Please enjoy as you settle down for quality time with friends and family. We look forward to continuing to deliver you insightful analysis in the year ahead.

Peter Adams
Reporter, Marketing Dive
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The good, the bad, and the ugly

Including how to monetize a small audience and choose your primary marketing channel ...