An Ignominious Ending

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Hey there Potty —  
Well, I had hoped to wrap up 2018 with one final whiz-bang edition of The Full Monty, with all of the sections and links you've come to expect. But that isn't happening sadly, due to illness over the weekend.

In a way, I feel like I'm letting you down just as much as I'm letting myself down. I curate these stories each week and craft this newsletter specifically with you in mind. I want you to be the beneficiary of the very best content that I see, and I want to save you time.

And between this, the accompanying podcast, resuming my work at Scott Monty Strategies, it can take a toll — especially while battling whatever seasonal bug I have.

The next few weeks will be sporadic: I may post something here and there, but I can't guarantee it. I appreciate your patience. And if you have any feedback for me, I'd be grateful to receive it.

Thank you for being part of my 2018. I wish you peace and joy this holiday season.

"No soul that seriously and constantly desires joy will ever miss it. Those who seek find. To those who knock it is opened."
– C.S. Lewis

I'll see you on the Internet.
Can I bring some Timeless Wisdom your way? I speak to executives, teams, and groups about avoiding shiny object syndrome and finding the truth in human nature that drives customer behavior.
Let's set up some time to chat!
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