My "Busyness Breakdown"

My journey to burnout and back, 33 rules for living a creative life, and some deep thoughts on drinking…


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Hi Friends-

My big news this week is that registration is open for my new online course RESET, a cosmic tune-up for your workday.

I can honestly tell you, hand to heart, that I think RESET is the best thing I've ever made. It takes 10 years of research and personal experience and distills it down into a simple, actionable program that will transform the way you work.

It's all about slowing down, opening up to inspiration, and taking a heart-centered approach to productivity in the new year.

If the things I talk about in this newsletter and on my podcast resonate with you, RESET is a great way to go deeper.

Learn more about RESET →

p.s. I made a gorgeous trailer for the course with illustrator Yukai Du that you can watch here.

To burnout and back. On the new episode of Hurry Slowly, I talk about working at a dead sprint at a startup for 4 years, and the "busyness breakdown" that inevitably followed. Turns out I'm not alone. Almost 50% of Americans say that they are regularly exhausted from their work. I break down the cultural shifts that are pushing us to the brink of burnout and talk about how we can start recalibrating the way we work. (13 mins.)

A unifying theory of alcohol. If you're thinking about your relationship to drinking as we head into the new year, this is an excellent piece: "I am now 43. And apart from when I gave up booze for six months when my wife was pregnant with our son, I have spent 29 years as an adult regularly ingesting alcohol. Which is a depressant. So there are only six months of my life as an adult where I have not been regularly ingesting a depressant. I have no idea what it means to be the adult version of me without taking a drug that makes you depressed."

How to be an artist. This collection of 33 rules for living a creative life is fantastic. It's got lots of fun exercises, too. I want to do this one: "Using any material on any surface, make or draw or render a four-foot-tall totem pole of your life. Include anything you want: words, letters, maps, photos, objects, signs. This should take no longer than a week. Now show it to someone who does not know you well. Tell them only, 'This is a totem pole of my life till now.' That's all. It doesn't matter if they like it. Ask them to tell you what it means about your life. No clues. Listen to what they tell you."

Distraction-free is a competitive advantage. Startup veteran Jake Knapp on 6 years with a distraction-free smartphone: "Phone Jake can't put his own priorities first. But if I can focus, I can make progress on blog posts, illustrations, slide decks, and book chapters — projects that matter to me, even if nobody is asking for them. This was the biggest difference in my work the last six years. I didn't suddenly acquire willpower or self-control. I'm far from perfect. But without those apps in my pocket, I have a competitive advantage over my prior self."

+ A hilarious example of "Don't complain, create."

+ Bel, an analog meditation candle.

+ Exercise makes you younger.

Rules for online sanity.
This week's sponsor is Hover, where you can get a domain name for whatever you're passionate about. Start laying the groundwork for your next big idea now: Newsletter readers get 10% off their first domain purchase at
Illustrations by Yukai Du for RESET.

Much appreciation for link ideas to: Swissmiss, Kottke, and Dense Discovery.

The lovely illustrations are from: Yukai Du for my new online course RESET. Watch the gorgeous trailer she made.

You can support this newsletter by: Tweeting about it or leaving a review for Hurry Slowly on iTunes.

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Hi, I'm Jocelyn, the human behind this newsletter. I created the online course RESET, a cosmic tune-up for your workday, and I host Hurry Slowly — a podcast about how you can be more productive, creative, and resilient by slowing down.
Copyright © 2018 Hurry Slowly LLC, All rights reserved.

 Mailing address:
Hurry Slowly LLC
534 3rd Avenue, PMB #1119
Brooklyn, NY 11215

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