Today Is Halloween, Today Is Halloween

Lunch reads from around the web...since 2013! //   //  
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OoOoOOOooOO welcome to a haunted edition of The Lunch Read. It's basically the same thing as a normal Lunch Read since I don't believe in ghosts.

Enjoy your (spooky) lunch.

- Today's Menu -

The Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger Language of Dieting
"Silicon Valley is creating a bevy of new products and services that could change how people talk—and think—about their body."
Appetizer (5 min) | The Atlantic

The Time Capsule That's as Big as Human History
"When the apocalypse comes, survivors (and aliens!) will be happy that Martin Kunze built this place."
EntrΓ©e (9+ min) | GQ

How Emotions Can Affect the Heart
NYT article or 2007 pop song? You decide.
Starter (5 min) | New York Times

Mr. Feeny From 'Boy Meets World' Foiled A Burglary Attempt In His Home
Imagine playing a crime fighting car for years and then when you actually stop a crime everyone is like, "lolol FEEHEEENAY where's Eric? Where's Eric? FEEEEEE"
Appetizer (2 min) | Uproxx

Anak Krakatau volcano explodes like fireworks with lava and lightning
We're just casually witnessing two video game final boss fights happening at the same time.
Dessert (3 min) | Washington Post

The Psychology Behind Why You Love Or Hate Scary Movies
Are you a cool kid or a little baby?
Dessert (4 min) | Huff Post

The Best Celebrity Halloween Costumes Of 2018
This week in "Why do you all click these stories? Stop clicking it. Please. Run while you can! It's just Kylie in a wig!" news.
Dessert (3 min) | Huff Post
Fun fact: Canada still arrests people for witchcraft. I don't know what to do with this information, but if you do, let me know please.
@SamGrittner: Halloween is coming up and I still have no idea what I'm going to be for the rest of my life.
It's that time of the year again! Time to watch that thing from SNL that you pretend to understand!
Thank you for reading! Have a happy Halloween! Watch out for scary things! Like that thing behind you!! Haha, just joshin. 
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Written and curated by @tommy_stella
Copyright © 2018, All Rights Reserved. 

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