jason hirschhorn's @MediaREDEF: 06/17/2018 - Mister Rogers, Data of Desire, Disney Strategy, Sonos CEO, Art Forgery, Cannabist Fall...

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'
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'Mister Rogers' Neighborhood,' circa 1980s. With King Friday XIII and the trolley.
(Fotos International/Getty Images)
Sunday - June 17, 2018 Sun - 06/17/18
rantnrave:// Glad to be back. I missed you... On this Father's Day, I'm reminiscing about a special surrogate father figure many of us had but never met. Someone who's POV is more important than ever. Someone who lived and taught kindness, patience, acceptance, and tolerance. I went solo to see the MR. ROGERS documentary, WON'T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR? He was destined for the seminary but then a new invention called television that fascinated him. It also repelled him as programming was violent, often condescending and not nurturing of the newest viewer, children. Through clips and interviews with friends, colleagues, and family, the film takes a look at a remarkable man that had an immeasurable impact on generations of children, parents, and government policy. I was too young to understand the influence of MR. ROGER'S NEIGHBORHOOD (1968–2001). Clearly, some of my ethics, morals, and behavior were shaped by the show. No different than watching my mother's behavior. A great history of the man with many stories I didn't know. His teachings were nuanced via narratives and characters. Many were his alter egos. He taught children that they were unique and special. When crazies took him to task, accusing him of creating an entitled generation (nonsense) he explained that it wasn't about entitlement but rather every child had something special to offer the world regardless of race, gender, nationality, etc. He was YOUTUBE for kids before YOUTUBE. Speaking directly to the camera in such a way that you thought he was speaking to you. And you. And you. On May 1, 1969, he testified to Congress about the importance of public broadcasting when there was huge momentum to kill it. He's calm and mesmerizing. Rarely do you see someone change opinions of negative, skeptical politicians immediately. In the NIXON era, no less. And it was televised. My sister says I'm going through my terrible twos at 47. Largely because the state of the world is so confusing, so mean lately. Challenging any ideas I had of commonality and kindness. And we, including me, so often revert to anger and name-calling. Mr. Rogers wasn't allowed to show anger when he was a child. And that temperament, which also had some strange effects, also allowed him to deliver his message in such a cadence that children understood him. They loved him and most important they listened. Listening was his talent. Employing conversational tricks like silence after a statement so that the other person would offer a feeling and thought they might not have. He understood the of gift silence. Something I am still afraid of. I don't mind solitude but I mind silence. I have more to learn. Later in life, he was ridiculed by vicious protesters and parodied by the likes of EDDIE MURPHY and JOHNNY CARSON. Some of which he enjoyed, others he didn't. He never preached until the end of his life. But as times changed and his message was getting ignored or misinterpreted he was more vocal and direct. The timing of the film is uncanny. The message very much needed. And thus I texted 50+ people to run to see this film. I hope you enjoy it and take in the message of tolerance. He was a life-long Republican and Christian and found room in his heart for all and acknowledged mistakes when he didn't. I was choked up multiple times but in a good way. I hate mean, and he was the opposite of mean. The show had no explosions. No shootings. No slime. No sassy kids without parents. Just kindness and life lessons. And some tough topics like assassination and how to talk to your kids about it. Treat yours to it on AMAZON PRIME VIDEO ... While a completely different speed, on Father's Day, I'll use the genius of CHRIS ROCK to make sure we appreciate the daddies... Happy Birthday to NICK WEAVER, CARMI ZLOTNIK, GEORGE WHITE, TRACY SWEDLOW, DAVID TISCH, DAVID THOMPSON, JESSICA BASS, and NOAH KIMERLING.
- Jason Hirschhorn, curator
officer clemmons
How Mister Rogers Taught Us To Take Care Of Ourselves
by Sandi Rankaduwa
Even though we're not kids anymore, we still need to hear - now more than ever - that our lives have value, and that we're lovable as we are.
MUST READ: Triple S To XXX: the Data of Desire
by merritt k
A collaboration between SSENSE and Pornhub to examine the relationship between fashion and human sexuality.
The Verge
Highlights from the Vergecast interview with Sonos CEO Patrick Spence
by Chris Welch
Assistant, Atmos, and more
REDEF Media ORIGINAL: Disney as a Service (Pt. II) and the Future of the 'House of Mouse'
by Matthew Ball
In announcing its own streaming service, Disney took a crucial first step in course correcting video service strategy and advancing Walt's own vision for his storied company. But few details were provided, including what the service will look like, how it'll be priced and sold, and who will buy it. Here's what we'd guess, and how we think the service will transform both Disney and the industry overall.
The Guardian
How to spot a perfect fake: the world's top art forgery detective
by Samanth Subramanian
The long read: Forgeries have got so good - and so costly - that Sotheby's has brought in its own in-house fraud-busting expert
Inside Anduril, Palmer Luckey's Bid to Build a Border Wall
by Steven Levy
We're standing on the edge of a cliff on a remote Texas ranch, a long patch of rocky desert stretching out below to the verdant banks of the Rio Grande, a silver ribbon 2 miles distant. On the horizon, a light haze shrouds the mountains of northern Mexico.
Aspen Ideas Festival
How Candidates Appeal to People of Color
by Kamilah Prince, Chuck Rocha, David Brooks...
What are the ways in which people are viewing voting through the lens of race?
Why China's Payment Apps Give U.S. Bankers Nightmares
by Jennifer Surane and Christopher Cannon
Americans might think they're living in the future of consumer payments, but many in the industry are looking to China
Facebook's Screening for Political Ads Nabs News Sites Instead of Politician
by Jeremy B. Merrill and Ariana Tobin
The social network is letting some political ads slip through without the required verification, while blocking promotional posts by news organizations, which are pushing back.
The rise, fall and possible rebirth of The Cannabist, once the darling of the cannabis media industry
by Cynthia Mitchell
Ricardo Baca was at his desk in the heart of The Denver Post's (then) downtown newsroom on Nov. 7, 2016, plotting strategy for what he called "the most significant election in cannabis history." Nine state initiatives for legalization were on the ballot - including recreational in California and medical in Arkansas, squarely in the Bible Belt.
lady elaine fairchilde
Scientific American
The Erosion of Reality
by Caleb A. Scharf
The most immediate AI threat may be the distortion of truth; something we, and other species, have been doing for a long time
Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project
The Age Gap in Religion Around the World
Young adults tend to be less religious than their elders by several measures; the opposite is rarely true. This pattern holds true across many countries that have different religious, economic and social profiles.
The Daily Beast
Why Did Japan Suddenly Kill Thousands of Airbnb Reservations?
by Jake Adelstein
Anatomy of a tourist-industry debacle: Thanks to new laws, not only were a huge number of confirmed reservations canceled, the number of hosts reportedly has dropped by 80 percent.
Columbia Journalism Review
Advocates are becoming journalists. Is that a good thing?
by Mathew Ingram
It was an impressive display of journalism: An in-depth look at Amazon's marketing of a controversial facial recognition software product to US law enforcement. It involved record searches in multiple jurisdictions, along with the collection of other evidence about the campaign and its impact. But this tour-de-force didn't come from a media organization like The [...]
Body Positivity Is a Scam
by Amanda Mull
In the beginning, there was the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty. It started innocuously enough, with a 2004 photography show in Toronto, then expanded to billboards, traditional print ads, and videos, all with similar messages: Women often feel bad about themselves and their appearance, and it's bad that women feel that way.
The Atlantic
Instagram's Wannabe-Stars Are Driving Luxury Hotels Crazy
by Taylor Lorenz
Hotels are being forced to figure out how to work with a new class of brand-peddling marketers.
The New York Times
Amazon Tightens Grip on a New Medium: Live Streams of Video Games
by John Herrman
Google and Facebook are struggling to catch up with Twitch, a service that Amazon bought four years ago for $1.1 billion.
Om Malik
What do YouTube, Instagram & GitHub have in common?
by Om Malik
I have had a few days to think about Microsoft's decision to buy GitHub for $7.5 billion and I am increasingly convinced that this is a good deal for Microsoft, as long as they don't pull the same shenanigans they did with Skype.
Discover Magazine
Ayahuasca, the Psychedelic Antidepressant?
by Neuroskeptic
A traditional Amazonian psychedelic brew is an effective and rapid-acting antidepressant, according to a paper just published. But the new study revives some long-standing questions. Ayahuasca is a mixture of herbs, traditionally used for spiritual and therapeutic purposes. The main active ingredients are N,N-DMT, a potent psychedelic, and several molecules that inhibit the enzyme MAO. …
I worked at Theranos, and this is a glimpse of my story
by kwiki1p
-I have not read the book yet, but I did pick it up an hour ago because I found one inaccuracy. I flipped through the index, looked at some name...
Sabrina Johnston
"REDEF is dedicated to my mother, who nurtured and encouraged my interest in everything and slightly regrets the day she taught me to always ask 'why?'"

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