[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner!

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You know what?
I have been considering the differences lately between
"old" and "young"
When you are young a good all nighter is carousing
with your buddies. . When you are old, a good all
nighter is not having to get up and pee.
When you are old, you are told to slow down
by the doctor, not the police.
When you are young, you get a little action
because whoopie is on your mind, and when you
are old , getting a little action means taking
you don't have to take any metamusell today.
But the biggest difference I have noticed between
young and old, when I was young, Mr Happy used
to stand and watch me shave. Now that I am old,
he just looks down at the floor.:(

We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman!



sex change clinic


naughty little man

Miss Duddly you lied

complaints department

grandpa didn't make it

begging the general's pardon

missing persons

what the hell...

George W. Bush met The Queen, and he turns round and says: "As I'm
the President, I'm thinking of changing how the country is referred
to, and I'm thinking that it should be a Kingdom"
The Queen replies "I'm sorry Mr Bush, but to be a Kingdom, you have
to have a King in charge - and you're not a King."
George Bush thought a while and then said: "How about a Principality then?"
To which the Queen replied "Again, to be a Principality you have to
be a Prince - and you're not a Prince, Mr Bush".
Bush thought long and hard and came up with "How about an Empire then?"
The Queen, getting a little annoyed by now, replies "Sorry again, Mr
Bush, but to be an Empire you must have an Emperor in charge - and
you are not an Emperor."
Before George Bush could utter another word, The Queen said: "I think
you're doing quite nicely as a Country."

Recently, I was diagnosed with A. A. A. D. D. - Age Activated
Attention Deficit Disorder. This is how it manifests itself:
I decide to water my garden.
As I turn on the hose in the driveway, I look over at my car and decide my car needs washing.
As I start toward the garage, I notice that there is
mail on the porch table that I brought up from the mail box earlier.
I decide to go through the mail before I wash the car.
I lay my car keys down on the table, put the junk mail in the
garbage can under the table, and notice that the can is full.
So, I decide to put the bills back on the table and take out the garbage first.
But then I think, since I'm going to be near the mailbox when I take
out the garbage anyway, I may as well pay the bills first.
I take my check book off the table, and see that there is only one check left.
My extra checks are in my desk in the study, so I go inside the
house to my desk where I find the can of Coke that I had been drinking.
I'm going to look for my checks, but first I need to push the Coke
aside so that I don't accidentally knock it over.
I see that the Coke is getting warm, and I decide
I should put it in the refrigerator to keep it cold.
As I head toward the kitchen with the Coke,
a vase of flowers on the counter catches my eye. They need to be watered.
I set the Coke down on the counter, and I discover my reading glasses that I've been searching for all morning.
I decide I better put them back on my desk, but first I'm going to water the flowers.
I set the glasses back down on the counter, fill a container with
water, and suddenly I spot the TV remote. Someone left it on the kitchen table.
I realize that tonight when we go to watch TV, I will be looking for the remote,
but I won't remember that it's on the kitchen table, so I
decide to put it back in the den where it belongs, but first I'll water the flowers.
I pour some water in the flowers, but quite a bit of it spills on the floor.
So, I set the remote back down on the table, get some towels, and wipe up the spill.
Then I head down the hall trying to remember what I was planning to do.
At the end of the day, the car isn't washed, the bills aren't paid,
there is a warm can of Coke sitting on the counter, the flowers don't have enough water,
there is still only one check in my check book, I can't find the remote,
I can't find my glasses, and I don't remember what I did with the car keys.
Then when I try to figure out why nothing got done today,
I'm really baffled because I know I was busy all day long, and I'm really tired.
I realize this is a serious problem, and I'll try to get some help for it, but first I'll check my email.

Two old friends are having coffee when the first woman says, "I hear
that you've been telling people that I'm ugly!" "Oh, no! I've just
been saying that your new hairdo makes you look less attractive." "I
also heard that you've been calling me fat!" "Oh, no! I just said
that the way you wear those stripes makes you look larger than you
really are." "I also heard that you're saying that my husband has a
wart on his dick!" "Oh, no! I only said that it feels like he has a
wart on his dick!"


You are one of *two* people on a malfunctioning airplane with only 
one parachute. How would you react?

Pessimist: you refuse the parachute because you might die on the jump 

Optimist: you refuse the parachute because people have survived 
crashes just like this before.

Procrastinator: you play a game of Monopoly for the parachute.

Bureaucrat: you order them to conduct a feasibility study on 
parachute use in multi-engine aircraft under code red conditions.

Lawyer: you charge one parachute for helping them sue the airline.

Doctor: you tell them you need to run more tests, then take the 
parachute in order to make your next appointment.

Sales executive: you sell them the parachute at top retail rates and 
get the names of their friends and relatives who might like one too.

Internal Revenue Service: you confiscate the parachute along with 
their luggage, wallet, and gold fillings.

One day, the seven dwarfs left to go work in the mine. 
Snow White stayed home to prepare lunch.
Later, when she went to the mine with the seven lunches,
Snow White saw that there had been a terrible cave in.  
Tearfully, and fearing the worst. 
Snow White began calling out, hoping against hope that someone had survived.
"Hello, hello," she called. "Can anyone hear me?  Hello?" 
For quite a while there was no answer.  Greatly discouraged, Snow White called one more time,
"Hello, Is anyone down there?"  Just as she was about to give up all hope,
there came a faint voice arose from deep in the mine.  
Calling out faintly back up the mine shaft the voice said, "Vote for Hillary, Vote for Hillary."
Snow White, somewhat relieved screamed out, "Oh, Praise The Lord!!!!! At least Dopey is still alive."


Where God Wants Me

Beer Commercial

Say Your Sorry




We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman!

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