Happy 150 To STMFJSAC That's right folks, the Songs That My Friend John Says Are Cool playlist has reached 150 followers! We'd like to thank John and Songs. Here's to 150 more! Oh this is also the 100th song added to the playlist. Less impressive, but definitely shows that John has some good work ethic. Click here and give it a follow! Enjoy your lunch. - Today's Menu - Dog Party Planners & Bridesmaids For Hire: Meet The Operators Of The Millennial Experience Economy Honestly, throwing Spot a sweet 7th birthday party is a better legacy than most generations get these days. Appetizer (5 min) | Refinery29 Ranking Sugars By How (Un)Healthy They Are "White Sugar? Honey? Agave? Which is least likely to turn me into a hyperactive, diabetic maniac spiraling toward sugar-induced violent crime?" EntrΓ©e (9 min) | Mel Magazine Is It Really So Bad to Sleep Late on the Weekends? Everybody's workin' for the sleepin'. Starter (3 min) | Lifehacker Saving Girls From Sexual Slavery in San Francisco's Chinatown "In that horrific practice, which flourished in the city from the arrival of the first Chinese immigrants during the Gold Rush until the 1930s, girls in China were kidnapped, tricked or sold by their parents and shipped to San Francisco, where they were forced to become prostitutes or household slaves." Appetizer (5 min) | The New York Times Love, Death, And Begging For Celebrities To Kill You Cut off my head and wear it as a trophy, Brendan Fraser. Shoot me in the foot more than once, Betty White. Get into a small fender bender with me, Steve Buscemi. Dessert (5 min) | The New Yorker About the Idea That You're Growing Horns From Looking Down at Your Phone … No, it's not a cool unicorn horn...sorry... Dessert (4 min) | The New York Times Why do some people avoid news? Because they don't trust us — or because they don't think we add value to their lives? "What if distrust is a smaller problem than the way news consumption leaves readers stressed, anxious, depressed, afraid, disempowered, and exhausted?" EntrΓ©e (8 min) | NiemanLab | |
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