This is why music is the hottest art form, because when done right it breathes, it's alive, it's a different experience every night. Which is why the more you play to hard drive, the more you kill the essence. At the bigger venues, the stadiums, acts are afraid of getting it wrong, just like Nikki Glaser, and they've got it prerecorded with vocals sweetened and tons of production and maybe the brain dead audience has an experience to put in their trophy case, but it's far from rock and roll.
But comedy is more cutting edge than today's music. Used to be if you wanted truth, you watched "The Simpsons" or some other animated program. Only two-dimensional characters could be honest. But today comedy rules, that's where the truth is, that's where the bleeding edge is... Where Chappelle rides on the edge of cancellation and Seinfeld says colleges are too politically correct/woke to perform at. Bill Burr is more honest than Nikki Glaser...
I'm not saying that Glaser has not performed well at roasts, then again she's filling the slot vacated by Amy Schumer, who performed the role much better, more believably. Glaser appears to be a sorority girl who stumbled into the wrong room and can't believe she's there, she's not comfortable with herself, and it's not endearing.
I know, I know, you can't criticize a woman. Then again, in the era of Trump can you?
Let me see... When did women decide that lipstick should go above and beyond their lips? I mean we're watching you in hi-def and it doesn't look good.
And Glaser looks different and...
Most people are not watching at all.
The Golden Globes shouldn't exist, it was run by a tiny cabal and the truth was exposed but the television property is just too valuable. To be the first awards show of the season?
But in truth the public doesn't care about the movies, it's all sequels and events. You can read today's "New York Times" on the Oscars, I wonder who that's for. These are the same people who believed Kamala was a shoo-in for victory. The public runs on streaming television and social media, then again seemingly every day in the "Times" there's an anti-social media rant. Endless stories about disconnecting from the internet... Yeah, like we had telephone holidays in the last century, EXCEPT WE DIDN'T! Why do educated Democrats hate technology, they're the ones who want to bring us back to the past, not Trump.
You can't have an awards show of social media because it's all Balkanized. Then again, so is music, but they continue to have their bogus awards shows as if we all pay attention to the same acts anymore. There are two trains running, one from the past, the left wing MAGA, that believes we live for the movies and the smartphone is the devil, and the other that believes just the opposite.
So, if you're not a fan of mainstream media, you probably escaped the Nikki Glaser hype. She was everywhere recently, even more than Taylor Swift. And now she comes on and
Doesn't exactly blow it, but kinda falls flat. Chris Rock operates without a net, and tonight Nikki Glaser was all net.
When you overthink art you screw it up. Too many cooks in the kitchen kill not only movies, but music. You may end up with a monetary success, but there's no lasting value. Bring back the auteurs of the seventies.
In music, the auteurs are already back. There's a parallel scene of acts who play go to see them and it's a visceral experience. It's smaller venues, you have to be in the know to go. And they are not hit dependent, that's not what you're going for.
Once upon a time movie stars were icons. But now that all their warts have been revealed online, we know they're just like you and me. We want something more, something to truly believe in.
Then again, if you can make it through a Nikki Glaser special, you're better than me, enough with the scatological material... Hell, I can pull up porn in Google, this is no longer summer camp with dog-eared copies of "Playboy."
So who are Nikki Glaser and the Golden Globes for?
It's not like we don't have options, we've got a plethora of them.
And I'm not a fan, but there's more honesty despite the occasional insanity in a Joe Rogan podcast than there is in tonight's show. With Rogan you never know exactly what you're going to get. Tonight, we're getting exactly what we thought we'd get, assuming we're paying attention at all!
But you can't sh*t on Hollywood anymore. Their hearts are in the right place, they give to charity, people love the movies... How out of touch can you be? Once again, this is why Trump won, people are sick and tired of an elite telling them that everything is the same and they should be happy. People want change, they want someone to listen to them.
And tonight Nikki Glaser was so busy listening to her out of touch inner circle that her vaunted monologue fell flat.
If you want me I'll be in the bar.
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