The problem with Joe Rogan is not that he spews subtle antisemitic tropes or false medical information or conspiracy theories. The problem with Joe Rogan is that he represents the majority of Americans…undereducated, incurious for the truth, stupid, getting off on watching other people being treated badly, "it's all about me" fu*k them I've got mine, etc.
Rogan is a symbol of America today.
As a Jewish person, I'm particularly sensitive to subtle and blatant comments about Jewish people. People who say these kinds of things usually dismiss as ignorant a-holes. The bigger issue is that Rogan is a symptom of some thing much uglier. That doesn't just bother me. It makes me really scared.
Susan L. Dodes
I'm not Jewish. I'm half-Irish, some English, some French, etc. The things Rogan is saying are despicable. He shouldn't have a platform, no matter how much money Spotify is making. However, he still has the right to speak out. It just shouldn't be amplified.
William Brody
So sorry to read some of the stupid and misinformed responses. Most of the Billionaire class are not Jews. Most of the investment bankers are not Jews. Certainly most of the CEO'S of major corporations are not Jewish. Actually most of them are Christian. Why are there not " partially truthful stereotypes about those Christians"? Prejudice?
By the way HOW MUCH MONEY is Joe Rogan making? Is he Jewish?
Ken Seider
All Goyim
Sara Joseph
"I am just a regular guy that is in the middle of the road"
Bullsh*t. Dumb ass is lost in his lack of self awareness and critical thinking like the bulk of the rest of these hero worshipping dipsh*ts. They leak their actual thoughts and intentions throughout what they write, fu*king clueless.
Bill Nelson
You've got some pretty stupid readers. Anti-Semites who believe anti-Semitism is so part of the culture they are oblivious to it. As a Jew hard to read the comments defending Rogan of which I'm sure there are dozens. Just shows you how deep anti-Semitism is ingrained.
Mitch Tenzer
Look at all the anti-semitic, overt or perhaps subconscious, emerging…all to back up a guy who successfully turned stoner casual conservativism into a million dollar pod, a safehaven for bitter white incels or anti-woke bigots and a few faux-free speech contrarians. "I'm just a dummy but I do know this— Jews love money". Who the fu*k doesnt? How many of the top CEO's in America are Jewish? Bet they don't have the stats.
Thanks for publishing their stained names. This country has entitled these armchair warriors to air out their inner bully, their inner bigot.
Bending over backwards to maintain harmful stereotypes that they prob rage against when they are labeled a certain way (boomer, racist, typical white guy, trump maga dummy, old).
Amazing the unifying effect of anti-semitism from all across the political spectrum. Fu*k em all.
Kevin Berntson
Just a quick point about Joe Rogan's comments. White people, and white men in particular, have been accused of the most horrible things by activists. We are guilty of the original sin of being settlers, haters, blah blah blah. Where is the outrage about this kind of racism? Somehow Rogan's comments are terrible but calling white people evil (literally) is just fine. — Tim Doyle
So much "white man scorned" nonsense from these tough men on the right. They obviously feel they should. White women are over them, too!
Alison Miller
I know many Jewish people. Married one who's dad was Jewish. That whole side of the family is freaking awesome, and certainly not cheap. The incredible generosity I've personally felt from all of the Jewish people in my life has been consistent. WTF? Did I really just have to defend that? What a stupid thing to say. What year is this? And stereotypes are rooted in reality? No, stereotypes are designed and spread to marginalize and hurt people. F'n crazy.
Niels Schroeter
They sure do( prove the point).
Thanks for once again shedding light on some of the darkness in our world.
David Brown
I dumped Spotify and switched to TIDAL (so much better for so many reasons) right after Rogan's COVID nonsense. This latest attempt at comedy(?) 100% confirms my decision.
Neil Krupnick
Wow. I am shocked at how many of your readers think actually agree w Rogan.
Awful. I have to face the facts—I'm a Jew and people are going to hate me because of that. That's just how it is. But I've unsubscribed from Spotify and I'm going to encourage everyone I can to do so too.
Mark Feldman
Also, this is good.
"Rogan's Jews - What the shock jock doesn't get about antisemitic conspiracies":
Ian Schafer
I cancelled my Spotify subscription just Uber two years ago due to Joe Rogan. Never looked back
Thomas Meyer
I'm in your camp. Rogan is a bigot, ignorant and not worthy of air time endorsement.
Tony Bro
What can you expect from a pseudo-intelligent, egotistical, alpha male, who has no common sense?
Lin Wolen
Jewish, but never anointed Princess
Like most American Jews, I've been hearing the "Jews & money" trope since I was a wee lad. Almost all the time, it's in a light-hearted manner, in jokes and asides from friends, classmates, etc. Only occasionally has it been mean-spirited. Nonetheless, it gets under your skin. The irony is that, in my professional life as a musician, I've been notoriously chill about money. Almost to a fault, and often-times to my own detriment. And I think that's due, in part, to a (barely) subconscious attempt on my part to DISPROVE the stereotype. It's kinda ironic that, due to the stereotype that all Jews are ruthless business people, this Jew is a lousy businessperson.
- Seth Kibel
Many of your followers are bigots, and frequently ignorant as is common trait in bigotry. I don't know how you put up with them. Joe Rogan found a way to become massively wealthy by playing on angry male insecurity. Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, the mega church preachers, today's Republican Party all cash in on playing angry and getting people pissed off. I deactivated my Spotify account years ago but there's plenty of Joe Rogan on YouTube. You don't need Spotify to see that he's got a sharp mind/deficient morals to go with those big muscles. He makes small minded men think they're smart.
Jeff Capshew
I find Joe Rogan and his dumbass fans repulsive. They're like people who were born to be meatheads but they worked out how to login to wifi started flirting with the idea of applying their frontal lobes but cant fully commit cos gym. So now we have this idiot army who over simplify complex issues and dive into "reasonable debate" over topics they know nothing about, with other meatheads who know fu*k all, over-intellectualise human behaviours they can't comprehend, blame everyone else for immediately poo-pooing what they have to say and don't consider other people might already have thought/discussed the same topics at length (or maybe even have a masters degree) and have a more well rounded/less black and white understanding and aren't prepared to engage with someone whose world view is so warped and void of empathy that a discussion would be a waste of time. When people like Jordan Peterson "destroy" let's say a non binary person in an intellectual debate about let's say trans-rights- or referring to the person the way they want to be referred to- maybe that's cos Mr Peterson's complete lack of human emotion allows him to make arguments that simply cannot be argued with because they're just… hurtful. I found Joe Lozarros comment particularly troubling (soz if I got your name wrong I couldn't be fu*ked getting it right, I'm sure that won't offend you?)…
"Words are not violence. They can be used for calls to violence for sure, & this type of speech is not & should not be protected in any circumstance. Uncomfortable words may cause stress & trigger offense, but they are not violence." sorry but words are violence.
Words such as: "Certain races or cultures have more of a tendency to act in different ways in every day life".
This is literally the definition of racism. Using the word "race" in that context is violence. A "race" is a way to group people by their physical appearance. So what you're saying (intentionally or not) is that black people have a "tendency to act in different ways". Whether you like it or not your statement is racist. I'm sure you would understand that all people are born equal no matter the colour of their skin, same goes for racists- you might not hate a certain group of people but the simple act of recognising a "race" as a legitimate way to group people together is racism. You can mean well and still be racist. But racism is violence. Your "logic" is fu*ked.
Stick to the gym you fu*king meatheads and leave the thinking to people with more frontal lobe capacity. (I know you all must love the gym cos joe Rogan goes to the gym and you listen to joe Rogan so I applied a stereotype to you cos it would be crazy not to recognise that stereotype and apply it to you).
Benjamin Carter
"Congressman who raised issue of antisemitism on Twitter says he was bombarded with antisemitic tweets"
Joe Weinstein
Rogan gave Alex Jones the microphone on his show October 27, 2020.
He's a pot stirrer and has misinformed fans hanging on his every word.
I've been done with him since he let Jones rant.
Neil and Joni did the right thing.
DW Davis
I wonder if a lot of the "yeah, but it was just one small thing, said as a joke, taken out of context" crowd,
also can't see why "All Lives Matter" is not an acceptable response to Black Lives Matter.
Harrison Merims
As you and I have witnessed in our own lives, blaming the Jews never loses its charms. Thirty five years ago when my first child was born, I thought, thanks goodness he won't endure the hate that I did. Wrong.
Jon Sinton
Unreal. I wrote him a mean thing on Instagram not sure I saved. Dude was a total piece of sh*t EVEN BEFORE THE RACIAL STUFF.
He makes me sick thank you.
Adam Shacknai
The amount of feedback defending Rogan and his unacceptable remarks is truly repugnant.
And I'd wager $500 that every single person who wrote to you in his defense is a conservative-leaning straight white religious hetero male.
I'm truly just about ready to give up on this country and abandon ship.
Mike Froedge
The amount of idiots you have here supporting Joe Rogan is unbelievable. The funny thing about stereotypes is that they work both ways. So I'm not surprised that the dumb Polack and sleazy Italian responded as such.
Paul Trust
Wow, so many of these messages prove your point indeed. So F'ing depressing to see the anti-semitic supporter comments in 2023.
Perhaps I fool myself…an entire career in music…a business where you deal with people of varying color, ethnicity and religion on a daily basis…I like to believe that is one of the unique strengths of the field we chose…somehow WE are different.
Turns out, the embarrassing bullsh*t tropes and stereotypes that infect so much of far right and accompanying media are alive and well in music as well…
so alive in fact that they'll type it out and hit "send" without a second thought.
Kevin Day
Bob: I worked for and became a managing partner of a "Jewish" owned national (NASDAQ) entertainment company for 24 years. I was the only "gentile". EVERY day was amazing and filled with opportunity and innovation. It was a "family". It was an education not found in academia. I will simply leave it at that.
Scott Hazlewood
"… I am way more offended by your lack of authenticity than you will ever truly be about Rogan…"
apparently you are inauthentic regarding the extermination of 6m brethren.
they will never make the connection especially when it is 2 or 3 degrees more vague…which is the very definition of dog whistle.
then he closes w/ ''ighten up'.
I'm a tad ashamed that I goog every one of the crazies who offer up these inanities. ill keep to myself about what I do/don't do w/ the data.
Gary Mendel
Attention and fear. The only currencies that we find monetizable in the 21st century.
Michael Becker
I don't take Rogan's remark as a defense of Ilhan Omar. She apologized for insensitivity, explained she was talking about AIPAC, and that's totally fair. Rogan just used it as an excuse to stereotype Jews because it's what he feels his listeners want. My background is Jewish, and I know the difference.
Joseph Henderson
Bob, as a hard-working, right-leaning Irish Christian, I love and respect the Jews. There are good and bad of all stripes. But Jews on the whole to me at least, just seem harder working, and smarter than most people I've met. And they Never Forget.
Gerald Moore, Jr.
Anyone using the "Rogan is a comedian" line should note the difference between describing hours of audio drivel vs. when Jon Stewart used it much more aptly to torpedo Tucker Carlson's critique of him on Crossfire in 2004.
There's no comparison. As Stewart pointed out at the time, no one should have taken them seriously as they did a half hour of jokes with a lead-in from puppets making prank calls. No one can tell me that Joe Rogan doesn't crave being taken seriously on multiple fronts.
Matt O'Donnell
I got about halfway through the comments; I can't read anymore. It hurts my eyes and heart… what is wrong with people?
It's so sad that Jews for centuries still have to fight antisemitism on a daily basis.
It terrifies me to go to temple, a place as a child I used to feel safe at.
What will happen to my half Jewish daughter one day?
Sasha Dodds
Oof. The Rogan Stans who listen to their dumbass hero for 10-15 hours a week or whatever and can't imagine how anyone could tune in and be offended.
Nice to see you're getting it from from both of the loudest pro-Rogan-bro camps: the first being those who consider themselves intellectually superior; they hold JR up to be some kind of modern-day Socrates. The ones whose crap responses drip with "civility porn."
"Yes, kind sir. Agree to disagree with respect to this complicated, nuanced issue of anti-semitism. I only mean to gently inquire out of pure, innocent curiosity. Despite these differences of opinion, I am delighted to have been edified by the discovery of your missives and digital audio broadcasts. Good day."
That kind of thing.
Then you've got the other camp: "Go cry about it." Nice. Seems like a great time over there in the JRE-verse. Yikes.
Yeah, sure, the only people complaining are those who have not listened to a full episode. Okay. Do I need to have attended a full klan meeting before I can consider myself qualified to judge it or express an opinion? Come on. And I happen to have listened to many full episodes of Joe Rogan's podcast. He's had some great guests! Unfortunately, I had to give up just based on the sheer, cringey dumbassery of the host. And all the meathead bro bullsh*t. Which was the veneer covering the real racist sh*t. Not to mention the severe, hilarious-if-he-didn't-have-an-audience-of-millions, deficiencies in critical thinking (while proclaiming oneself to be a paragon of it!).
No wonder all the anti-vax quacks love to appear on his show. They know they can dazzle the guy with five-dollar words and their fancy charts and graphs. The modern anti-medicine supplement racket (and so many other rackets!) is strong thanks to JRE and his coterie of "independent thinkers."
Here's an episode of the wonderful Decoding The Gurus podcast, in which the hosts break down the Rogan bullsh*t pretty masterfully:
Here's the follow-up episode, in which the hosts react specifically to Rogan's non apology with regard to promoting vaccine/Covid misinformation:
Thanks, Bob. I love the podcast (you just let these legends talk and tell their amazing stories without interrupting! Imagine that!) and the newsletter. I don't know how you keep it up, but I'm glad you do.
Take care.
Matt Kollock
I need to respond to the response of one of your readers, and I'll refrain from the predictable ad hominem response. Your nameless reader wrote:
"I grew up in Manhattan in the 80 & 90's and I can tell you, from experience, jews love money and are cheap. It's a fact. Same as they are GREAT friends, loyal as f..k and super driven / hard working."
If he knew from experience the many millions of other Jews out there in the world he wouldn't make such a small and generalized statement.
So, here's what your reader actually meant with his statement:
"I grew up in Manhattan in the 80 & 90's and I can tell you, from experience, that the sub-microscopically tiny amount of Jews that I personally knew and worked/interacted with out of the multiple millions of Jews that exist in the world, did love money and were cheap. It's a fact that only those very specific people that I happened to know or work/interact with were. Same as they are GREAT friends, loyal as f..k and super driven/hard working."
Noah L.
Wow, Bob.
You're a little sick-o. Sure wish you'd step back and take a look at how ludicrous you sound.
In the midst of control measures the government has exerted over online speech (from FBI and their Twitter interference, to Hunter Biden's laptop coverup)…I am utterly amazed that you are too fragile to see the correlation to your cries for "control" of Joe Rogan!
Your myopia has become a real joke. Has old age really fu*ked up your vision?
Jacqueline Rhinehart
Most semites (Jews, Arabs, etc.- and dare I add Chinese, Iranians etc?) fit the stereotype of being frugal and trying to cut themselves the best deal. It goes back thousands of years. It's called survival in a harsh landscape.
Where it gets ugly in when institutions get involved. The Catholic Church demonizing Jews so that the rich landowners and the church didn't have to pay back the money they borrowed. It's when the Church tried to get all the mercenaries out of Europe by setting them on the Muslims - and allowing them to prey on Jews as well.
It's the Ford Motor Company with the truly pernicious Protocols of the Elders of Zion funded by Henry Ford - demonizing Jews around the world. Then, there's Hitler.
And today, it's the Joe Rogans and the GOP. It's such a hair-trigger world that we can't treat any anti-semitism as "just a joke". The stakes are just too high.
John Parikhal
some of these emails are really fu*king scary...oh and by the way fu*k Joe Rogan....
Michael Rosenblatt
Joe Rogan is a world-class fu*king a-hole
Glenn Frese
What I find strange is not that we have a world with Joe Rogans in it, but that so many people listen to him. It seems to me that when I was a little kid in the '60's we really looked up to people that were intelligent. What I remember is worshipping the astronauts and the people in white coats who sent them up and brought them back, the doctors who came up with vaccines that saved our lives and the scientists who figured out how to make our lives better. That wasn't a perfect time, far from it, but this part of American life seems different. Now, it feels more and more like a lot of Americans worship people that are demonstrably stupid and equally demonstrably proud of it; almost like they feel some odd kinship with them. People now seem to distrust intelligence because it makes them feel stupid or even "tricked". Politicians, talk show hosts, "influencers", and yes, musicians or should I say "entertainers". I just don't get it. It's not that I'm walking around OFFENDED all the time, I'm not- I grew up in the early days of punk, it is VERY hard to offend me. I'M FU*KING BORED!!!!! Stupid is boring, I can NOT even bring myself to focus on people like Joe Rogan, I can't make my mind stay on it, it's just too boring. I can watch a documentary on ANY subject, even something I've never been interested in- if the film is done with intelligence. Why anyone would WANT to listen to that guy is completely beyond me, I just don't know how they do it. All the excuses, "he's a comedian", well then do fu*king comedy, don't give vaccine advice. I don't want to see Dr. Anthony Fauci do standup either, it's just dumb. Rogan is not nor has ever been funny…. Richard Pryor is funny. Lenny Bruce is funny. Both offensive and both REALLY fu*king funny and intelligent. Rogan just isn't. I am and always will be baffled that anyone listens to him. Gun to my head and given the choice I would honestly rather listen to Carrot Top, for real. Hell, I'M funnier than that dude. Kick Rogan off the air, don't kick him off the air,I don't give a sh*t and that's probably above my pay grade, but I remain supremely uninterested… and fu*k yes you can use my name.
Kevin Bowe
I'm an old flat land Baptist. Who grew up with a Jewish family I thought of very highly.
This has nothing to do with why I occasionally read your letter. You and I disagree over many items and I've voiced my displeasure several times in the past. I truly believe everyone has and must have the ability to voice their opinion even when I disagree. One of the reasons I spent my service time in the Marines. That is why you have the ability to send this news letter over the internet every day or so without any ramifications or extra costs. Everyone in this country has the right to have their say even though we may disagree it is a constitutional right to be able to say it.
These Jewish folks and kids felt much the same as me. Sure we had our disagreements and squabbles but in the end we stayed friends. One of the boys enlisted in the US Navy and while on leave had a car wreck. Unluckily he passed from a severe kidney infection. His father spent many hours working to raise money for a dialysis machine for the community. Being an old man this is what I remember about the group in my home town.
Even though I disagree with you I do at times agree so all is not lost and I wish you much good fortune in the future.
Ken Pratt
I started reading and had to stop and start commenting. Probably not the way you'd want to post it, but this is more for you than anything.
Really sorry to see this kind of thing in 2023.
Comments and reflections below.
"Stereotypes are rooted in reality.:
So college students are all lazy slackers, ultra-progressive with no root in reality?
Europeans never wear white socks?
Middle Easterners all stink of BO?
Black people are all amazing basketball players with oversized penises who listen to rap music?
Priests are all upstanding models of unimpeachable moral and ethical authority?
Wealthy people are all greedy, narcissistic, cruel people?
I could go on.
You'll find if you do a little digging (no, not "research" on Facebook) that there are as many exceptions as there are examples of whatever rule or stereotype you can find, which only illustrates the variety and diversity even within each community or collection of stereotypes.
"Sorry bro."
We're all people first "bro". Humans. With our individual differences and preferences, regardless of what group you want to put people in.
Stereotypes are rooted in ignorance and laziness. Through defining in groups and out groups and finding characteristics to simplify and paint all with the same brush, make it easy, no thinking required. I guarantee you would also resent being stereotyped based on your phenotype, geography, or an number of other characteristics.
"Certain races or cultures have more of a tendency to act in different ways in every day life. Certain lifestyles correlate to different groups. This is arguable, & always evolves over time. There are good, bad, & terrible historical reasons why these tendencies may exist today."
Even if this were true (doesn't matter whether it is or not), look a bit further into the background for things. Why did Jews become connected with banking? Why connected to the entertainment industry? Hint - it's not a racial, religious or other "characteristic" or "trait" reason, it's because they were kept as an "out" group by the "in" group and had to find some area where they could work and provide for themselves and their families. And as you can see - they as a group overall did quite well!
"To de-platform, or ban, certain stressful speech harms the overall discourse & society as a whole."
I think we've come to the point in society where we need to reexamine the role of overall discourse vs purposeful disinformation and propaganda.
"I grew up in Manhattan in the 80 & 90's and I can tell you, from experience, jews love money and are cheap. It's a fact. Same as they are GREAT friends, loyal as f..k and super driven / hard working."
That certainly proves it, must be true if that's what your little corner of Manhattan was like in the 80's and 90's. Great sample size, statistically rigorous analysis, fantastic sociology research right here. /s
What you're describing here are stereotypes, and you're simply reinforcing them. I know a few girls with short hair who like girls, therefore all short haired women must be lesbian, it stands to reason! But they're great friends!
"Sorry Bob, you're way wrong. Every person that criticizes Rogan obviously never has listened to an entire show, not even once. I'm not crazy about everything he says, but he's a comedian. Have you ever listened to a whole show? Find one where you like the guest, listen start to finish, and you might learn that he's just a curious goofball who is genuinely interested in people from all walks of life. It's so tiresome that one clip of him making a tasteless joke gets thrown around the bought and sold media again, acting like he said it with bad intent or harm. Are we going to go after every single comedian that makes jokes about stereotypes? Can't we make goddamn fun of anything or anyone any more?"
That's his schtick. He's not especially intelligent, and is at best a tool, at worst a useful idiot.
He's the human equivalent of clickbait, and has found a formula and built a brand that works really well - for him. Looking at his influence I would say the negative far outweighs any (of there is any) positive. That's just my opinion.
"Because I happen to listen to Joe Rogan, I'm inane and insane, wow, talk about a stereotype. 'Joe Rogan listeners are wrong.' No, I'm not wrong, Bob. And by the way, Rogan CAN NOT BE CANCELLED. Take him off Spotify and he'll just be independent again. Spotify needs him more than he needs them. And it drives media people crazy that he's so popular. "
Not an idiot at all. Possibly like most of us, drawn to the sensational, the bright and shiny, the big names, and blinded by it so missing out on the ultimate emptiness of the actual content and negativity perpetuated through his program.
I've listened to several of his shows and would normally have been surprised that others don't react at the utter lack of logical thinking, understanding of history or society. Knowing human nature and the state of the education system, I'm not. Yes, I know that can sound elitist, it isn't. As Richard Dawkins once famously quipped, "it's important to have an open mind, but not so open that your brain falls out." Critical reasoning has left the room, unfortunately.
"I promise you that anyone who hates Jews will not be emboldened by Joe Rogan making a joke. They were f..ked up to begin with. I hate Trump and the MAGAts more than words can express, but I pretty much hate the far left as much these days. If he was as terrible as you think, he wouldn't have MILLIONS of listeners every day. I'm just sick to death of everyone trying to take away free speech in this country."
That's like saying no one would be emboldened by Trump's rhetoric. Yet we have Charlottesville, BLM protests, a photo op in DC in front of a church, as well as the attack on the capitol on 1/6. But he didn't mean it that way! Those were completely unrelated to what he said. Right?
"Joe Rogan argued the moon landing was a fake government staged conspiracy for years before finally coming around. That's the level of person you're dealing with here."
Joe's in it for the clicks. And the Benjamins. There's no substance there at all.
Sorry Bob, so much hate and ignorance, I had to stop here.
Totally agree with you. I'm with you.
Hope you have a great weekend!
Thor Legvold
Thank you Bob. Your replies are a good barometer of humanity and I'm not optimistic. Please keep doing what you're doing, speak the truth.
Matt Mach
Wow.Some pissed off people.Everyone wants to argue.Just stop reading or listening.That post got you so worked up that you email your anger?Thanks Bob,stay well,Ted Keane
Ted Keane
Bob. Shocking attitudes shown here by many of your correspondents. How did it get to this?
Mark Earls
Please stop with the cancel culture. You are what's wrong but you just don't get it.
Kent Stewart
I'm not a Rogan fan, but I don't dislike him either. If he has a guest on that interests me, I'll listen. That being said, this cancel/de-platform bullsh*t is nonsense. He's has a right to say it. Spotify has a right to air it.
We need people saying ridiculous things, especially now-a-days. It's up to the individual to decipher what's true/false, appropriate/inappropriate, satire/news. Rogan is a comedian at the end of the day. It's unfortunate that so many can't think for themselves, but legislating to the lowest common denominator isn't the answer. Thanks. Love your letters.
Todd Brooks
Hey Bob,
It's weird how a low-level personality trait in high amounts (i.e. arrogance) can be more powerful than high-level intellect (fluid intelligence or IQ)... but in your case, that often seems to be the case. Arrogance is a blinding trait... and all too often (and sadly) high IQ feeds arrogance and creates a feedback loop.
I used to find your letter to be intriguing, amusingly provocative, and even thought provoking... a good read whether I agreed with you or not...
In recent years though, it's just become an e-bummer filled with deeply flawed ideologies wrapped in pseudo-smarts.
Just because you're a good writer doesn't make you right. The strong writing style often serves as a camouflage for the deeper flaws.
In this recent letter, to me, you define two important things too narrowly:
1) What an artist is (or isn't)
2) Free speech
Fascinating! Also, sad.
Adam Watts
I have followed you for years, Bob. But this thread is making me unsubscribe. If you want to preach from the soap box, you need to have a thicker skin.
Mike Nuvo
Dear Bob L.
Please stop with the politics. Your lane is the music industry. No one wants to hear your politics anymore than you want to hear mine.
I like your stories about the things you witnessed about the industry far more. Stick to what you know.
Larry Litz
Sacramento Ca.
I'm Jewish and I love Joe. Time to awaken.
Randy Thomas
I find it funny that you allow even the most opposing views to get heard on here. Very diplomatic. Yet these are the same people who want to unsubscribe…
I'm a Jew and I'm very mixed about this. I think it's fvcked up for someone to be able to spew stereotypical rhetoric under the guise of being a "comedian." However, I definitely don't hate Joe Rogan either and I AM a fan of free speech. The issue and the problem is not him. It's deeper. We've NEVER agreed in this country where that line is drawn. Just because a corporation sells you junk doesn't mean you need to buy it yet consumer watchdog groups are designed protect us from their bad behavior. Rogan is a brand and a pretty big one. So why is he exempt? He can just say what he wants? Just food for thought…
Danny Jay
Yikes, looks like you've got a heavy hard right-wing readership going.
L.A. Gonzalez
There is one thing that you and Rogan have in common. You're both fu*king morons.
Chris Joseph/George Peabody
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