Re-Heart Correction

Hey Bob,
Yup, The Archies for the RnR HOF! Love that idea. Sugar Sugar was the #1 song for all of 1969, then Wilson Pickett did an outstanding version in 1970 and it went back on the charts...

My all time hero, Bob Marley, did a version as well..

The Archie's for the Rock Hall of Fame. Count me in!

Jon Goldwater
Archie Comic Publications
Executive Producer:
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina


Herman's Hermits absolutely, and the Monkees. Not the Archies or the beloved Fugs, but I get your point. I constantly lobby for the NY Dolls, Al Kooper and Mickie Most. The accusation that the Monkees or Herman's Hermits didn't play on their own records (though they did on many) or write their own songs doesn't hold water, what about Gladys Knight, for instance, or the many other artists, especially vocal groups, who didn't write or play?

Toby Mamis


Joan Jett... Yep. I'm always hot and cold on her. But this quote from my girlfriend kind of summed it up after the show. "After watching Heart you realize how juvenile Joan Jett's stuff is."

Phil Johnson


One thing you didn't mention about Joan Jett....her voice is shot. Listen to the new tracks they threw onto the film soundtrack LP. Just painful. Or watch live shots of her guesting with the Foo Fighters and others. Again painful. Now I liked Joan back in the day. Picked great overlooked songs and made them her own but her shelf life was always going to be a limited one as it was with Suzi Quatro who rocked harder. Neither stood for anything but good times.

Larry LeBlanc


I thought I was the only one who questioned why Joan Jett was in the R&R Hall Of Fame. She's not a great songwriter, an average rhythm guitarist, (not a lead player at all) and I guess she sings ok. But R&R Hall Of Fame? She shouldn't be by a long shot.

Patrick Whitaker


Well said:)

Elliot Groffman


At least you admit to it. That's worth something.

Richard Young


Back off Heart and Joan Jett, Bob. Your blog isn't the "all-knowing' of Rock and Roll.

Paula Kay Hornick


do you think ted nugent should be in r&rhof ?

ken deslippe


Good name for a song.
I Hate Being Wrong.
Fertile ground for a lyricist.
Dave Herlihy


Regarding being WRONG about Heart being in the RRHOF : Too bad you don't include graphics in your newsletter... you could have corrected your mistake somehow with a Sharpie.

Steve Levesque


You may be wrong, but I loved your write up of the Heart show. Your writing is palpable. You corrected the fact but the good feeling remains.



At least you didn't cross their name out with a Sharpie and claim you were correct!
So Heart is in, but where are Jethro Tull and The Doobie Brothers??

Rich Madow


Herman's Hermits ? Come on Bob. How about The 1910 Fruitgum Company? Put them in too.



Michael Rosenblatt


Re: "But that just shows what a worthless institution it is, I couldn't remember this."

Really? wow

Larry Bole


Yeah.....the Fugs. Let's get Ed Sanders and Tuli Kupferberg in there with a recording of River of Shit.

Bob Bisnett


Remove foot slowly from mouth

Relax buddy we've all made a few in our lifetime

Kevin Sutter


We love you Bob. And your podcasts are fantastic! :)

Patrick Whitaker


You screwed up so you're going to take it out on Joan Jett?
That's pathetic Bob.



Please explain how Herman's Hermits had a bigger impact than Joan Jett? Please. Who's next on your list...Gerry & the Pacemakers? I find it odd that the Zombies are in there.

Don't be a sore loser bob. You're better than that.

Matt Erhartic


Three words describe just how piss poor, worthless and devoid of any credibility this 'institution' is

Where's Todd Rundgren



Justified rant Bob, particularly when you consider that Bernie Taupin isnt!

Keep up the ranting

Pete Buckland


The Rock Hall is in Cleveland. Nothing more need be said.

Richard Franklin


It's ok to be wrong, Bob. I've written you with wrong info in the past and you corrected me. Thanks for the letter...

Rodney Rowland


I hate being wrong too. Failure is the pathway to humility...

Fritz Doddy


We forgive you and excellent point about Peter Noone and boys. A great band.

My personal pique involves Poco but the list of faves not in astounds and it bothers that some may not be alive to enjoy an honors.

As to the Fugs, when the City screwed up my touch football field across the street from the (Glen Oaks) Garden apartment where I live in my early teens — I think it was 1970 — by building one of those playground pools (still there), we got friendly with the lifeguard and he lent me the Fugs LP. I had barely heard of the band. It was interesting experience. Maybe the only good thing about the pool getting built.

Corey Bearak


Bob... at least you acknowledge an error.. unlike POTUS.

Sari Leon


The Runaways were the 4th biggest selling foreign band in Japan (the world's second biggest market) for most of the 70's following ABBA, Kiss and Led Zeppelin.

Sebastian Mair


I love you.
I'm sorry you haven't discovered The Mavericks.
Best touring band in America.
The world.
Rich Binell


Good one!

John Dittmar


Couldn't agree more...TONs of acts more worthy than Joan Jett.

Will McBride


Where is little feat? End of discussion

Tom Broadhurst


What about the spice girls. I love them.

William Duke


Bob, it isn't often you're wrong, and the thing that makes you stand out is that you OWN UP to your mistakes, admit them, correct them and move on.

That's a pretty big deal in the current "factually challenged" time we find ourselves.


Thor Legvold


When they inducted Joan Jett they spelled Pat Benatar wrong

Eric Chaikin



Ed Wolfman


Well Bob,
We all fuck up every now & then.
I do love black leather though & Nancy Wilson.

Michael Des Barres.


And Cleveland? Huh?

Brian Mitchell


But Bob, Charlie Larkey of the Fugs was married to Carole King ... that weird set up alone deserves to get them in the hollowed (sic) HOF ...

Alan Miller


The band that launched my music career was my sister Gail's band, which had two female lead singers in the late 70's.
Think they played any Heart?
Armand Sadlier


The Fugs would get my vote but not before Todd Rundgren.

Mike Marrone


I'm embarrassed to have that thing in my city. I don't know a fucking soul who takes it seriously.

William Nelson


Its a good thing to be wrong occasionally.
Like when you go see your fave act, and they play everything perfectly but then they lapse concentration, they fuck up a start, or some part and whooops... Humanity is revealed.
We mere mortals get to see/hear something honest and unrehearsed, and that has a lot more value, endearing us more to that artist.
The imperfections are the pearls in the oyster.
Kylie Cowling
Aussie Muso


The RRHOF is a joke. Eddie Trunk calls it the RRHOShame. The inequities are too numerous to mention. COMPLETELY agree with you about Heart – the Wilson sisters still have it (glad their personal differences have seemingly resolved). And it still took too long for them to get in. While I don't dislike Joan Jett as much as you, I was glad Heart got there first. That said, the RRHOF is getting better at inducting acts they had been too "cool" to induct. And it is NOT about Rock & Roll, it should be renamed the Music Hall of Fame. Don't get me started.

It takes a great man to admit he is wrong; given how lame the HOF is, I had to double check to make sure Heart really was in! Keep writing, I enjoy your passion.

Best, -Lynette Pearson


You are also wrong that Joan Jett doesn't belong. You are displaying a pretty shitty patriarch view.

Dave Parsons


So many great acts not in the Rock Hall, what a shame really

Bob Carey


We all hate being wrong, Bob, but at least you didn't resort to a Sharpie! -t

Tony D'Amelio


What do you have against Joan Jett? Cherry Bomb and I Love Rock and Roll are both legitimately great songs.

Bartholomew M. Motes


Don't let it get you down, Bob. You might have gotten a fact wrong, but what you wrote was 100% right in the ways that matter.

Eric Priest


If only other people admitted such a simple wrong....

Jamie Kaminski


Now you got ME going on the bullshit RRHOF. Joan Jett and ABBA are in, but THESE people are NOT? They all broke new ground or had a significant influence on what came later.

Procol Harum
Wynonie Harris
The Meters
The Chambers Brothers
Vanilla Fudge
Todd Rundgren
Delaney Bramlett
Three Dog Night
The Move
Ike Turner as solo
Joe Tex

What a bullshit organization…

Kevin Kiley


You hate being wrong, because you so rarely is therefore an uncomfortable place for you to be. That said....the damn Fugs are way too good for the RRHO Bullshit. And Tuli Kupferberg would have said so, too, I'm sure. But thanks for brightening my day by mentioning them!

Nancy Barnum


You are wrong on every point in your last post, and I don't even like Heart.

Bob Sarles/Ravin' Films, Inc.


oh so agreed on Peter Noone and Mickie most . best from bogota, o

Andrew Loog Oldham


Bob, I love your e-mails and I do look forward to them... but as far as this "Correction" goes, all I can say is "Really???!!!"

As we now know, Heart (I'm not a fan) was inducted to the R&RHoF in 2013 - but you didn't remember it. So what? That doesn't show what a "worthless institution" the R&RHoF is - it just shows your memory lapsed, or it's a factoid you never knew.

It's OK to be wrong, and it's much more gracious to just admit it and accept it.

Take a breath -
// Greg Gunther


The Archies were also better than Lou Reed and Patti Smith.

- Bruce Gow


And then there's Lowell George and Little Feat.

Will Buckley


Induct Warren Zevon into the R&R HOF anyway....Can't go wrong there, Bob!



The Fugs should quite obviously be in it, what's your point?

Nick Faulks, London


Oh, stop - nobody really gives a shit about the RRHOF except industry types and the few folks who's faves haven't made it and probably don't deserve to.

Rob Wolfson


" the wankers in the back of the room who think they know better but never went on a date."

Hahahahaha - I love it!

Rant on, mufka!

At least we grew up when we did. I'm 63 and grateful for the music that got me through.

Merciful Lee Dickens


Rock Hall Actually Did Get Some Things Right

Take Heart For Instance

Morley Bartnoff


"i hate being wrong!" haha
that made me laugh
bryan adams


In general I don't disagree about RnRHoF. Link Wray? I will take some issue re Joan Jett. She has had huge impact. Musically, she has done nothing new, but she plays rock with 10x more conviction than Johnny Rotten ever did. Her impact on the male dominated rock world was to shut men the fuck up when she took stage. And if you've ever been to one of her see what she did for the last couple of generations of females-and I'm not talking sexual preference here. Joan is a keeper of the flame.

Pat Carraher


It's understandable not knowing who's in the rrhf...they've ruined it with too many lightweights.

Michael Leon


Pat Benatar isn't in the Hall. I think she should've made it before Joan Jett.

Eliot Goldstein


get over being wrong

you are right on a lot of political and social issues- -not bad for a record person

however the rock and roll hall of fame has as much significance culturally as the peoples choice awards or the golden globes did before they decided to go after the motion Picture academy and became relevant.

good excuses for a tv special

in the deconstruction of media awards take on more meaning as promotion exercises and tv specials

ever look at the film festivals on the laurels and where they are from. most festivals are exercises for tourism

when asked why Cannes started bout a 40 the mayor said it was after the war and it rains a lot in may as anyone who has went will attest and they needed a promotion event

Seth Willenson


Thank you Bob.
"Dead paradigm", 100% agreed!
Love this:
"it's run by the tight pants/black leather jacket crew, you know, the wankers in the back of the room who think they know better but never went on a date. But today, those people have no purchase".
One of the best, direct, sharp and concise rants ever by you.
Dead spot on!

Ken Kweder


Get yourself a sharpie and double down

George Drakoulias


Rock is different things to different people, but you not being able to get over Joan Jett's inclusion in the Hall of Fame makes you sound like a wanker in the back of the room who thinks they know better but never went on a date.

Get over it, her version of "I Love Rock 'n' Roll" is iconic.

Michael Hughes


I dog you, sometimes, for your politics. But, please. We're all wrong, sometimes. And you fixed your error in a straight-on way. The mark of a man isn't made by being error-free. It's made by manning up when we make our inevitable errors. Way to go!
Now: about your unhinged politics...
Walk good!


You're right, deserving artists are mixed in with ones that are WTF is going on.

There should be another hall called The Real Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.



R&RHOF was a fucking pantload from the start. Elitist assholes who don't know shit. Steve Miller was being nice about it. Paul Lanning


at least you admit that you are

I'm not big on Joan Jett either, though I think you're over doing it



Yeh, and being a Canadian, I'm pissed that the Guess Who and BTO are not in the hall. Well, that's what happens when print gets in charge of audio. Geo Johns


merits of Born to be Wild alone. They had many other great hits, (Rock me Baby, Magic Carpet Ride, Sookie Sookie, were a true protest band, vis a vis Monster, Draft Resister, Pusher, and Ostrich. Ostrich today talks about the pleasant days of 69. Its lyrics could easily be mistaken for the pleasant days of 2019.

Richard Scullin


My mother, Carol Peters, managed Heart for about 2 decades until her passing in 2017. She fought and politicked aggressively (along with Rob Light and others) for their inclusion at the Rock Hall. It was a real point of pride due to the amount of years that they were overlooked. But also a massive validation and byproduct from many years of hard work together re-building their touring career and prestige after years of dormancy. Made me smile to read this, and think about her place in all of this and her hard work. Thanks for giving me that chance to reflect fondly. I'm glad they're just as great as always. Ann is a force. Def does Zeppelin better than Zeppelin. Cheers.

Evan Peters


The thing you miss is that it means something to the artist to be inducted
Weather you rate it or not

Sean Pickwell


I think Joan Jett deserves it. She was big when I was in Jr High in 79 80 81.
Heart was my first big concert, with John mellancamp opening in 1980. Saw them both in Concord CA and then a few months later in Biloxi MS on the same tour!

Alex Walsh


What about Todd Rundgren!!!! A Travesty!!!!!

Luke Joerger


And they were inducted in LA. One of the few times it happens there.

Ed Bailey


Your not wrong. Anyone who has any real influence in today's music biz knows the rock hall is a joke. Radiohead, one of the most influential bands of the last 25 years didn't even fully attend when inducted. In fact, only two of the five members attended. Thom Yorke and Johnny Greenwood, the two most influential members of the band didn't show and it completely represents the lack of importance of the rock hall. So I agree with you, I'm just wondering why your slamming Joan Jett? Personally, I thought Madonna was the nail in the coffin when it comes to nutty choices. She woulda been a much easier target for the point you were trying to make but thats just my opinion. Overall and per usual, you are right.

Leo Gilbert



A "Rock N' Roll Hall Of Fame" is antithetical to what rock n roll is.

Groucho Marx said it best: "I don't want to be a member of any club that would have me as a member."

Hunter Murtaugh


Well done correction.

Loren Parkins


How is Jethro Tull not in?

re: Jethro Tull
Stand Up
Thick As A Brick
Living In The Past
A Passion Play
War Child
Minstrel In The Gallery
Too Old To Rock & Roll Too Young To Die

Headlined Shea Stadium in 1976

I think that's enough of a resume to certainly qualify. Such a crime they are not in as they were original, creative and impressive and definitely towards the most beloved bands for their time.

Scott Greene


It's cool's like you were rounding 3rd and ran thru a stop sign from the 3rd base coach and were thrown out at've earned a few of these!

Tom Clark


Warren Zevon isn't. Such a shame.

Jenny Israel


Very Trump. Get over yourself, we get enough of this shit from the President. Just say, "I made a mistake", and move on, please. Tom Murphy


I was more disappointed that you mixed up "melisma" with "miasma"!

Darrin Keene


Don't worry, Bob. I really enjoyed reading your previous letter about Heart. They were one of my faves back in the day. Thick tones and grooves. Sick riffs, and Ann's voice. I saw her play a small show in NYC a year ago and was blown away with how her voice sounded. I had always wanted to hear them live and hear first hand, without the studio buffer, how Ann achieved that vocal tone. So amazing. You did the band justice writing about their artistry.

Paul Logus


Wow... I was suddenly transported back to the 70s when rock journalists were patronizing, sexist white men who wouldn't know what to do with a guitar if their life depended on it. "With Nancy picking, demonstrating chops equivalent to the boys... " I almost puked. PLEASE! That a woman can play guitar as well as a man is STILL a reve-fucking-lation to you in 2019? You can put down Joan Jett all you want, but there is an ARMY of women who play guitar and are in bands and have written songs because of her. HEART? Not so much. Their music is stellar and they still rock hard, but you get into the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Hame because you are a trailblazer... like Joan Jett. Please step into the modern world, Bob.

Suzanne Nuttall
Toronto, Canada


The RRHOF has always frustrated me because while they honor radio programmers they will not acknowledge Russ Solomon/Tower Records which did alot to promote the artist that are in the museum. However it's all we have to memorialize the music of my generation.

Stan Goman


I'm beginning to find the excluded list is more fun!
I always like the shelves idea but people would argue. My top shelf would be little, chuck,fats and Elvis
Which would leave the next shelf (preferably lower) to Beatles stones led z and then we could all disagree and say Beatles should be on top shelf and not fats domino
You know as well as I do that the problem is making music into a competition.
No one on my top two shelves competed because they were all totally unique
I don't think anyone would have made it if it was a competition. Look at all the voice contestants and get them a shelf somewhere.
See my ideas are really good,

Sent from Peter Noone



Peter Paterno


"great no longer surfaces all by itself, and too much which is great is never acknowledged."
I think I'm gonna get this tattooed on me.

You don't need the ego boost, but you're great BECAUSE of the correction. That's why we keep reading.

Thanks dude.

Brian Martin


Still love the Sex Pistols...

Members of the British punk rock band The Sex Pistols, inducted in 2006, refused to attend the ceremony, calling the museum "a piss stain" and "urine in wine."
Alan Pell


'think they know better but never went on a date' - i love you, bob, you just shrivelled a whole heap of useless dicks

Fachtna O'Ceallaigh


I agree but the building architecture is amazing :)

Thomas B


Keep on Being you Bob. Ed Sleigh (Ex Live Nation, Universal, EMI)


I gave up when it took so long for Lynyrd Skynyrd to get in. Would've been nice if Chris Squire and Jon Lord could have gotten inducted before they passed away.

Marc Ellis


the RR Hall of Fame is just one more part of the algorithm that led to the abysmal state music is in today...
it's just an extension of the "celebrity is more desirable than talent" meme



So instead of taking responsibility for your lack of fact-checking you are blaming your mistake on the institution you criticized for ignoring the greatness of Heart in the first place? You know who does that trick better than you?
Wow Bob.
You, who are always wailing about authenticity and credibility and you can't even just admit a mistake?


Ellyn Solis

PS: Joan's sexuality is none of your GD business. Sheesh.


Hello Bob,
I hope this message finds you well. I read your articles and enjoy your candid remarks. Quite enlightening. I have a question for you. Considering artists whose impact defined a genre, what do you think of the a cappella group, The Persuasions being candidates for induction into the R&RHOF?
I was fortunate to join the group in 2003 and have watched as member after member pass away without much mention. I would really appreciate hearing your perspective on them and the genre in general for that organization to recognize.
Thank you,
Dave Revels


It such a meaningless POS "nstitution," as made clear by the absence of so many. For example, where is Warren Zevon?

Paul Slansky



Really, Heart's in the RRHoF? Now that's wrong.

Chesapeake Bch. MD


LOL ... excellent!

Scott Palazzo


At least you admit it...

Thank you sir!

Steven Anderko


Wow, Bob, this is like a Trumptweet



It's the Jann Wenner Hall of Critical Approval. As you said...wankers. I'm sure Joan Jett is a lovely person, but come on. As for "We're An American Band," yes, Todd Rundgren, obviously. But what about Grand Funk? How many hits did THEY have? How many years did they sit in the upper echelon of album and ticket sales? Hugely popular in their time. Influential? Ask Iggy Pop about that sometime.

Thanks Bob
Jeff C.


Ya know...if you ever played in a band with women, you'd understand why Joan Jett is important. Just sayin'...

John Dlugosz


Why do we need a rock and roll hall of fame, anyway? Who cares!

Mitchell Shapiro


Everyone makes mistakes and hates being wrong. You should have owned up without any other negative comments about the Rock Hall or its supporters. Moving on...

Robert Paris


RRHOF is another excuse to get together and party for the in crowd. It has no credibilty but neither does my former favorite magazine Rolling Stone. I feel Jann Wenner's time has been long gone .

Ralph Spillenger


News Flash: No one gives a shit about the RRHOF.

Charlie Gaylord


Hello Bob, I hate it when your wrong, too. Your words may not be gospel to some, but close.

The only thing I want from the RRHOF is a postcard from my friend who is going to visit Cleveland soon. I hope it has a nice stamp.



"And the list of those excluded is too long to list." I mean, Carole King is not in as a performer. Tapestry didn't have an impact?


How many girls picked up a guitar because of The Runaways and Joan Jett? A ton!

Considering the institutional sexism women face, Joan had to bust ass twice as hard as most (white) men during the same time that had life and work environments handed to them on a silver platter.

Love the Letter, but I think you are being too hard on an artist that beat the odds and created some iconic hits! She's definitely Hall of Fame worthy...

In the immortal words of Ringo: Peace and love, peace *and* love,

Marc Fort


Joan Jett---you'll get both sides on this but I agree. I had to google her songs when she was inducted....i'm a rock fan, but she's not a songwriter, not a singer, maybe.....a performer. NOT HOF worthy.

J. Holdren


Mind reader. I started paying less and less attention to the hall and then wrote it off completely when Joan Jett got in. Are you fucking kidding me??? At that point it's more credible to be left out of such a club.

It like Apple tarnishing the brand by putting out successive iPhones that aren't worth the time and money. They've got to feed the machine and will ultimately be hoisted on their own petard.

John Brodey



The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame will continue to spiral into irrelevance so long as so many obvious artists are excluded, while popular derivative acts are inducted. Former Rock Hall CEO Terry Stewart once explained the criteria to a Duran Duran fan who had complained about that band's lack of recognition. Stewart wrote:

"'s how the process works. Nomination and induction into the Hall of Fame is not about popularity, records sales, which label the group is on, or anything other than the process below. Unlike baseball, football, basketball or hockey, statistics are not relevant. To be eligible for induction as an artist (as a performer, composer, or musician) into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the artist must have released a record, in the generally accepted sense of that phrase, at least 25 years prior to the year of induction; and have demonstrated unquestionable musical excellence. We shall consider factors such as an artist's musical influence on other artists, length and depth of career and the body of work, innovation and superiority in style and technique, but musical excellence shall be the essential qualification for induction."

So, beyond the 25 year requirement, it's all entirely subjective. This alone isn't unusual - look at the Academy Awards and other institutions for examples of groups that maintain relevance, even in the face of occasional misses. But the RRHOF continues to make so many stunningly poor decisions that it's a laughing stock within its very industry. Iron Maiden remains on the outside while BON JOVI IS IN. Let's tick off all of the important bands who list Maiden as a seminal influence and let's run that list up against all of the game-changing artists today who cite Bon Jovi as their musical inspiration.

I know I'm preaching to the choir, so I'll leave it to Mojo Nixon to sum up the Rock Hall as only he can:


Joe Daly
Freelance Contributor
Metal Hammer, Classic Rock, Men's Health, Bass Guitar et al.



I like your critiquing. I have been reading for a few years now. I have tried to make sure my tone is clearly directed in this email — I want to make sure this isn't interpreted as being directed at you — it isn't.

You often mention young people and talk about their perspective and buying habits. I do not consider myself young anymore (born 1987), but I relate to archetypes you describe when speaking on the youth. I wonder how many my age subscribe to you or reply, which gives me the idea to respond with a take:

It has always interested me that generations before me have ever given stock to institutions like R&RHOF. Why does it even exist? I attended Berklee 5 week summer program in high school, and all the professors would always harp and say, "You kids killed guitar solos. No one your age appreciates guitar solos". I love recounting this story to musicians in my peerage because most people laugh. We just don't get it. The guys who lived in the dorms on the same floor as me — we all bonded over Coheed and Cambria, who is prolific in guitar soloing. We even took a bus one weekend to go see them play in Central Park while attending the program. My contemporaries know people aren't rushing out to hear someone play guitar for 15 minutes. It has nothing to do with not appreciating the form. Our motive has everything to do with creating resonant commercial music. Everyone has different taste. Being able to capture an audience's attention with six strings is surely a gift, but I have been wondering if the true depth of this paradigm shift is still yet to be realized. (I know I am touching on the larger concept of commercial music as a whole at the same time as relating guitar solos specifically. I have not even brought into the discussion the stellar marketshare that rap and electronic music has accomplished in the last 10+ years and how this plays).

Nowadays, no one in my age group talks about stuff like this. I don't believe we ever will. Who cares? I recall a story about the Sex Pistols being cocks about their induction, like it was requisite for the punk rock points. No one gives a fuck. The punk bands we listen to will never be in the discussion and are probably not even on the radar as it is. Storm about, accept it or reject it, but no one is paying attention either way.


Brandon Watson
The IKB Label


IN DEFENSE OF JOAN JETT—I love you Lefsetz, I truly do. So I'll just say in this case, with all due respect, I think you got it wrong.

Not about the Rock Hall, you are spot on. I believe Rock itself is rebellious by definition, that it defies being placed in a cage with four walls and given a one-size-fits-all moniker, and that the genre itself is so much larger than just this little clicky club. I'd like to believe that if Ahmet were alive today he would have not let the Rock Hall deteriorate into such a poor joke.

But if there is going to be such a thing as a CREDIBLE Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame, then in my book everyone who's made a credible dent in rock should be in—it should be inclusive not exclusive. And most certainly Joan Jett belongs in it. One of the criteriato get in is that the artist or band has to be unique and have moved the genre forward in some way--has become an influence for other artists. Joan Jett was and is a pioneer for women in rock. Her work with the Runaways and as a solo artist has not only helped define the genre but other artists, both men and women cite her as a major influence. You should check out her documentary Bad Reputation—it's really great and you will learn a lot. For my money the song "Bad Reputation" is a rock anthem.

Joan Jett may not be as prolific as some others, and she may not have sold equal amounts of records, but I submit that Joan belongs in the Rock Hall in the same way Lemmy Kilmister SHOULD BELONG in the Rock Hall, because like Lemmy, Joan Jett is no poser, she IS Rock and Roll.

PS. As far as Kenny Laguna being onstage - he is sadly underrated for his contributions as a songwriter and producer. After all, it's ONLY rock and roll man, so why shouldn't he be allowed to have some fun.

PPS. I lobbied hard to get Heart into the Rock Hal - you saw what everyone else sees at a Heart show - A REAL ROCK SHOW, one that moves you to explode inside like rock should when delivered in genuine fashion.

Paul Rappaport


Please print all the sanctimonious responses who will crucify you for your minor error.
Joan Jett was a bit of a trailblazer.

D. Mark MacGillvray



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