Let's be real for a minute

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Hey there Potty —  

You probably get plenty of email. More than enough.

So what I'm about to ask you might seem like I'm asking you to swim against the current. But stay with me.

If you've been opening my emails in the last six months or so, you may have noticed that I've been focused on fewer links and more substance. And a rebranding as Timeless & Timely:
  • Every Tuesday The Full Monty still has some industry stories that I think are important, but I spend more time thinking about and writing the commentary/essay section.
  • The additional Thursday post is a standalone essay invoking history or literature in the search for ethical leadership and emotional intelligence.
[Please note: if someone shared this with you, you can subscribe here.]

The goal with writing like this is to help you be less frenetic and to breathe a little bit, giving you some outside perspective. The issues may be significant, but I approach them with empathy, common sense, and lessons from the past that can serve as guideposts for the future.

They've included essays like: 

An Offer

If these kinds of essays resonate with you (and I hope that they do), perhaps you'd consider supporting my writing on Patreon.

What happens there? Well, I'm glad you asked.

Patrons of the Timeless & Timely efforts get various bonuses, based on the monthly tier:
  • For just $3 a month, you'll be the first to know about the topics each week with early access to each newsletter.
  • For $5 a month, you'll get early access plus a third essay each Friday.

There are additional levels of support—I won't bore you with them here—to match your interest and budget. This will be the first audience that finds out about any additional projects or changes to content I'm planning.

Just head over to Patreon, poke around and see what's going on there. If you have any questions, you know where to reach me.

If not, just stay right where you are. We'll resume our regularly scheduled programming shortly.

Thanks, and I'll see you on the Internet.

Copyright © 2019 Scott Monty Strategies, All rights reserved.
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Scott Monty Strategies
789 Buchanan St
Canton, MI 48188-3427

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