I always had a philosophy which I got from my father. He used to say, 'Listen. God gave to you the gift to play football. This is your gift from God. If you take care of your health, if you are in good shape all the time, with your gift from God no one will stop you, but you must be prepared.' | | Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart in "Dark Passage", based on the novel by David Goodis and directed by Delmer Daves. (Warner Bros. Pictures/Sunset Boulevard/Corbis/Getty Images) | | | |  | "I always had a philosophy which I got from my father. He used to say, 'Listen. God gave to you the gift to play football. This is your gift from God. If you take care of your health, if you are in good shape all the time, with your gift from God no one will stop you, but you must be prepared.'" | | | | | rantnrave:// I had heart bypass surgery a few years back. I'm a type 2 diabetic. The last few years have been about transitioning into a healthier lifestyle. Working on a computer and browsing food porn on INSTAGRAM doesn't help. But years before, at a dinner in LAS VEGAS, a bunch of friends and colleagues went around the table to share what they were excited about in the tech space. My friend JAMES MURDOCH said "THE QUANITIFIED SELF." I had never heard of the term. As WIKIPEDIA explains, it "refers both to the cultural phenomenon of self-tracking with technology and to a community of users and makers of self-tracking tools who share an interest in 'self-knowledge through numbers.'" I've written about my health here many times. In fact, it saved my life after my surgery went bad. You never know who reads REDEF, and many reached out with advice and help. Last summer I was in ASPEN, COLORADO where I did my first mountain hike since surgery. Actually, it was my first mountain hike ever. I posted some images on social media. Quite proud of the milestone. One person that saw it was APPLE's vice president of Communications, STEVE DOWLING. He's someone I've known digitally for years. A good man. He sent me the APPLE WATCH as a gift. He was happy for me and he wanted me to wear and use it in good health. And I have. I walk more to reach my 15,000 step goal each day. I use the ECG reader to make sure my heart rhythms are normal. Especially when I'm having some TRUMP atrocity-laced anxiety attack that feels like my heart is going to burst ALIEN-like out of my chest. When I see the resting heartbeat at 68-70 bpm I know I'm ok. I can hold my breathe often when writing or in suspense. The watch reminds me to breathe. I'm at my desk a lot of the day. The watch reminds me to stand up and stretch. Even if these things are not hyper-accurate, don't know or not, they help me be directionally correct. It's a game now. Such a game, that now that I share my activity with my girlfriend, out of competition or shame, I'm pushing myself to meet my goals daily because of course, I can't let LIZ beat me in steps. Technology is a great tool to help me live better. And the new Apple Watch Series 5 is making even more strides. And the app ecosystem is expanding. I can track my blood sugar. Or food intake. Meditate. Well, I don't meditate yet, but there is always tomorrow. What else am I using to improve? I take medications and supplements, but I often would forget to take them. Or even sort them. I don't have the patience of my brother-in-law JACQUES who sits with these 60-day pill sorters and diligently coordinates them monthly. I switched to PILL PACK, now owned by AMAZON. Each month I get a reel of packs that have all my medicine sorted. By time. 7am, 8am, 12pm, 7pm, 10pm. The packs detail what medicine and dosage. The app sends me iOS alerts on the phone and the watch to remind me at the exact time. I woke up to a fasting blood glucose level of 87 mg/dL this morning. Very good. Great. Down from 350 mg/dL 4 years ago before surgery. The killer tech for this? FREESTYLE LIBRE. It's a sensor I easily inject into the back of my arm every 14 days and with a swipe of the iPhone, it reads my levels. The sensor uses a thin, flexible filament inserted just under the skin to measure glucose every minute. I check it 15 times a day without pricking my finger. No more blood. Tells me if I'm in range and I share the data to their cloud service so my doctors can monitor. Since I've been wearing it my levels have been in the range 95% of the time. Why? I've learned how foods and timing affect my glucose. I am so excited about this area. Health is wealth. And the more technology can be used to demystify illness and symptoms and help you stay on track, the better we are for it. We use WAZE to get from A to B. I use technology to make sense of my health and data to improve it. What do you use?... Happy Birthday to ALLISON WALLACH, KIRK IWANOWSKI, LAUREN COHEN STARR, and PAUL HYLAND. | | | - Jason Hirschhorn, curator | | | |  | WIRED | The voice message that Lauren Grandcolas left for her husband, Jack, on September 11, 2001, would puzzle a generation raised with smartphones. Two months pregnant with their first child, the 38-year-old Grandcolas was returning home to California when her flight from Newark Airport-United 93-was hijacked, and she, along with other passengers and crew, used the Verizon Airfones that then populated the backs of plane seats to call down to loved ones below. | | |  | Forbes | T he man who at once epitomizes the hottest new growth area in tech and the burgeoning hopes for entrepreneurship in Eastern Europe twirls a marker through his fingers as he fights the mundane urge to bark at his employees. | | |  | ProPublica | Brad Parscale has said he's taking a relative pittance to run the president's reelection operation. But as with much of what Parscale has claimed about his work and life, that's not the full story. This is. | | |  | Ward PLLC | We often hear clients ask about how to effectively assemble information from the Internet and, simultaneously, how to separate the noise from the meaningful data. Although there's no substit… | | |  | Upfront Ventures | Filmmaker Ron Howard and Jason Hirschhorn (Founder, REDEF) discuss the changing media landscape (and what hasn't changed), the evolution of Imagine Entertainment from a two-man production team to a venture-backed business, and the kinds of stories that drive Ron as a filmmaker. | | |  | REDEF | Driven by strange obsessions and crippled by mental illness, Daniel Johnston was a songwriter's songwriter, and destined to be the rock and roll cult hero that he indeed became. RIP to a Texas legend unlike any other. | | |  | The Tim Ferriss Show | This is something I've been working on for ~1.5 years and something diligent scientists have been working toward for 20+ years. This episode features a recording of the press conference announcing the launch of the world's largest psychedelic research center and the U.S.'s first psychedelic research center, The Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research at Johns Hopkins Medicine | | |  | Vox | Originally designed as an IRL space for women and nonbinary people, The Wing is now thinking about what services it can provide its members online, CEO Audrey Gelman says. | | |  | Mother Jones | While people worry about a world in which abortion access is no longer protected, the women of Mississippi are already living it. | | |  | The Verge | A free tier, offline downloads, and a VIP premium subscription are coming soon. | | | | on the boulevard of linden | |  | Deadspin | Many people who visit Beijing take special pleasure in doing a thing they often do, but on the Great Wall. Shotgunning a beer on the Great Wall. Lighting a cigar on the Great Wall. Making a sandwich and then eating it on the Great Wall. | | |  | McKinsey & Company | When customer experience in government agencies improve, they deliver measurable impact across multiple priorities. Public-sector leaders should pick their spots and be bold. | | |  | On Stride | TV show production looks more and more like big hollywood blockbusters every year. Wonder what it costs? Find out how much is spent on your favorite TV show. | | |  | The New Yorker | Technological bias is about more than audio quality-it's about the forces that influence whose stories are told and how. | | |  | Rolling Stone | Naming a song after something already famous ("Post Malone," "Hot Girl Bummer") is leading to extra clicks -- and in some cases, extra controversy. | | |  | The New York Times | The hip-hop generation has arrived in luxury fashion. Here, haute street wear's next generation of innovators and inspirations. | | |  | Columbia Journalism Review | On April 23, a federal judge in Oregon blocked the enforcement of a new rule banning abortion referrals at taxpayer-funded women's health clinics. The next morning, Apple News featured coverage of the decision by The Hill, a national outlet, rather than the local newspaper, The Oregonian. | | |  | Design and Tech.Co | It's no longer about the network. And it probably never was. | | |  | WIRED | The crowdsourced dictionary once felt like a pioneering tool of the early internet era. Now in its 20th year, it has become something much more inhospitable. On January 24, 2017, a user by the name of d0ughb0y uploaded a definition to Urban Dictionary, the popular online lexicon that relies on crowdsourced definitions. | | |  | BuzzFeed News | This summer I confronted an unsettling question: Why bother being kind to my body or saving for the future if there isn't even going to be a future? | | |  | Nevada Sports Net | The Wolf Pack football team entered its game against Weber State on Nov. 2, 1991 as the No. 1-ranked team in the country after beating rival Boise State, 17-14, the week prior to improve to 8-0. Weber State entered the game 5-2 and boasted future NFL quarterback Jamie Martin, who won the Walter Payton Award that season as the best player in Division I-AA. | | |  | Variety | The soon-to-combine Viacom and CBS will be opportunistic about selling content to third parties even as it looks for synergies throughout the enlarged companies. That's the word from Paramount Pictures chief Jim Ginaopulos, who spoke Wednesday at Bank of America Merrill Lynch Media Communications and Entertainment conference in Los Angeles. | | | | | | YouTube | | | | | | | | | | | | | © Copyright 2019, The REDEF Group | | |
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