jason hirschhorn's @MediaREDEF: 09/09/2019 - Dave Chappelle's Gift, End of Democracy, Danny McBride's Genius, Movie Popcorn, Billy Bush, Black Holes, Steaming Pays...

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Dave Chappelle at his finest making you cringe and laugh in the same breath in "Sticks & Stones"
Monday - September 09, 2019 Mon - 09/09/19
rantnrave:// I really like getting up early and doing solo breakfast and just thinking. My time. No one around. Excited to reboot REDEF after much time off. Missed it and you. Upcoming "rantnrave" topics here. Zoom in. Any suggestions?... When you scan the news on social media or overhear from someone else what someone said you can get the wrong idea. I'm touchy and emotional since much of the country has gone mean. I can't even watch my dystopian dramas like BLACK MIRROR, HANDMAID'S TALE, WESTWORLD as easily as I used to. Why? The world is catching up or surpassing dystopian qualities. In recent years, I turn to comedy. HOWARD STERN every day (since I was 15). JUDD APATOW. ADAM MCKAY. That genre. DAVID MANDEL's team on VEEP. Politics yes, but they kept it smart and fresh in a time when real-life political absurdity was beyond comprehension. Comedians too. Love SEBASTIAN MANISCALCO. His bit on "parent pricing" had me rolling. But still, I can react to what I didn't see or hear in the wrong way. The interwebs start blowing up about DAVE CHAPELLE's new NETFLIX special. "STICKS & STONES". You know the age-old saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me." And yet, if I'm honest, with my empathy and heart, words were beginning to hurt me. My friend, ALFRED SPELLMAN says the special is reminiscent of the best RICHARD PRYOR. But I'm hearing he's taking some uncomfortable stances on MICHAEL JACKSON's accusers. Abortion. Gun control. My beloved ANTHONY BOURDAIN. LGBTQ. LOUIS C.K. and more. So, oh f**k. Not my fav comedian Chappelle! But Dave wasn't the problem. I was. You have to see and hear and most of all, think before you judge. I ran into one of my favorite actors on Saturday night, GRIFFIN DUNNE. If you've never seen MARTIN SCORSESE's "AFTER HOURS". Get it now. I loved it as a child. Had the poster on my wall. He said Chappelle was remarkable. And for all the reasons I was worried. He was right. And I was reminded that it's comedy. Comedy makes fun of people. Sometimes stereotypes. Comedy offends. Comedy antagonizes. Comedy provokes. There is no "too soon" in comedy. Nothing is off-limits in comedy. Comedy makes you laugh. Comedy lets things in you may reject at first. You can get away with more in comedy. Comedy makes you think. In the EDDIE MURPHY episode of JERRY SEINFELD's "COMEDIANS IN CARS GETTING COFFEE", Jerry says of comedians: "What people don't understand about us is there's nothing that's not funny to us. Nothing. All this careful thing that… that's just for the audience and the public. Amongst ourselves, we don't care about anything." If you watch it with that in mind. And frankly, even without, Dave's show is remarkable. Netflix's TED SARANDOS wrote to me, "Very proud of Dave. Comedy is about pushing the edges of language and ideas. When we can not laugh at ourselves we are doomed. Comedians tell jokes and Dave does that like no other." Yes! Chappelle is a national treasure. And like the greatest truthtellers, he's opened up the conversation to another level. Run and watch. Happy Birthday to DANA SETTLE, ABIGAIL KLEM, HOSAIN RAHMAN, JEREMIAH ZINN, and TOBY GUNDERSON.
- Jason Hirschhorn, curator
keto flu
The Shocking Paper Predicting the End of Democracy
by Rick Shenkman
Human brains aren't built for self-rule, says Shawn Rosenberg. That's more evident than ever.
Upfront Ventures
MUST WATCH: Mellody Hobson's Epic Conversation with Jason Hirschhorn
by Mellody Hobson and Jason Hirschhorn
Mellody Hobson (President, Ariel Investments) sits down with Jason Hirschhorn to discuss the influences and mentors over her career; the role of a board member in good times and in crisis; addressing diversity in businesses, community and content; and the future of media.
The Ringer
The Righteous Bros: In Praise of the Danny McBride Multiverse
by Rob Harvilla
From 'The Foot Fist Way' to 'Eastbound & Down' and 'Vice Principals,' we've been watching the actor flex for a decade as the heroic antihero. But now he's flexing for real, flaunting actual range on HBO's darkly rich 'The Righteous Gemstones.'
The Hustle
Why is movie theater popcorn so outrageously expensive?
by Zachary Crockett
Yes, $7 popcorn is a ripoff. But it's also the lifeblood of most movie theaters' business model.
The Guardian
From mind control to murder? How a deadly fall revealed the CIA's darkest secrets
by Stephen Kinzer
Frank Olson died in 1953, but, because of clandestine US government experiments, it took decades for his family to get closer to the truth.
The Daily Beast
Billy Bush: 'I Think Al Franken Was Sacrificed. I Feel Empathy For Him'
by Lloyd Grove
In a candid interview with Lloyd Grove, Billy Bush opens up about #MeToo, Al Franken, Donald Trump, his 'suicidal thoughts' after being fired by NBC—and his return to TV.
Rolling Stone
Apple Wanted to Revolutionize the Way Streaming Pays. Here's Why It Wasn't Allowed
by Tim Ingham
Spotify and Amazon are battling the Copyright Royalty Board over streaming royalty rates. But if Apple had its way, things could have been very different.
Quanta Magazine
Are We All Wrong About Black Holes?
by Brendan Z. Foster
Since the 1970s, physicists have described black holes using borrowed versions of the laws of thermodynamics. But are black holes really thermodynamic systems?
The Ezra Klein Show
The Ezra Klein Show: The Constitution is a progressive document
by Ezra Klein and Erwin Chemerisnky
"The Constitution must be adapted to the problems of each generation," writes Erwin Chemerisnky, "we are not living in the world of 1787 and should not pretend that the choices for that time can guide ours today." Does that sentence read to you as obvious or offensive?
Howard Stern is Getting Ripped Off
by Andrew Wilkinson
Why podcasting may have minted its first billionaire, subscription podcasting is the next great business model, and how to join the revolution.
in making me insufferable
BuzzFeed News
America's Orthodox Jews Are Selling A Ton Of The Products You Buy On Amazon
by Leticia Miranda
A community of Orthodox Jews prospers by selling products on Amazon -- and keeping one foot in modernity and one foot out.
TED Talks
Inside the bizarre world of internet trolls and propagandists
by Andrew Marantz
Journalist Andrew Marantz spent three years embedded in the world of internet trolls and social media propagandists, seeking out the people who are propelling fringe talking points into the heart of conversation online and trying to understand how they're making their ideas spread.
The never-ending, very confusing battle for Etsy's soul
by Kaitlyn Tiffany
The people who built Etsy dreamed of remaking commerce with their bare hands. Fifteen years later, its sellers are being asked to compete with Amazon.
The New York Times
End Legacy College Admissions
by The Editorial Board
A country struggling with deeply rooted inequality need not continue an affirmative action program for successful families.
Why NASCAR raced into esports in 2019
by Jason Wilson
In many ways, NASCAR feels like a good fit for esports. The views from the cockpit of a race car can be thrilling. It's fast, and and mayhem can happen any time cars bunch up on the track.
The Independent
How writing essays for American students has become a top job for people overseas
by Farah Stockman
'I've always had somehow a guilty conscience.'
Andreessen Horowitz
How China is Cashing in on Group Chats
by Connie Chan
One sunny afternoon this April, a Chinese teenager nicknamed Gallen was backpacking through Bali, hunting for things to do. But he didn't turn to TripAdvisor for crowd-sourced suggestions (too time consuming) or scroll through Instagram for local geotags (too imprecise). 
A Paranoid Tech Bro, a Homemade Nuclear Bunker, and a Shocking Death
by William Brennan
In the tunnels beneath a placid suburban home, an angel investor turned into an angel of doom.
Microsoft President Brad Smith: Tech sector needs to face up to responsibility and embrace regulation
by Todd Bishop
Microsoft President Brad Smith has a light-up globe, a neon blue miniature likeness of Earth, spinning on his desk inside the company's Redmond headquarters. When we sat down with him this week, he noticed something wrong with it.
CNN Reliable Sources
How online harassment threatens press freedom
by Brian Stelter and Courtney Radsch
The Committee to Protect Journalists is out with a new report showing the pervasiveness of online harassment, and the unique risks facing female reporters. Courtney Radsch tells Brian Stelter that newsrooms need "to take this issue seriously" and "address this proactively with their reporters, both staff and freelance."
DMVs Are Selling Your Data to Private Investigators
by Joseph Cox
You gave them your data in exchange for a driver's license. DMVs are making tens of millions of dollars selling it, documents obtained by Motherboard show.
The Washington Post
Theirs was the 'purest love.' Then a suicide bombing changed everything.
by Siobhán O'Grady and Sharif Hassan
September 6 at 12:54 PM Fatana Elyasi should have been shopping for her wedding dress. Instead, she was weeping over her fiance's grave in a cemetery close to her home in western Kabul. It was one of seven in a row her neighbors had dug for each member of her family killed at her cousin's wedding two nights before.
"You Better Run"
Pat Benatar
Neil Giraldo's guitar is like a musical assault. Love it.
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