RESET: 8 hours left to save 💰 on registration

Hello Friend-

My goal with RESET is to help you find more clarity, calm, and inspiration at work — and in life. If that sounds good to you...

A quick reminder: There are only 8 hours left to use the discount code TIMETORESET to book your spot and save $40 on registration.

Register for RESET & save $40 now →

And if you're still contemplating whether or not RESET is right for you...

I think this story from a past student really captures the spirit of what the course can do for you:

"In the wake of completing RESET, I feel a greater sense of spaciousness and permission to make room for what matters to me.

In practical terms: I knocked off a project that had been weighing on me for *two years* over the month I spent watching the lessons.

There have been non-productivity-based results, too: I feel more grounded, compassionate, and clear-headed.

The lessons reminded me of things I'd forgotten about myself. I dug into some really deep veins of thought about WHY I'm doing the work I do, and where I'd like to go next.

It was the perfect refresher."

—Lucy Bellwood, Graphic Artist

You can read more stories of transformation from past students here.

Register for RESET & save $40 now →

Much love,
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