Love, Actualized

Artwork by Victor Tkachenko.

Hi Friends-

For the past few months, I've been feeling a little less energetic about assembling my newsletter. After much reflection, I finally realized that it wasn't "the project" (my newsletter) that was the problem, it was "the process" (the way I was doing it). 

I was uninspired because the collection of RSS feeds and newsletters that I review for links had gotten really samey — a lot of productivity stuff from white men. All respect to those guys, but I realized that adding more diverse perspectives would automatically change my enthusiasm level. 

I asked Twitter for recommendations for rad lady-run newsletters, and it really rose to the occasion. (See the thread here.) In the coming months, keep your eye on the footer of this newsletter for lots of new shout-outs to all of the juicy new sources I'm pulling from.

Which is all to say: So much of our mood and our output is dictated by our inputs. If you're feeling dissatisfied, consider looking there first.

A few other happenings afoot: 

I had a wonderful in-depth conversation with the folks at the Focused podcast about real (and fake) productivity, which you can tune into here. 

I'll be speaking at HOW Design next week on May 9th. If you'll be in attendance, do feel free to tap me on the shoulder and say hello.

And last but not least, I just re-opened registration for my new online course RESET, a cosmic tune-up for your workday. If you're not already on that mailing list, view the full course program here.
Artwork by Victor Tkachenko.

The speed of achievement. On Hurry Slowly, I sit down with wildly accomplished designer Debbie Millman for a wonderful conversation about how we metabolize achievement: "I am a master metabolizer. I metabolize any achievement or success almost instantly, almost as if it's Gatorade. Then I keep looking for the next thing to metabolize, and I use these things to feel better about myself."

The overwork premium. A must-read from Claire Cain Miller about how the "overwork premium" negatively impacts women: "The returns to working long, inflexible hours have greatly increased. This is particularly true in managerial jobs and what social scientists call the greedy professions, like finance, law and consulting — an unintentional side effect of the nation's embrace of a winner-take-all economy. It's so powerful, researchers say, that it has canceled the effect of women's educational gains."

The gender pay gap and "diversity debt." I am such a fan of Buffer's transparency about how their business works. A fascinating read on how they're wrestling with the gender pay gap: "Our gender pay gap widened as our team diversity has grown. In 2017, we had an unadjusted average wage gap of $2,027. In 2018, it was $10,647. And this year, our data shows a whopping gap of $19,209. Today, men make an average of $127,106 at Buffer, compared to women's $107,897."

Who created Maslow's iconic pyramid? For all you self-actualization nerds out there, Maslow didn't actually envision his "hierarchy of needs" as a pyramid. Lots of interesting tidbits in this interview: "Maslow had preconditions for his need hierarchy to work. This is frequently overlooked. Freedom to speak, to express one's self, to live in societies with fairness and justice, these are some of his preconditions."

+ The best thing you'll read all week.

+ A chimpanzee using Instagram.

Creative waxing and waning.

+ The end of empathy.
This week's sponsor is Hover, where you can get a domain name for whatever you're passionate about. Start laying the groundwork for your next big idea now: Newsletter readers get 10% off their first domain purchase at
Artwork by Victor Tkachenko.

The artwork is from: Victor Tkachenko, who is based in Canada.

Much appreciation for link ideas to: Alex Anderson, Anne Helen Petersen, Beautiful Minds, and Race Ahead.

You can support this newsletter by: Tweeting about it or leaving a review for Hurry Slowly on iTunes.

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Hi, I'm Jocelyn, the human behind this newsletter. I created the online course RESET, a cosmic tune-up for your workday, and I host Hurry Slowly — a podcast about how you can be more productive, creative, and resilient by slowing down.
Copyright © 2019 Hurry Slowly LLC, All rights reserved.

 Mailing address:
Hurry Slowly LLC
534 3rd Avenue, PMB #1119
Brooklyn, NY 11215

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