I'll bet you could use some calm in your life

Hey there Potty —  

I'm back, with a renewed purpose and direction.

My time away gave me reason to appreciate this quote:

"Silence is one of the great arts of conversation."
– Cicero 

Interested to hear what you have to say.

Thanks, and I'll see you on the Internet.


The Need for Serenity

I just returned from a week away, a good portion of which I spent without WiFi. The remainder of the week, I spent less time on Facebook.

And you know what? It felt good. Really good.

I recently put The Full Monty newsletter on hold, after being overwhelmed with it each week. It had slowly grown over the years, to the point where it just became too much: too many topics, too many links, too unwieldy to read and to write.

In doing so, it made me realize that there's so much more joy to be had and richness to experience offline. From reading and reflecting to interacting and observing. So I'm going to be making a few changes here.

I'll have a version of The Full Monty, but it won't be as dense. I'm going to pare down the topics and the number of links, and provide more commentary and analysis.

Plus, I'll have at least one other update each week with insights and adivce on leadership in the field of communications and marketing—with my bent being toward embracing calmness and rational thinking amid a sea of shiny objects and never-ending trend chasing.

We need more serenity, at work and at home.

Serenity—or tranquility—is perhaps the greatest virtue in life.

To be tranquil is to be able to sit quietly and enjoy today without a nod to the past or a glance toward the future.

That observation is trite, I know. But aren't all the great truths of life trite?

Sadly, not many people can achieve the related mood of perfect serenity. When they are young their eyes are on a distant horizon. When they grow older their memories play tricks with the past.

I've written about the past and the future frequently. It's interesting to think about both, because they fascinate, bemuse, beguile and churn the blood.

But the present has an even greater compensation — if you know how to enjoy it.

That compensation is serenity.

Serenity is a precious compound. But because it only exists in the present, it is fleeting.

It is hard to capture in the imagination. It's even more difficult to capture in daily motion.

So I hope you'll commit to joining me for a slower, deliberate approach amidst the knee-jerk reactionaries of the online world.

Together, we'll parse out what matters and what will make you a better leader.

Less dot com. More dot calm.

Image credit: Landscape with Classical Figures by Jean Victor Bertin, 1803 (The Met - public domain)
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I'm an executive whisperer. 
I speak to communications and marketing leaders about avoiding shiny object syndrome and focusing on what matters to customers and grows your business.
Bring me in to assess your team, review your strategy, and provide strategic counsel.
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