Broken down?

Hello Wonderful.

Spring sprung us right out of the stratosphere. Too many yesses. Too many stresses. Not enough time to refuel. Is it possible to be run down by May? Here at THE WHAT, we're in the business of finding what works to improve our efficiency, enjoyment, and our lives. Today's list is devoted to getting us back on track after a particularly frenetic few months. We have a lot of new readers so if this is your first issue, please be sure to follow us on Instagram for our daily picks. Welcome aboard.


ISSUE #180

Up Up and Away

May 8, 2019
by Gina Pell + Amy Parker

"I don't have a fear of flying. I have a fear of crashing."


- Billy Bob Thornton



100% Editorial picks. No pay for play. Ever.


The Work.

From The New York Times: Women Did Everything Right. Then Work Got 'Greedy.' is an illuminating and depressing article that we see played out in the relationships between our powerful female executive friends and their partners. Something (or someone) has got to give.

The Flex.  

Feeling stiff or sore from an injury or from typing and texting all day? Our in-laws, who are healthy and agile nonagenarians (that's right: 90 and 95!), swear by DONA crystalline glucosamine sulfate supplements to help maintain healthy cartilage and support joint function. If we could be half as healthy as they are we would be jumping for joy. Literally.

The Voice.  

There used to be a lot of yelling in our house, from room to room and up and down stairs, until we found this simple plug and play intercom system that costs less than $40 per unit. It's a fun (and mellower) way to wake up the kids or ask for a glass of water.

The Art.

The Venice Biennale is in full swing and although we're not prone to FOMO, we're feeling it this week. So here's the next best thing: Velvet Buzzsaw, a spoofy thriller starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Rene Russo, and our new style idol Zawe Ashton. It's not the best movie in the world but the clothes are to-die-for (pun intended) and it's a hilariously over-the-top potshot at the art world.



A few weeks ago we hosted a TW SHOP UP in San Francisco with our friends at Freda Salvador. Readers and friends came out to sip rosΓ© and to get their tootsies into a pair of fabulous Fredas. The shoe of the night was the WIT D'Orsay Oxford in Cheetah, which we crowned The Sisterhood of The Traveling Shoe since it looked great on every foot from size 6 to 11. Check out this amazing female-founded brand and find your favorites.

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Love, Amy + Gina

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This reminds me of nothing so much as being called to the principal's office in high school. Somehow you offended the teacher, who wan...