Still transforming?

Artwork by Kai Samuels-Davis.

Hi Friends-

If you're going through a tough transition — to a new job, in or out of a relationship, with a creative project, or even with a self-reinvention of sorts — I made a podcast episode just for you.

It's about how transformation is slow and subtle and kinda messy, and that's okay.

Listen to: "Transformation is hard."

Most of my writing lately — for the podcast episode just mentioned and elsewhere — has focused on ways to be kinder to ourselves. 

It seems counter-intuitive if you were brought up in a Type A household, but taking a more relaxed, gentle attitude toward your work can actually make you more productive. (Not to mention more pleasant to be around.)

I call this a heart-centered approach to productivity, and it's what I teach in my new online course RESET, which re-opens for registration on April 23rd. 

If you'd like to get details, click here and I'll pop you on the mailing list. : )
Artwork by Kai Samuels-Davis.

When efficiency becomes God. This is a dense but worthwhile read on the millennial work ethic and why we're facing a burnout epidemic. "More than ever, we feel compelled to supply what is demanded. The presentation of a linear path to success as the model to which each individual must strive if they are to be recognized as valuable, has led to a reorganization of the life choices of the individual. To be inefficient at any point in this process, to divert from the prescribed linearity, is understood by the subject as an act of self-sabotage."

How your "attachment style" creates anxiety at work. An interesting extrapolation of how our modes of being in intimate relationships extend to our weirdness at work: "If you operate from an anxious attachment style, you will have at least two major time management struggles. The first is that your attention will get hijacked whenever you experience a perceived 'threat.' The second is a severe allergy to setting boundaries. The idea of saying no may terrify you."

The way women talk. Such a necessary piece from Ann Friedman about how we should maybe, like, stop policing women's speech: "All the discussion is about what we think we hear. With men, we listen for what they're saying, their point, their assertions. Which is what all of us want others to do when we speak. With women, we tend to listen to how they're talking, the words they use, what they emphasize, whether they smile."

+ Smartphone addiction and poor decision-making.

+ The three elements of self-compassion.

Notes from your therapist.

+ Make an intimidation list.

This week's sponsor is Hover, where you can get a domain name for whatever you're passionate about. Start laying the groundwork for your next big idea now: Newsletter readers get 10% off their first domain purchase at
Artwork by Kai Samuels-Davis.

The beautiful paintings are from: Kai Samuels-Davis.

Much appreciation for link ideas to: Anne Helen Petersen, SwissMiss, Rob Walker, CreativeMornings, and Kottke.

You can support this newsletter by: Tweeting about it or leaving a review for Hurry Slowly on iTunes.

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Hi, I'm Jocelyn, the human behind this newsletter. I created the online course RESET, a cosmic tune-up for your workday, and I host Hurry Slowly — a podcast about how you can be more productive, creative, and resilient by slowing down.
Copyright © 2019 Hurry Slowly LLC, All rights reserved.

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Hurry Slowly LLC
534 3rd Avenue, PMB #1119
Brooklyn, NY 11215

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