Weekly newsletter: Brush your teeth

This week: beautiful books, wild comedies, and more...

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A newsletter from the desk of Austin Kleon
brush your teeth

Hey y'all,

Here are 10 things I thought were worth sharing this week: 

  1. Some solid advice from Patti Smith illustrated by my 3-year-old: Brush your teeth.
  2. It is really expensive, but if you can get your hands on a copy of Agnes Martin: Paintings, Writings, and Remembrances, it is a downright gorgeous book, with life-size facsimiles of Martin's handwritten lectures and notes bound into the pages. (Read some excerpts over at Brain Pickings.)  
  3. I started Patricia Lockwood's Priestdaddy and it is very wild and very funny. Her interview on the Longform podcast is worth a listen. 
  4. Looking for some end-of-summer reads? I got you.
  5. I had a chat over coffee with my friend Mike Rohde on the Sketchnote Army podcast and we talked about all sorts of stuff, including how much I love this video of Ralph Steadman in his studio.
  6. Ear candy: I splurged on some new noise-canceling headphones for flying (they're way cheaper at Costco, btw), so I've been listening to all kinds of old favorites. On this last trip it was King Geedorah's Take Me To Your Leader and Grizzly Bear's Veckatimest. (The former had me re-read this profile of MF Doom by Ta-Nehisi Coates.)
  7. If you like dark comedies, I watched The Death of Stalin on a plane flight and really liked it. (Armando Iannucci also directed VeepIn The Loop, and The Thick of It.)
  8. Some #showyourwork advice: How to write an artist bio and Dave Pell on why newsletters are so valuable.
  9. Coolest thing this past week: I saw Saturn's rings with my own eyes!
  10. Encouragement from the author of My Favorite Thing Is Monsters: "Every full moon we can howl at is a victory."
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Austin Kleon is the author of Steal Like An Artist and other books.

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This reminds me of nothing so much as being called to the principal's office in high school. Somehow you offended the teacher, who wan...