Be Kind

Lunch reads from around the web...since 2013! //   //  
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Be Kind. Choose Kind.

There are things that are unavoidable. People will love. People will hate. People will laugh, cry, live life, and die. But unfortunately kindness tends to be a very avoidable thing. If there is something to learn from what happened in Jacksonville on Sunday and every other tragedy that occurred recently, it's that we need to choose to be kind now more that ever.

Hold the door open for a stranger and smile as they say thank you (even if they don't). Reach out to someone you haven't seen in awhile who helped make you who you are today. Teach an older relative how to use Snapchat and answer every dumb snap they send. Freaking listen to that annoying dude's Soundcloud.
We're all here for a good time, not a long time.

So, enjoy your lunch.

- Today's Menu -

The Indian Filmmaker Who Made His Dad's Village Cooking a YouTube Sensation
It is so important to cherish your culture and your family and to mother effin' SMAAAAASH that like button.
Appetizer (4 min)   The New Yorker

The 22-Year-Old Who Wrote Barack Obama's Letters
"One young White House staffer wrote letters to thousands of citizens on behalf of the president."
EntrΓ©e (9+ min)   The Atlantic

Silicon Valley Takes a (Careful) Step Toward Autonomous Flying
Now flying over people with real problems will be easier than ever!
Starter (5 min)   New York Times

Meet Josh Shapiro, the Man Behind the Bombshell Investigation of Clergy Sexual Abuse
"As attorney general of Pennsylvania, Mr. Shapiro rooted out sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, prompting international calls for reform."
Appetizer (6 min)   New York Times

Here's Why Health Experts Love This Superfood...
Bone broth is a rare superfood that's packed with nutrients your body needs to thrive. Kettle & Fire makes it easy to enjoy the benefits of bone broth without making a mess in the kitchen. Try it today and get 16% off + free shipping.
Sponsored Snack    Kettle & Fire

Guy Pearce Claims That Netflix Discourages Actors From Discussing 'Binge Watching' During Interviews
"I don't think Netflix likes the term 'binge.' When we did the promotion for [The Innocents] in the [United States], we were strictly sort of instructed beforehand not to talk about 'binge watching.'"
Dessert (3 min)   Uproxx

Single People Aren't to Blame for the Loneliness Epidemic
It's our ex boyfriend, Scott.
Dessert (5 min)   The Atlantic

Reading Harry Potter to my kid showed me the lasting power of J.K. Rowling's universe
"The fantasy series, published 20 years ago, is just as relevant today as it ever was."
Dessert (5 min)   Vox
Think you're having a rough week? This sexually frustrated dolphin got a beach shut down...
USPS tracking
step 1. We're not sure it exists yet
step 2. it's arrived
Here's a lesson we can all use: how to make friends.
Smile today. You little weirdo, you.
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