Even More Covid

From the "Wall Street Journal":

"Ivermectin Didn't Reduce Covid-19 Hospitalizations in Largest Trial to Date - Patients who got the antiparasitic drug didn't fare better than those who received a placebo": on.wsj.com/3Ip0FnJ


I got Omicron and I'm vaxed. It's not mild. The first five days were like a slight cold, but then I went down hard. I still have serious lung issues after 10 weeks, but a 14 day run of azithromycin seems to be helping so far. Regardless of whatever anyone says, it's rough and very unlike anything I've ever experienced before. 

Sacha Spindler


Well said man.   I did the prudent thing.   Stayed at home for 20 months.    Cloroxd my shoes and washed my hands to sand paper.   Then I got the COVID…..it was NOT a flu and my doctor said "if I wasn't vaccinated " Plus booster I would have died.     It was not cool as I attempted to cough up body parts that didn't exist…….and oh how cool it is to taste and smell food again.    Pin heads

Chris Apostle


Thanks for the caveat on Michael Ball's letter. The guy spoke relatively reasonably, without name calling, etc, then posted three links to prove his points. For kicks, I clicked in them because he's right about David Muir. That guy's terrible. 

And here we go, down the rabbit hole. All three of those links failed to prove the writer's points. All three of them pointed to possibilities and potentials, but with clear disclaimers and caveats.  

The BBC link about masks talked about the far-increased effectiveness of higher-grade masks. Didn't say a thing about cloth masks not doing any good. 

The Vitamin D one from Europe talks about a study of less than 1000 people. And the one from Indonesia went out of its way to make clear that the info was preliminary because, yes, science can change. 

And Trump/insulin thing? Even a cursory search shows that never even took effect before Biden repealed it. 

I certainly do appreciate the guy's mistrust of big pharma. And I, too, often wonder how Dave Muir's able to keep his job. 

But even those who know how to "do their own research" will only pick & choose the info that supports their position. 

Jon Langston


I moved to Puerto Rico, where the infection and the death toll are half of the per capita rate stateside. Everyone wears a mask, vaccine cards are required most places, and in months I've never seen a single bit of drama about it. The only place I've seen any disregard for health measures has been in the tourist spots where Americans congregate. Los feos americanos. 

Trent Keeling 


I am going to see Graham Nash perform this evening. Masks are required for this event. Proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test are also required. Thank you, Graham, for your efforts to keep your fans safe. This is only the second concert I have attended since Covid.  The other was an outdoor concert by the Rolling Stones, who I have tried never to miss since meeting them at West View Park Danceland in Pittsburgh,  during their first US tour in 1964.

Ed Salamon 


I'm only slightly immunocompromised but to be safe I wear a KN95 in indoor public places and (mostly) avoid indoor restaurants (and always avoid crowded ones).

That said, a "95" mask plus crowd avoidance will protect me (or anyone) just fine, and for that reason I don't agree that masks should still be imposed on the general population, nor do I resent anyone who chooses not to wear one.

Mark B. Spiegel


Old and scared. Superkarens. 
Get over it, Hypochondriacs we all die!

Wake up stop pretending you were ever "safe" the tv told you to be scared and
You're old.

Also irrelevant.

Andrew Hunter 


Bob, it's endemic. We all had better get used to it and move on living our lives. It's never leaving. My wife is a surgeon and they have stopped testing patients at their hospital in Nashville unless someone says they have symptoms. My wife was back doing surgery 5 days after testing positive in January. That's what the hospitals mandated as protocol. 

If you're high-risk, wear a mask and wash your hands. It's simple. 

Don't be the woman I saw snorting hand sanitizer through her mask at the coffee shop the other day. 

Kenton Bryant


Your ideas about Covid are just your ideas. They are not right or wrong. But like Paul Krugman, you are certain you are correct. And that is always wrong.

Tanner Freeman


Continually amazed by how many compete dumbshits here and worldwide think they're experts. May we live in interesting times. 

Matt Burnham


In Spain its still mandatory to wear masks inside, on bus, metro etc... only walking outside is it not required.  Clearly given the other EU countries having trouble w the new Omni B2 variant they know its coming here. 20,000 a day now. a week ago 10k. but at peak in Jan/Feb it was over 100k, almost 200.  And that is with very high Vax rates here.  

Brian Barry


Longest damn note I've ever read  and probably the worst!

I don't mean to belittle you but some where somehow the stupidity must end.

I am a old Jarhead,  USMC Marine, for those timid fellows like you. 

I've lost the top lobe of my right lung, from smoking or radiation.  I saw the last USA nuclear tests and believe me you don't want to see one. Currently very possible with Biden as President. 

This covid is no worse than the Swine flu several years ago. The difference is with our government not allowing a "crisis " to go to waste. Obama and company are nailed to the wall on all of this. Anyone associated with Bernadine Dorn is guilty of a multitude of sins.

You and many like you are guilty of believing anything spit out by these criminals. 

Maybe somewhere down the road you will see the truth and not believe what is being spewed by Biden and those who should be respected leaders. But aren't!

Most are truly Traitors but only time will bring this to the forefront!

Once again I'm only an old Marine speaking in the wilderness!

You have a good day and enjoy life as it is short and sometimes sweet. Sometimes it is rough!

K P - kenmar13


Bob, I couldn't get through your response over this shit.  One thing is clear.  You have a brain. I wish everyone else had.. This shit has gone enough.. I can't even talk to my younger brother about the covid stuff..He is stubborn as a mule..i can't talk to anybody about up here in Canada...guaranteed argument ... Yes i am immunocompromised .. i am double vaxxed Maybe because i am sixty five i don't give a fuck. But I don't wanna take anybody down with me...I haven't seen my mother in two years.. She is 89 years old .... I miss her man.. keep up he good work

Randy Dawson


Staind frontman Aaron Lewis: "Maybe we should listen to what Vladimir Putin has to say .. Why are (Deep State) trying to protect Ukraine so much? What do they have to lose? .. Putin is fighting the Deep State right now, which is the same people we're fighting."


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