RESET registration… save the date! 📆

Hi Friend-

Jocelyn from Hurry Slowly here. 👋

I'm honored that you're considering sharing your time with me in the RESET course.

I'm planning to re-open RESET in a few weeks, and I wanted to give you a heads up on what to expect:

RESET will open for registration on May 4th, and the 4-week course will begin on May 16th. In the meantime, I'll be in touch with more details about how the course works, what tools you'll walk away with, and stories of real transformation from past students.

You will receive a special discount code for $40 off when registration opens. The full price of the course is $319. But I do a special offer just for folks on this list: This "early-bird" discount rate of $279 will be good for the first four days of registration. (If you're experiencing serious financial hardship, see more on sliding scale options here.)

You will have access to the RESET materials forever. While four weeks is the recommended pace that I use to guide you through the course, you will be free to move through the lessons at any speed you like, and revisit them at any time in the future. They will become a part of your toolkit for life.

I recently added 4 more hours of personalized video content to the course. To address the concerns of a rapidly changing world and make RESET even more accessible, I've recorded nearly 4 hours of brand-new Q&A videos answering students' most common questions. It's basically like us hanging out one-on-one and talking shop for half a day. 🤓

To help you understand what participating in RESET involves, let me share a little bit about why it's relevant to this moment and what it will do for you…

In the past year, everything we know about daily life has been shaken up. Many of us have lost the scaffolding that used to guide us through our workdays: Our commutes, our office spaces, our conversations by the water cooler.

And while there is much to grieve about losing these core elements of our workday, I think there is also an opportunity here. The opportunity to re-engineer and recalibrate your workflow outside of the social pressures of the office — outside of the pressures to "perform busywork."

It's clear that working from home is not going anywhere. That remote work will become significantly more commonplace even after things "return to normal."

Our workplaces had already made a huge shift towards more self-management with open plan offices and the flattening of the workplace hierarchy, and now that shift is being magnified even further. Which means that learning how to wisely manage your self, your time, and your workflow is only becoming more important.

RESET can show you how to make this transition with grace. It's all about shifting from a speed-obsessed way of working — where you're guided by others' priorities — to a more sustainable, heart-centered way of working — where you're guided by your priorities.

To date, over a thousand people have been through the RESET course. And the most exciting outcome for me has been hearing how it gave them permission to take back control of their workday. That people no longer felt they had to be a slave to their inbox or an endless stream of meetings. That they had the power to do things differently.

These are a few common themes that have emerged about what people are taking away from RESET:
  • New clarity around your priorities and goals
  • More sustained energy & attention as you move through your day
  • A feeling of empowerment and permission to work the way you want
  • Tools for being kinder to yourself in the face of stress & overwhelm
  • Renewed creative output, motivation, and optimism
  • A deeper understanding of what is "enough"
Here's what a few recent students have said about their experience:

"RESET is the most humanistic method for professional development that I have ever experienced. It brought me energy and calm by reminding me of how much power we already possess."
—Jesse Colby, Designer

"RESET is an antidote to the cult of busy-ness that we feel so trapped by. It changed the way I view my work and helped me dig deeper into the goals that are truly meaningful to me. I am seeing a marked improvement in my focus and sense of clarity. It's not hyperbolic to say that going through this course has been a life-changing experience."
—Marie Williams

"RESET came at the perfect time for me — as I was going through another bout of burnout. The tools I gained from the course have helped me create a new vision for myself. I'm excited and optimistic for the first time in years."
—Karoline S., Psychologist

"A lot of productivity advice tends to be very hard and fast — the gentleness of Jocelyn's approach really sets this course apart. I feel more productive and much calmer."
—Romas Kazlauskas, Biochemist

"In the wake of taking the course, I feel a greater sense of spaciousness and permission to make room for what matters to me."
—Lucy Bellwood, Graphic Artist

"I managed to achieve more in last month while taking RESET than the 3 years before that."
—Rogier Schoenmaker, Web Developer


RESET re-opens for registration on May 4th, and the 4-week course begins on May 16th.

I would love to have you join me in learning how to lay down the burden of a productivity culture that can only lead to self-criticism, overwork, and burnout.

A new, more nourishing way of moving through your workday is available to you if you're willing and ready for change. : )

Much love,

Hi, I'm Jocelyn, the human behind this newsletter. I created the RESET course from scratch based on my research and personal experience. I also host Hurry Slowly — a podcast about how you can be more productive, creative, and resilient by slowing down. You can contact me at any time by replying to this email. 🤓

A cosmic tune-up for your workday.
You're receiving this message because you signed up to receive more information about the RESET course, created by Jocelyn K. Glei.
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Hurry Slowly LLC
PO Box #832
Woodstock, NY 12498

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