The trouble with being lazy

In this week's newsletter: laziness vs. idleness, the art of noticing, and more...

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A newsletter from the desk of Austin Kleon
good things need practice that is the trouble with being lazy

Hey y'all,

Today I'm at HOW Design Live with Debbie Millman, and next week I'm headed to New York for a talk at the Poughkeepsie Public Library and a free blackout poetry workshop & book signing at WeWork in Manhattan. (RSVP here.) Book tour is almost over, but there are still a few more dates left!
Here are 10 things I thought were worth sharing this week: 

  1. The trouble with being lazy.
  2. I'm reading the excellent essays in Zadie Smith's Changing My Mind. ("What can't she do?")
  3. Rob Walker's The Art of Noticing is out this week, with a blurb from me. (If you liked chapter five of Keep Going, you'll like Rob's book.) I'm also pumped for Astra Taylor's book about democracy and the announcement of the new Hilda book.
  4. Perhaps it's time for us all to re-read "The Emperor's New Clothes."
  5. Nick Cave on how we need to show children there's an alternate world that exists "outside the grim issues of the day." 
  6. A poem: "Axe Handles" by Gary Snyder. 
  7. Parents: check to see if your local library has access to Kanopy Kids. They just switched to unlimited streaming and they use Common Sense Media, one of my favorite sites for figuring out if media is age appropriate. (For non-parents, it's also a good way, if you have PTSD or something like that, to screen shows for uncomfortable plot elements.)
  8. I, too, love watching TV with closed captioning on.
  9. A 1974 video of Terry Gilliam explaining his cut-out animation.
  10. RIP actor Peter Mayhew.
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PS. If you haven't picked up your copy of Keep Going yet, check it out!
Austin Kleon

Austin Kleon is the author of Steal Like An Artist and other books.

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