RESET: Registration opens in 3 days

Hi Friend-

I recently wrapped up the first launch of RESET, and the students who took the course saw some pretty incredible results.

Since you're thinking about signing up, I thought you might be interested to hear a few of their stories.

But before I share them, a quick reminder...

Registration for RESET opens this Monday, March 4th at 9am EST.

On that morning, I'll send you a special discount code that will get you $40 off registration if you book in the first 48 hours.

Stories from recent RESET students:

"I loved the experience of Reset. When I came into the course, I was trying to do so much, never coming close to doing it all, and regularly feeling bad about myself and my work. Now my expectations are more realistic, and I feel like I finally have a tangible means of identifying how I can work smarter rather than harder."
—Lori Schkufza, Animator & Designer

"Prior to taking this course, I had some guilt around my creative process because I wasn't working in the way, or at the speed, that others might want me to. RESET has given me confidence in my creative process and helped me define and honor the way I want to work. This course over-delivers in every way."
—Angie Wheeler, Entrepreneur

"Since taking Reset, I am more intentional with my work as well as more protective of my time and energy. The course is guiding me in a thousand micro-decisions that I make each day."
—Marc-Antoine Antonini, Product Designer

"Reset is thoughtful, evidence-based, and kind. I've struggled with varying degrees of burnout, perfectionism, anxiety, lack of motivation, people-pleasing, and high achievement over the years, and this course addressed all of these challenges, and more."
—Briana Aldrich, HR Manager

"This course is a gift. It made me realize that I have much more control over my time and priorities, and helped me set boundaries and change my relationship with email, social media, and my calendar. Literally life-changing."
—Nicole Christie, Communications Manager

"I feel much more relaxed and in control of my workday. I no longer feel overwhelmed, inadequate, frantic, or like I'm missing something. I've taken a mountain of other productivity courses, but Reset is the only one that has helped me achieve this feeling."
—Jon Surratt, Product Manager

"Reset helped me have a more clear and focused mindset, manage my work better, and feel more productive. I know it's going to have a positive effect on my life for years to come."
—David Sevey, Engineer

"This course is one of the most well-organized, practical, and uplifting experiences you can give yourself."
—Jesikah Maria Ross, Media Artist

"Reset is truly one of the best investments I've made in myself in a long time."
—Melanie Gibbons, Community Outreach Manager

The coolest part is that these stories aren't isolated. Hundreds of folks participated in the first launch of RESET earlier this year, and I consistently received feedback just like this about how deeply the course impacted people and how it inspired them to make positive changes.

If you decide to join me on the RESET journey, I would be honored to hear a story like this from you. ๐Ÿ™Œ

A quick recap of key dates:

March 4: Registration opens

March 10: The course begins

If you have any questions about the course, and whether it's right for you, just hit reply. I'm happy to chat. : )

Much love,

Hi, I'm Jocelyn, the human behind this email message. I created the RESET course from scratch based on my research and personal experience. I also host Hurry Slowly — a podcast about how you can be more productive, creative, and resilient by slowing down. You can contact me at any time by replying to this email. ๐Ÿค“
A cosmic tune-up for your workday.
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Hurry Slowly LLC
534 3rd Avenue, PMB #1119

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