Know Thyself on all levels

Hello Wonderful.

Every now and then we will send you an email devoted to something we love (then chased down the founders to see if we can mutually support each other's brands). We never work with a company or product we don't personally use and believe in. Today we want to tell you about HELIX, a new kind of DNA testing company dedicated to helping improve lives and the sponsor of today's email. But, first go ahead, give it a supportive click to see what they're all about. 

Sponsored by Helix


Find Out What You're Made Of


Make this a YOU Year with HELIX 


The What founders Gina and Amy are closet biotech nerds. Amy regularly scans the science blogs and 10 years ago on the anniversary of decoding the genome, Gina snuck into a famous genomics conference quickly flashing her fashion press credentials (and praying nobody would ask which field of medicine she specialized in). We are not surprised that DNA testing has come into the mainstream especially in the wellness sector and we are thrilled to learn that Helix delivers 100x more data than the leading competitors in the market. Recently we both, sent in splix samples (a term we coined for saliva) to unlock DNA insights that will help us get smarter about nutrition, medications, and risk factors to our health. We are passionate in our belief that knowledge is power especially when it comes to our well-being.

Welcome to the YOU Year

As lifetime learners and lovers of all things scientific, we are going on a DNA journey using the HELIX platform and will share all our discoveries with you on The What private and open groups. We'll be bringing you candid conversations with each other, experts, and our readers about the tests, the science, our results and most importantly how we intend to act on our results. This is our year to get strong, to get smart and to take action and we're starting from the inside out with Helix. Our original series launches in March. Stay tuned for exact dates. Come get curious with us in 2019.

Love, Amy + Gina

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