If You're Committed to Transformation, Start Small

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There's no shame in small.

Resolutions are hard. It's probably why we only make them once a year.

January is the natural time to do that, as we look to turn the page and make a change. But doing so requires a degree of self-awareness and an understanding of what we can realistically commit to.

Whether we're planning new campaigns, a daily routine, or a way to engage with our direct reports, building in new habits requires a set of gradual, rather than drastic, changes.

And waiting for the payoff requires patience.

Which can be difficult when Wall Street wants quarterly results and your boss wants this month's numbers.

"First we make our habits, then our habits make us." 

– Charles C. Noble


Changing behavior takes time. But it's the first step toward making broader changes that are essential for personal and business growth.

It's what will make teams think about each other differently and commit to working together in different and better ways.

It's what will pave the path for considering customer-centric approaches to experience design.

It's what will lead toward improved technology purchases.

But committing to that enterprise technology system out of the gate? That's a mistake. Because you haven't built the muscle memory through force of habit yet.

As the proverb goes, Rome wasn't built in a day.

Read this on Timeless Wisdom.

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