The Last Course

Lunch reads from around the web...since 2013! //   //  
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Is Always the Best

Yesterday marked the 5 year anniversary of The Lunch Read weekly newsletter. That was 260 Wednesdays ago when about 100 of you received your first edition of The Lunch Read. For those that have stuck with us, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Can you believe we survived this many hump days together? For those of you who have opened all 260 emails…damn, you must be full! Over the last five years we've spent a lot of lunches together. From exploring the culture of today to reminiscing about the 90s, we've tackled refugee crises, school shootings, and elections, while celebrating festival seasons, and celebrity birthdays. And obviously we've shared holidays, music, and food galore.
Basically, we've read A LOT. It's been a wild ride, and we are so lucky to have a loyal community that expands well beyond close friends and family.
Today, however, marks a truly special Wednesday. Today, we officially pass off the reigns of our beloved Lunch Read to a close partner, Tim Hsia, and his team at Media Mobilize. Tim is a longtime loyal reader, and he and his team have worked closely with us over the last two years.
The Lunch Read started 5 years ago across a group of friends (and acquaintances at the time!) with the goal to find a more efficient way to navigate what to read, watch and listen to across our shrinking free time.  Since then, our lives have drastically changed and that "free time" shrunk even more as we advanced our full-time careers, moved cities, got married, entered new decades…you get the idea. As careers, personal lives, and time evolved we imagined a world where our beloved Lunch Read lived on, but with a different everyday commitment from us.
We are so proud that Tim wants to lead TLR into the next stage! We know he'll give TLR the TLC it deserves. And if he doesn't, reach out directly to him at and complain (jk, but DO give him ALL the suggestions).
What's most incredible is that as he grows TLR, a portion of the revenue generated will continue to help fund The London Idea, a non-profit foundation that honors our dear friend, and co-founder, Adam London.
Don't worry, we're also staying on as advisors to ensure Tim keeps up the same great menu of content each and every week (and maybe even more often!). And on our end, we're continuing our community through The Lunch Room - a great Facebook group where everyone can share, find, and discuss the best reads from around the web. We hope to see many of you there; our hearts can't handle an official goodbye to this incredible community!
So maybe, don't look at this as the last course, but instead the start of a new meal! Hope you're hungry.
With Love,
Jori, Michele, Alexa, Sutton, Sam, Michael, Mat, Eric, Alex & Adam

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With Love ❤️  Jori, Michele, Michael, Adam, Alexa, Eric, Mat, Sam, Sutton & Alex
Copyright © 2018, All Rights Reserved. 

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