[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For Sun

Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

I was listening to the news this morning and caught a pun
concerning the nominee for Joint Chiefs of Staff head Adm.
Mike Mullen. The reporter said he was expected to sail
right through the confirmation hearings. I suppose if he was
an Air Force General he would have been expected to fly
right through the hearings. Would an Artillery General be
expected to blast his way through the hearings? How about
an Infantry General, would he march right through vice
a Cavalry General who would ride right through? Of course a
Marine General would have to fight his way through the
confirmation process, they never get to do anything the easy

Is it just my imagination or is Phoenix becoming the weird city
of our country? First we have heard for years of UFO sightings
there and contrails from jets that aren't really there but this
things got even stranger. First you have five news copters
hovering over a police chase and not watching where they are
going and two of them collide and the four occupants are killed
in the crash. They were suggesting charging the driver with
manslaughter for creating circumstances that lead to the death
of four people. I agree with hanging the idiot but not for something
that amounts to pilot error. If you want to blame someone blame
FAA for allowing four choppers in the same air space.

Then this morning there was reports of a man dying when tasered
by the cops when they intervened in an exorcism. I'm not blaming
the police as there was screaming going on and blood everywhere
and the dead person had a headlock on the three year old that was
supposedly possessed. Everyone who has watched Linda Blair
spray Pea Soup and float in the air knows that job should be left
to professionals. To top things off most three year olds are easy to
confuse with being possessed. At that age I thought Buffy was or that
Sandy had been impregnated by space aliens.

If you are in favor of spanking your children as a form of punishment,
so is the appellate courts in Minnesota. Seems a father spanked his
12 year
old son three times for sneaking out after dark and throwing a tantrum
about the spanking. Child protective services removed the children
from the house but the appellate court overturned a decision by a
court that 36 swats on the behind was excessive. They weighed the
behavior and decided it was fair punishment.

It is great to have some strange news for a change other than which
has gotten arrested for drunk driving. Hope you are having a good



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First Aid Chips

There was a redneck father and son who were always in competition with
each other. One day the son left to take an entrance exam at a
university. He wanted to major in medicine. A week later he returned
from his trip looking very down in the dumps.

"How was the exam?" asked his father.

"They asked quite a lot of 'fill in the missing letter' questions
first aid and stuff. I got a score of 75%. It wasn't good enough to
accepted," the boy replied.

"Well in that case I better take that exam myself," the father said.

So off to the university he went. A week later the father returned
his trip looking very down in the dumps.

"How was the exam?" asked his son.

"They asked quite a lot of 'fill in the missing letter' questions
first aid and I got them all wrong but one."

"Gee, Dad. Which question was that?"

"The question was...", started the father, "What do you do when you
across a lady which has fainted. You feel her pu_s_?"

"That's easy", the son replied. "The answer is pulse."

"Oh, hell," said the father, " I got that one wrong as well."


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait

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Give Your Boss Head Day
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Give It Up
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Take It Off
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Little Johnny Chips

In a biology class the teacher asks, "Can anyone tell me
why a flounder is flat?"

Little Johnny raises his hand.

"Go ahead, Johnny."

"My uncle told me it's because a whale raped the flounder."

"That's terrible, Johnny. I'll have to speak to your parents about
this. Let's try another one. Why does a lobster's eyes protrude from

Again Johnny raises his hand.

"We'll give you another chance."

"My uncle said when the whale raped the flounder, the
lobster saw it, and his eyes popped out in shock."



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Tiger Chips

A couple was on their honeymoon, laying in bed, about ready to
consummate their marriage, when the new bride says to the husband, "I
have a confession to make, I'm not a virgin."

"That's no big thing in this day and age," her husband replies.

The wife continues, "Yeah, I've been with one other guy."

"Oh yeah? Who was the guy?" he asks.

"Tiger Woods." replies his wife.

"Tiger Woods the golfer?" the husband asks. "Yeah. Well he's rich,
famous and handsome. I can see why you went to go to bed with him."

The husband and wife then make passionate love. When they get done,
husband gets up and walks to the telephone.

"What are you doing?" asks the wife.

"I'm hungry. I was going to call room service and get some food," her
husband replies.

"Tiger wouldn't do that," she says.

"Oh yeah? What would Tiger do?"

"He'd come back to bed and do it a second time."

The husband puts down the phone and goes back to bed to make love with
his wife a second time. When they finish, he gets up and goes over to
the phone.

"What are you doing?" she asks again.

"I'm still hungry so I was going to get room service to get some
her husband responds.

"Tiger wouldn't do that."

"Oh yeah? What would Tiger do?" he asks.

"He'd come back to bed and do it one more time," his wife replies.

The guy slams down the phone and goes back to bed and makes love to
wife one more time. When they finish he's tired and beat. He drags
himself over to the phone and starts to dial.

The wife asks, "Are you calling room service?"

"No," he responds. "I'm calling Tiger Woods to find out what the par
for this hole!"


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Little Johnny Chips

One day during school, a 2nd grade teacher was in the middle
of a math lesson.

Suddenly a little girl named Susie stood up and yelled, "Teacher,
teacher! Can I go to the potty, I have to pee!"

The teacher calmly replied, "Susie, we don't say 'pee,' we
say 'number one.' Yes, you may go."

A few minutes later a little boy named Billy stood up,
started jumping up and down yelling, "Teacher! Can I go to
the bathroom? I really gotta poop!"

The teacher firmly replied, "Billy, we don't say 'poop,' we
say 'number two.' Go ahead."

About half an hour later Little Johnny, who had been
listening to what she said, stood up and yelled, "Teacher, Teacher!
Give me a number quick, cause I really gotta fart!"


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Visitor Chips

Questions Not To Ask In Foreign Lands:

"Are you magically delicious or just angry and drunk? This beer is
black- did a leprechaun crap in it?"

"Can I get a side of Freedom Fries with that? Aren't the French just
Germans who can make sauces?"

"Is the Pope Polish? Does he have super powers like Jesus? I could
go for a can of Spaghetti-O's! "

"Do you hire foreigners to screw in your lightbulbs?"

"Is this bratwurst kosher?"

"Where's the hash at? It's cool to recreationally slaughter Kurds?"

"Can you watch my puppy for a minute, or must you people deep fry

"This wall isn't so great."

"Did you ever get a piece of ass from that Diana chick?"

"Do you have any normal meatballs? Want to hear a dumb blonde joke?"

"Yemen? That's a stupid name for a country. What's it mean -- 'Land Of
Fanatics And Dust' ?"

"You don't live in teepees? Where can I get a good juicy steak around

"After a long day of travel, I'm famished. Hey - those flies sure love
your pregnant son!"

"You're like Americans without money."

"So, this is the country that's not Portugal? Wow. Your women can
if they want to, right? Where can I get some Cheez Whiz nachos?"

"I liked it better the other way."

"What's that smell?"

"Would you like to see my designs for a solar powered car? Is it legal
to beat your wives here, or what?"

"Is it always this cold and economically devastated?"

"Can you spell Uzbekistan?"

"I hear this place is a less expensive version of Italy."

"Seriously, where is the real country. where is everything?"

"What's Hiroshima? Is that a kind of sushi?"

"How can we stop Mel Gibson? Is there a cure?"

"Was John Wayne gay?


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Short Chips

Two drunks coming home, stumbled up the country road in the
dark. "Faith, Mike, we've stumbled into the graveyard! Here's the
stone of a man lived to the age of 103!"
"Glory be, Patrick and was it anybody we knew?"
"No, 'twas someone named 'Miles from Dublin!' Ye dint know
the gent, did ye?"

And NOW for something completely different! You know all the
junk mail we receive. EVERY day there are maybe two or three
pieces. Some are valuable -- like coupons to save three or four
dollars buying groceries. BUT, a lot of them come with self-
addressed postage paid envelopes. Right? Hang on to 'em!
I can hear everybody asking, "WHY?"
First off, make SURE the envelope does not have a sticker with
your name and address on it. If it does, however, all you have to do
is remove it! (Steam works.) Then, as junk mail piles up, start
putting it into their envelope! When it gets to two, maybe three
ounces' weight, MAIL IT! They would have to pay EXTRA to receive the
mail to see what it is!
Attach a short note to your junk (typewritten, of course)
saying, "Would you please do me a favor and place this in the
circular receptacle next to your desk?"

A high-school history teacher was discussing the funeral of the
Pope with his class. One student asked how they chose the new Pope.
The teacher explained the process, finishing with, "So you see, only
the Cardinals are allowed to pick him."
About that time, one student in the back of class, asked, very
seriously, "Why on earth would they want an Arizona football team to
pick a religious leader in Vatican City like the Pope? It is
completely across the Atlantic OCEAN!"

Two elderly women (who had never met) were shopping in the
supermarket at the same time, and got into conversation about their
children and their families. Alla sudden, out comes the one woman's
billfold from her purse.
"Here is a shot of my husband last summer," said the
first, "And here are our three children when they went to high
"Nice looking teenagers... " the other replied, "NOT like some
of the stories you hear nowadays."
The first woman added, "These are our grandchildren. The
oldest is six." Then she said, "Let me see your grandchildren."
Her shopping acquaintance replied, "I do not have any
"Why not?" gasped the first lady.
"Because," replied the second, "According to the rules of
life, you gotta have KIDS before you can have GRANDKIDS!"



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LynnLynn's Links

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July 29 2007
A good Sunday morning to you all.
For all of you that have been monitoring the progress for little 3
year old
Callie Stapp in her struggle for life, Heavens Gates will post all
that come through her CarePages . Please keep this little girl in
prayers and forward to all your friends for their prayers. Ask God to
send another of His miracles for Callie.
God Bless you all and wishes for a very happy week,

Heavens Gates Prayer Book for Callie Stapp

Subscribers and Friends

John w/ Life's Railway to Heaven (Patsy Cline with Willie Nelson)


Remember Me This Way Via Juanita

GraGran w/First Graders


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Bad Idea

Watch Out For That Tree

Close One

Anchors Away

Animal Planet Parrot

Animal Thieves

Weddings Aren't Always Perfect


Veteran Chips

As an American Veteran who fought for the rights you take for granted

#1 I will live my life the way I deem fit, screw political

#2 I have the right to choose my religious path if I choose
one at all. Christianity be damned.

#3 If I want to eat a cow, I will eat a cow.

#4 I have the right to hang up on telemarketers midsentence
and not have to worry about whether or not I was polite.

#5 If I think someone's an idiot, I will tell them
they're an idiot.

#6 I have the right to tell children that their parents aren't raising
them correctly. (Think of how many times you've been at a supermarket
and heard a screaming child the entire time...what exactly would you
want to say that'd be any nicer?)

#7 If you don't know what you're talking about, shut the
hell up.

#8 You may have the right to speak, but I don't have to
listen to you.

#9 If I want to be rude, loud, and obnoxious, it's a free country.

#10 If I want to go to a bar, destroy my liver with alcohol, clog my
arteries with junk, and have unsafe sex with the woman/man I just
met, I
ought to be able to smoke while I'm at it.

#11 I may be fat, but you're ugly, and I can go to Jenny

#12 Jerry Springer for President!!!!!!!

#13 Denis Leary should be proclaimed God and given
reign over

#14 Your daughter just got drunk at a party, made a
slut of herself,and you're worried about my religious

#15 Before you tell me how to run my life, be certain
that your own is squeaky clean.

#16 Just because you work at McDonald's doesn't
mean you have an excuse to have an I.Q. under

#17 (Courtesy of George Carlin) Just because you're
a student does not mean that you're any more
enlightened than someone that works at Blockbuster.

#18 Speaking of Blockbuster, if I return the tape,
you do not have to actually sue me for $15!!

#19 If you're stupid enough to give me credit, deal
with the consequences.

#20 It's ignorant to charge someone $25 if they
bounce a check for $5. (If I didn't have the $5,
what makes you think I'm going to have $25
you retards!!)

#21 If you don't like the way I drive then at the
next red light get out from under my car.

#22 If your dog or cat is so smart, then why
do you talk to it like it's a newborn baby?

#23 If I shoot you while you're committing a
crime, and you try to sue me for it, I'll shoot
you again.

#24 Courtesy of Ben Franklin: Anyone who
would give up freedoms and liberties for
temporary security deserves neither freedom
or security.

#25 If you live in Tornado Alley, don't whine
when you get hit by a tornado.


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Toon Chips

Stop Applauding
<a href=" http://www.buffalosjokes.com/012437.htm "> Here!</a>

<a href=" http://www.buffalosjokes.com/012436.htm "> Here!</a>

Crab House
<a href=" http://www.buffalosjokes.com/012435.htm "> Here!</a>

<a href=" http://www.buffalosjokes.com/012431.htm "> Here!</a>

Laptop Dancing
<a href=" http://www.buffalosjokes.com/012430.htm "> Here!</a>

Male Pill
<a href=" http://www.buffalosjokes.com/012429.htm "> Here!</a>


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Limerick Chips

There was a young girl in Berlin
Who ecked out a living through sin.
She didn't mind fucking,
But much preferred sucking,
And she'd wipe off the pricks on her chin.

There was a young lady whose joys
Were achieved with incomparable poise.
She could have an orgasm
With never a spasm---
She could fart without making a noise.

There once were two ladies from Birmingham
That dealy with matters not concerning them.
They reached under the robes
And tickled the globes
Of the bishop that then was confirming them


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Parting Chips

Little Lucy loved sucking her thumb so much. She was now five years
but hadn´t stopped the bad habit. With an effort to stop her from this
bad practice, Lucy´s mother lied to her that her stomach will swell
will finally burst if she doesn´t stop the habit. The lie scared
Lucy that she actually stopped the habit immediately.

A month later, expectant Mrs. Blecker pays them a visit. When Lucy
in to greet her she stops first to stare at Mrs. Blecker, then goes
ahead with her greeting. Mrs. Blecker notices the hesitation and asks,
"Hi, Lucy! I guess you are wondering where I´ve been, aren´t you?"

The little girl answers, "Not exactly, Mrs. Blecker, I know what
been doing and you better stop it fast."


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Bonus Chip

Little Guido was sitting on a park bench munching on one candy bar
another. After the sixth one... a man on the bench across from him
"Son,you know eating all that candy isn't good for you. It will give
acne, rot your teeth, and make you fat."

Little Guido replied,
"My grandfather lived to be 107 years old."

The man asked,
"Did your grandfather eat six candy bars at a time?"

Little Guido answered,
"No, he minded his own fucking business."



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Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn
Vol 1038

The Defenders

Rudy: Pops we have this other game we play. Do you
want to see it?

BJ: Sure, what do you call it?

Rudy: Defender.

BJ: Sounds innocent enough.

Rudy: Here take this ball pops. All you have to do is carry the
ball and touch the fence with it. Simple isn't it?

BJ: Yeah, I can do that.

Sandi: We four have to stop you.

Ginger: Heh heh heh.

Rudy: Grrrr!

Katie: Growl!

BJ: Here I come!

Thud! Crash!

BJ: Okay, let me try it again, let me up.

Rudy: Are you kiddin'? No way Jose.

Sandi: You are my daddy, but this is Defender.

BJ: Okay let me start again. I have a plan.

BJ goes into the house. Throws a steak at Sandi,
who starts to eat the steak, runs for the wall. Katie
sees him running for her, she turns and runs...Rudy
tries to tackle but dad is too big, Ginger helps, but still
dad is too big. Sandi would be the difference but....
she is busy.


Rudy: We could have stopped him. He is the first
person ever to make it to the wall.

Sandi: Burp! But it is okay, he is daddy and I am full,

The herd in Guthrie


Adult Adult Adult

Remember 9/11/01

Regarding any problems unsubscribing this mailing list

In accordance with the 2004 Can-Spam act you can contact me at:

William Brabant
711 Pine Street Apt.1
Sault Ste Marie Michigan 49783

To Subscribe send a blank email to Buffalos-adult-jokes-subscribe@egroups.com

To unsubscribe send a blank e-mail to Buffalos-adult-jokes-unsubscribe@egroups.com

Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant
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