Dogs are better companions than humans.
they ask no questions and they pass no criticisms

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We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman


fill it with seawater

if grass licked your feet

Jesus take the wheel

if you eat well

how much excersize

no more whiskey

the women's remote

forgot the darts

if the noise persists

no singles

72 virgins

a noise

who is it

the next generation

trying to figure it out

pudding pops


At a training session in the fire station, the team was assembled 
around the kitchen table.The training officer was discussing the behavior 
of fire. "You pull up to a house and notice puffs of smoke coming from 
the eaves, blackened out windows and little or no visible flame. What 
does this tell you?" he asked.He was expecting to hear that the house is 
in a possible back draft situation, a condition very dangerous to fire fighters. 
Instead he heard the following from one quick wit in the back, 
"You got the right place."

Two bored casino dealers were waiting at the craps tables for players
when a gorgeous blonde lady wearing a huge fur coat walked in and
asked if she could bet $20,000 on a single roll of the dice.
The dealers said yes and were happy to oblige.
She then said: "I hope you don't mind, but I'll feel much luckier if I
take off my coat." With that, she took off her coat and was wearing a
skin-tight Wonder Woman outfit!
The men looked her up and down as she leaned over the table, rolled
the dice, and yelled: "Come on baby, come on!"
She then jumped up and down, hugging each of the casino dealers while
yelling: "YES, I WIN! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, I WIN!" With that, she
picked up her winnings and quickly left.
The dealers stood there staring at each other dumbfounded, until one
finally asked the other: "What the heck did she roll anyway?"
The second dealer answered: "I don't know. I thought you were paying attention!"

Three Reform Rabbis were in a terrible auto wreck. None survived.
One minute they were driving along the highway, talking and laughing and joking, 
and the next, BOOM! they were before the Creator of all.Shaking his head, 
The Omnipotent One looks at the three. "Reform I can understand. But where 
will it end? You! Goldblum! The ashtrays in your temple so My people could 
smoke while the Torah was being read???"Goldblum shuddered.
God went on. "I can live with that. Men are weak, but the Word is strong!" 
Goldblum sighed with relief."Bauman! Really, I can accept My people need 
to eat, but really: serving Ham Sandwiches to the devout at the temple 
during Yom Kippur?"Bauman hung his head in shame. "Even that I can 
allow to pass, even with the eating of that which is not Kosher. I'm not 
pleased at all with the playing fast and loose with my people, but I can 
accept these indiscretions." Bauman also heaved a sigh of relief.
Finally, He turns to the third rabbi and says, "You, Rabinowitz, have gone 
too far! Am I asking too much? No, you flaunt the world at Me, even on 
the holiest days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur by putting out a sign saying.... 
"Closed for the Holidays!!!"

2 old men at the nursing home

2 old ladies go to the retirement home

only women understand

doc I'm turning 80 tomorrow

Victor fell in love with the teacher

where have you been

the germs and the young couple

a platoon of marines is marching down a road

2 roaches were munching on garbage

his mom has senile dementia

which part goes to heaven first

Bill Clinton dies of a heart attack

advice for golfers

playing in a sandbox

doc my cow might have that mad cow disease

12 step internet recovery program

2 men were out hunting in the woods

when the store manager returned from lunch

the ultimate computer

in a recent poll

the world according to men

the young blonde bride and the gynechologist

what time is it

the road construction union

Gilbert and Brian were really pissed

a woman has 8 different kinds of orgasms

he liked to hang out at the bar

unfairly accused

at home watching football

a magic amusement park


​Dirty Work - #Laurel & #Hardy (1933)

The Land of Pure Silence | Continent 7: Antarctica

On the Road: Waitress receives the tip of a lifetime

Great Chicago Fire 1871

Live PD: Talking Nonsense

Steve Harvey Motivational Story

Oktapodi - Animation Short Film - GOBELINS

California is too PC - Robert Mac - Dry Bar Comedy


Sand Cat Kittens Filmed in the Wild for First Time | Nat Geo Wild

Dog Sells Hot Dogs

The Pink Panther in "Trail of Lonesome Pink"

You slept with 5 guys... I'm not the Father! | The Maury Show

Top 10 Best Judge Judy Moments

Jerry Springer: transsexual confession ''I have a secret for my man''

tampons ice cream and wine

moral support

trying to understand people

the lion king

when you get superdrunk

new manicure

wash hands

hunt for food

always believe

the rest of the world

this old bus

take life seriously

don't trust children

call an ambulance

life is like a movie

have a nice day
Martin aka the postmn


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