Four Leadership Lessons from Mister Rogers

It may seem odd to look at the mild and kind Mister Rogers as an example for leadership. After all, most leaders we admire have traditionally been those who are forceful, deeply charismatic or visionary in some way. A simple Google image search of those ...


Four Leadership Lessons from Mister Rogers

Fred Rogers was an inspirational leader and a hero to many

It may seem odd to look at the mild and kind Mister Rogers as an example for leadership. After all, most leaders we admire have traditionally been those who are forceful, deeply charismatic or visionary in some way. A simple Google image search of those terms picks up the likenesses of John F. Kennedy, Steve Jobs, and Captain Kirk (!) in one grouping.

Fred Rogers (1928-2003) was a minister and a television personality who, over the course of his three decades on PBS, touched the lives of millions of children and adults alike. With his gentle demeanor ("a voice that sounds adult to the ears of children and childish to the ears of adults," according to Tom Junod), sneakers and...

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