God & Country

Trailer: shorturl.at/byOUW

They've got to stop releasing these documentaries theatrically.

Did you see that "Love on the Spectrum" was the number six most watched original streaming series last week? Yes, with 433 million minutes. The producers could have made a film on autism, taken it to a bunch of festivals, waited two years to release it theatrically, getting reviews but almost no attendance, and then the production would end up on a streaming outlet with little fanfare thereafter. There's so much in the pipeline that delayed buzz does not work. You want your product available when the buzz happens. With a low bar, so everyone interested can partake. That's the beauty of streaming music. You hear about it and you can immediately click to hear it. You don't have to wait for the radio to play it, you don't have to buy it.

But most things are not worth hearing. And most series are not worth watching. But there's a humanity that results in magic in "Love on the Spectrum." Furthermore, the series doesn't pander. I'm absolutely shocked, shocked I tell you, that it's so successful, there's been no big ad campaign, no press think pieces, it's all happening by word of mouth, online, in a way that major media misses.

That's what quality'll do for you.

And the quality of "God & Country" is absolutely top-notch. Everyone in America should see it, but everybody won't.

The producers are afraid that Rob Reiner's involvement will alienate people, they're so fearful of the right that they've got one hand tied behind their back.

But "God & Country" isn't made for the right, it's made for the left, that thinks it knows it all, whose jaws will drop and will promptly go out and vote for Biden or whomever the candidate is because they don't want to risk letting these people be in charge.

Come on, we think we know everything. Like I need to see a movie about Christian Nationalism?

But when they take the cameras inside these churches, inside these confabs, your head will spin. You wonder why people blindly support Trump? Because they believe he's doing God's work. Forget the foibles, they've got some looney tunes explanation that Trump is like Cyrus, so they can overlook the bad in pursuit of their end desires.

You have no idea. You think you do, but you don't.

First and foremost, these people are ORGANIZED! Didn't we learn that with the Federalist Society? Those on the left are bumbling along, voting their hearts, and they don't know they're up against a monolith. Trump is the candidate the Christian Nationalists have been waiting for, and they're ALL-IN!

Forget the truth. It's a Christian nation founded on Judeo-Christian values. ONLY IT'S NOT! Yes, those in the Christian Nationalist world spew endless untruths and no one inside the bubble questions them, the statements are taken as fact.

FURTHERMORE, they believe they're being attacked. Now I understand the "War on Christmas." I mean it makes no sense unless you realize that Christian Nationalists believe they're oppressed, that we lousy, stinkin' Dems want to take away their religion, their right to practice it. And of course we want nothing of the sort, but that doesn't matter to them, they're convinced!

So what we've got here is footage of the inner-workings of the Christian Nationalist right. This is not Episcopals going to church on an occasional Sunday. These people are dedicated to the church, they live for the church, God runs their lives and they need the Almighty to prevail. And they take the word of the preachers as gospel. And these often money-hungry men are riling their constituents up, they're telling them it's war, and only Trump can save them and the country. They've been fighting this battle for decades, now they have their savior.

Of course so much of this is rooted in racism. They don't want them damn n-word people in their schools. Public schools? These are the people who have demonized them, who want to destroy them, so all the white people can go to school together.

And believe me, it is white versus black.

And then you've got the disaffected preachers. They just don't understand how the Christian Nationalist movement aligns with Christian values. They're not helping people, they're all wrapped up in politics.

This is the power of the image. There are pedigreed talking heads and some footage conveys the message with no words. But those on the right are trying to deny so much of what we've seen with our own eyes.

The Democrats, those on the left, keep being surprised. They were stunned that Trump won, it was inconceivable, who would vote for this guy?

Watch this movie and you'll know.

On TikTok they've got all these wackos interviewed who spew falsehoods and pledge fealty to Trump, watch this movie and you'll know.

There's so much information in America, so much going on, that some of the biggest stories can fly under the radar. This Christian Nationalism is one.

Believe me, if the producer hadn't reached out I wouldn't have watched this flick. I mean there are only twenty four hours in day. This isn't news to me... But I watched it and it was!

My only regret is it's not on Netflix right this very second. So you can immediately turn on the screen and watch it. You'll tell all your friends about it.

I mean come on, almost no one believes in Biden. Most of us will vote for him reluctantly.

But not all of us will vote. We're fatigued. I mean if I get one damn more political text I'm going to campaign for all these spammers not to be elected. Stop asking me for money. It's hard to believe in any politician these days. But we can be motivated by fear of consequences.

Oh come on, every day there are stories about what Trump is going to do in office. Stop trying to scare me with stuff that is in the uncertain future. But these Christian Nationalists, this is happening NOW! Don't try to convince your brethren that Biden isn't too old, don't ask for money for candidates, just make them watch this movie. Done deal. Case closed. They'll show up at the polls in November (or vote by mail) without a further push. Forget TV ads. All the stories of the past.

This is the exposé. This explains Fox News better than watching the outlet 24/7. "God & Country" is the essence.

And forget about trying to convince these lemmings otherwise. Nobody appeals to all these days, nobody. Don't be afraid of the right, that they'll decry everything you say. That's their game, to intimidate you, to make you shut up.

No, "God & Country" is for the left, for the anti-Trumpers, for those who are not evangelicals, who really don't know what goes on behind closed doors. This film is the greatest tool the left has got.

Meanwhile, you've got to pay to see it in a theatre. I mean come on, I've got to get dressed, go out, show up to see a zillion trailers at a specific time? How twentieth century. Today you've got to make it easy. There need to be almost no barriers to consumption.

The kids know this. And many of them are old enough to vote.

But all we've got is oldsters lost in the past repeating the same methods that are inefficient if they work at all.

But if everybody just saw this damn movie... This is a national story. But it looks like it will end up being a minor kerfuffle, another episode in the endless smorgasbord of entertainment.

No one can keep up. They need an incentive to partake. And the funny thing is that incentive can only come from their brethren.

I'm one of your brethren. Remember "God & Country" because sometime in the future you'll be able to stream it. And you'll want to, because it's that good. And it alone will motivate you to vote. You'll need no phone call, advertising is irrelevant. This movie alone will change hearts and minds, and isn't that what it's all about?

P.S. "God & Country" has a 92% Critics rating on RottenTomatoes. As for the public, there's no rating yet, not enough people have seen it, proving my point. But 92% is a slam dunk. My threshold is 80%, when it's in the nineties, it's a MUST-SEE!

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