Yes, the courts are doing what the Democrats refuse to do, hold Trump accountable. Not that I expect the Supreme Court to take the side of Colorado, not after what happened back in 2000, when the election was handed to Bush.
Then again, Gore conceded. Isn't that the issue, that Trump never conceded, that he refused to accept the results of the election?
How does that work in regular life? Do you lose the World Series and say you won? Do you get fired from your job and say you still work there? Talk about topsy-turvy, just because someone says something that does not make it true. Then again, that's how much the MAGA people hate the liberals. But the liberals are told not to hate the MAGAs.
Yes, that was the first thing I just heard on the TV news. That this decision is going to embolden and empower Trump's base. Solidify it. Cause Biden to lose. Yes, we'd better be afraid of the MAGA people, we'd better not piss them off. Don't hold them accountable, because it's unfair. Best just to wait until the voters weigh in.
The voters?
At least in court we can see which justices decided which way. We can't debate stolen ballot boxes, stuffed ballot boxes, the justices vote one way or the other. And you can't have it both ways, you can't have a Supreme Court that gets rid of Roe and then say the justice system is tainted.
Bottom line, if we don't have belief in the justice system, that it is the last word, then the country is screwed. Then lawlessness truly reigns.
Everybody's got their own beliefs these days, irrelevant of facts. They don't want to hear facts, because they mess with their emotions, and emotions are everything in today's world. They trump education, they trump science, everything is up for grabs. But when everything is up for grabs we depend upon the legal system to divide the word of truth. And if the legal system fails...
Let's see, those on the left had to endure Mitch McConnell's refusal to allow a vote on Obama's Supreme Court pick. But we Democrats must accept it and believe in the system, but the rules don't apply to the right. How does that work?
I watched January 6th on television, and there are millions of people telling me, along with major news outlets, that I didn't see what I did. I thought the camera didn't lie? What kind of world can we have where there is no truth?
The truth is Mark Burnett made Trump President, and somehow he's escaped scrutiny. Burnett depicted a false impression of Trump on TV and since America loves celebrity and money, Trump became President.
Concomitantly, Hillary Clinton was so out of touch with the populace.
That's what I can't understand, how the Democrats refuse to play in the present, a world run online. All we hear from the Dems is to put down our smartphones, which is like telling a baby not to drink milk. Why not use the internet to your benefit? Why not rally the left. Tell them to hate the right. Because one thing is for sure, the right hates the left.
But when a Democrat is confronted with a bully they go to the principal, they complain, and they're laughed at. Everyone knows the only way to win, to neuter a bully, is to stand up to them. But we are told time and time again that if we stand up to Trump there will be negative consequences, he and his team will only get stronger.
And then there's Joe Biden... Talk about out of touch. He's too damn old. But the left calls that ageism. Almost no one wants him to run but they won't confront him. Now we've got a stacked court hearing the Colorado case because the previously lauded Ruth Bader Ginsburg turned out to be a narcissist who refused to take one for the team. Who was sick with cancer to boot. Talk about legacy, hers is toast.
I like a lot of what Biden has done, but if you can't make the case yourself why you should be president, you're not going to be. Come on, self-promotion is part of the gig. And if you're too lame not to do this it's time to get out of the way.
I mean America is holding on by a thread. I thought when they got rid of abortion there would be riots in the street. But instead it was those on the right who rioted over a falsehood, that the election was stolen.
But the Democrats tell us to just wait for the vote, that people are upset and will come out and... Don't you understand the flaw in logic here? This is internet 101. You want to remove the friction, eliminate the steps, otherwise people pass. I've got to register, I've got to leave my house, I've got to stand in line all the while believing my vote makes a difference. Well, not according to Trump and his minions.
So where does the buck stop? Don't talk to me about the election, one thing is for sure, if Trump loses he'll say he won, and then what. And if he wins... He's not going to make the mistakes of last time, once bitten, twice shy. It's over. This guy has a history of not being beholden to the legal system, but if he wins again he's suddenly going to?
Of course not.
So it's time for those on the left, the anti-Trumpers, to stand up. Not to watch MSNBC, not to be somnambulant. This is your fight, nobody else's. Each and every one of you. Don't let someone tell you that you need to respect the MAGA people, they're not respecting you. You can't reason with these people, you can only defeat them.
The wagons have circled. Trump has been caught red-handed, again and again. And what do our leaders and the media tell us? Back off. You don't want to piss the MAGA people off.
Well I'm pissed, isn't that enough?
The odds of the Supreme Court upholding the Colorado decision are miniscule. This is a court that has a history of deciding on a conclusion and then warping the law to fit it. Which means if you're thinking today's Colorado news is a great victory, all I can tell you is it's just a beginning.
This is the time for a full court press. This is a time to stop telling the people that they're wrong about the economy. Life is hard in these United States, own it. And people are angry. And too many on the left disrespect those with little income. Perception is everything. And perception is Biden is too old and times are hard. Good luck trying to convince people otherwise.
But there's also a perception that Trump is a crook. He can complain all he wants that the system is stacked against him, that they're out to get him, but isn't that what every criminal has to say? This decision today is another brick in the wall. And it's your responsibility to build it.
We need the justice system to hold Trump accountable, even more than the ballot box. This guy believes he's above the law, like too many rich people. We've got to show him otherwise. We've got to put it all on the line, because everything is up for grabs.
Stop being afraid. Start taking a side. Those on the right have no problem doing this. Jason Aldean speaks his "truth," but too many left-leaning musicians stay quiet, for fear someone won't like them. Boo-hoo, is this the world we now live in, is this the result of everybody gets a trophy? Why are we so scared of offending people? And it's the left that has this problem, I don't hear the right calling for trigger warnings.
It's your responsibility to make a difference, this is the story and the fight of your life. The MAGAns are the minority, are we going to let them win? The game is stacked against us, with the Electoral College, with two Senators per state. Which means we've got to fight even harder. But we always pass responsibility on to someone else. We're too busy living our lives like the Israelis, while HAMAS was a ticking time bomb that finally exploded.
Today the Colorado court did the right thing. Showing there is some justice in this world. And Trump's offenses are so egregious that it will be hard for courts down the line not to hold him accountable. We must beat this drum loudly, counteract the MAGA right. We must say that the buck stops with the law, unlike those on the right.
But we've still got to fight.
The future is unpredictable. The past might be prologue, but it is not definitive. Don't tell me about 2022. The past repeats itself, but always with a twist. Today's decision was an unexpected twist. There will be more. Be prepared, be very prepared. The right wants authoritarianism, they want the trains to run on time, they want answers, not questions. They want solutions. They don't want to be told to wait. We have to show them our way is better. And we're doing a piss-poor job of it.
But at least the legal system is helping.
Endorse it, otherwise those on the right are going to try to disqualify it.
Today gives us hope. And hope is everything. We need hope on the left. Let's take this flicker of a flame and turn it into a conflagration. Trump is nothing without his team. Too bad we've got a lame leader on our side. But still, the team can organize, get it together, tell our story, say we're right and we believe in the system.
Because once the system is up for grabs...
It's almost over.
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