[Stanford Webinar] What's keeping you from being more creative?

Creating a Culture of Creativity
Conquering Fear and the Internal Censor
Date: July 10th, 2018
Day: Tuesday
Time: 10:00 -11:00 am PDT
Venue: Online via Zoom

What’s keeping you from being more creative?

Join Stanford Professor Bill Burnett as he takes a deeper look into creativity, including the current neuroscience that attempts to explain creativity, what blocks individuals from being creative, and how you can become more confident in your creativity.

You’ll learn:
  • Why creativity is a skill, not a talent
  • Techniques to train yourself to be more creative
  • How to unlock your own ability to solve problems
  • Tools and strategies to build an innovative organization

Register to Attend

Questions? Contact 650-204-3984 or scpd-design@lists.stanford.edu.
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