May 3 - How Coke and Pepsi's rivalry shaped marketing | Amazon lures brands with new streaming tech


Daily Dive

May​ 3,​ 2022 | Today's news and insights for marketing leaders

Note from the editor

Marketing Dive is excited to bring you the first in a four-part series of deep dives into how brand rivalries have shaped marketing and where they're headed next.

Having a worthy rival has repeatedly pushed companies to innovate and enshrine themselves in the marketing pantheon while also providing a deeper significance around identity for those preferring, for example, Coke over Pepsi or Nike over Adidas.

With legacy marketers displaying newfound strength following the upheaval of the past few years, fresh turf wars are emerging as brands vie for their spot on frontiers like the metaverse and creator economy. What's less clear is if the usual tit-for-tat will resonate in a society increasingly scarred by division.

First in the series is a look into the long-running Coke vs. Pepsi rivalry and how its roots echo into the modern day. For the next several weeks, we'll highlight other iconic brand rivalries, so be sure to check back on Tuesdays and read them all.

Peter Adams
Reporter, Marketing Dive
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