The tonic of tender discipline 😌

Hi Friend-

No matter what our circumstances, I think we all realized one thing in the past 20+ months: That the old ways don't work anymore.

That it's high time we invested in building new, more sustainable systems for just about everything — our daily work, our healthcare systems, our political systems, our society at large.

And that work starts, in my opinion, at home, on a daily level: In our minds, with our internal dialogue, with the way we talk to ourselves, with the way we move through our days. 

It starts with developing a tender discipline toward ourselves, where we can find a balance between pouring our hearts into our work — and changing the world — and creating space for the rest and renewal we need to do that work.

Registration for RESET re-opens in exactly one week on January 18th.

Learning how to cultivate tender discipline is at the core of the RESET ethos.

It's all about shifting your mindset, your self-talk, and your workflow into a more natural, sustainable model — one where you can do great work while being gentle with yourself.

To give you a quick refresher on how the course unfolds, I've recapped the key concepts that I'll be sharing below.

RESET will guide you through a transformative recalibration of the way you work through a series of video lessons, "reset rituals," meditations, and on-demand Q&As.

The course begins on January 30th and unfolds over 4 weeks — with each week focusing on how to make a key shift:

Week 1: Reclaim your intention.
You'll learn how to re-engage with your creative goals and build a system for motivation and momentum that guarantees you'll make it all the way to the finish line.

Key ideas: 
  • Building celebration into your productivity system
  • Creating "social accountability"
  • Embracing the power of "obstacle thinking"
Week 2: Reclaim your energy.
You'll learn how to reconnect with your body and align your workflow with the natural flow of your energy + your attention so that you can produce great work day after day.

Key ideas: 
  • Identifying your "golden hours" 
  • Shifting between "deep attention" and "open attention" 
  • Tapping into your "downtime brain"

Week 3: Reclaim your boundaries.
You'll learn how to set boundaries around technology, protect your valuable time and attention, and say "no" to requests that are not in line with your goals.

Key ideas:
  • Questioning your "default settings" 
  • Finding "task alignment" w/ your email, calendar, and to-do list
  • Saying "no" without guilt.

Week 4: Reclaim your ideas.
You'll learn how to create space for inspiration, control your "idea consumption," and make self-expression part of your daily routine.

Key ideas:
  • Balancing your inputs and outputs
  • Leaning into "analog self-expression"
  • Summoning inspiration through "high-contrast conversations"

Past students have called RESET: "literally life-changing," "my favorite online course of all time," and "one of the best investments I've made in myself in a long time."

If you're ready for a change of pace, I hope you'll consider joining me on the RESET journey.

Important Dates:

Jan 18:
Registration opens

Jan 30: The course begins

There will be a special discount available only to people on this list for the first four days of registration. It will be for $40 off the regular booking price of $319. Keep an eye out: You'll see it in your inbox on January 18th.*

If you still have any lingering questions about whether the course is right for you, just hit reply. I'm happy to chat. : )

Much love,

* If the discounted price of $279 is still out of reach for you, see more details on sliding scale options here.

Hi, I'm Jocelyn, the human behind this email message. I created the RESET course from scratch based on my research and personal experience. I also host Hurry Slowly — a podcast about how you can be more productive, creative, and resilient by slowing down. You can contact me at any time by replying to this email. 🤓
A cosmic tune-up for your workday.
You are receiving this message because you signed up for more information about the RESET course.
Copyright © 2022 Hurry Slowly LLC, All rights reserved.

 Mailing address:
Hurry Slowly LLC
PO Box #832
Woodstock, NY 12498

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